Fan Fiction 1: I LIKE YOU, KWON! – Chapter 13

Title: I Like You, Kwon!


The Next Day, Gaya Hospital, Ga In’s Ward

It was really amusing to Ga In that her BEG unnies were waiting for Kwonnie to turn up the previous night. In fact, it almost felt like they were more anxious to see him than her. Thinking about that brought a smile to her face. As the minutes passed, they also seemed to get more nervous, like they were worried how Ga In would feel like she was being neglected. She was probably the calmest among the 4 of them when 8pm came and went without a squeak. They left soon after for their individual activites, each mumbling something about maybe Jo Seo Bang’s activity got delayed and asked Ga In not to worry too much.

Kwonnie finally called at 9pm and said that he was on his way. But seeing how late it was already, Ga In persuaded him not to make the trip to the hospital since he had had a long day. Initially, Kwonnie refused and insisted on going over, but he gave in when Ga In told him that she was tired and needed to rest and if he came, she would have to stay up to keep him company.

“Miss Ga In, how are you feeling today?” Her main surgeon, Dr. Yoo, was doing his daily rounds to check on his patients.

“I’m feeling great. In fact, I was going to ask you if I could be discharged from the hospital today?” Ga In said cheerfully.

“Today? Are you sure? Though you are healing well but if you were to be discharged, who’s going to look after you?” Dr. Yoo was concerned since he knew that the other members from BEG would not be able to tend to Ga In given their busy schedules.

“Oh! I won’t be staying at the dorm for a while. I’m moving back home for the next week and my mum would take care of me.” Ga In lied, knowing that would get her out of the hospital.

“If that’s the case, then I can arrange for you to be discharged this afternoon? I would ask the nurse to check on you for the next few hours and if there’s nothing worrying to be concerned about, then you can go home.”

“Thank you.” Ga In smiled at the doctor as he finished the check-up and left instructions for the nurse to monitor her stats for the next few hours. Ga In took out her phone and sent messages to her BEG unnies and Ong oppa, telling them that she was going to be discharged.

Her phone rang. It was JeA. Ga In quickly answered the call. “Ga In ah, you really want to be discharged so quickly? Who’s going to look after you?”

“I’m going back to my old residence and asked my neighbour for help. Unnie, please, I really don’t want to stay in the hospital anymore. I promise that I would take good care of myself and call all of you everyday.”

“Alright… but please leave us your address so that we can pop by whenever we can. And take care of yourself well.” JeA was worried as with the other 2 members who were with her when they received Ga In’s message. But from all accounts from Ga In, her neighbour had always looked out for her.

Seul Ong didn’t respond until he saw the message after his morning group activity. He replied to Ga In’s message, raising the same concerns that JeA had. But after Ga In gave him the same spiel about getting her neighbour’s help, he was relieved.  She then asked Seul Ong to come and help her move in the afternoon.

After getting the reply that he would come and help her in the afternoon, Ga In called Kwonnie.

“Yeo Bo~ How did your morning schedule go?”

Kwonnie was a tad surprised since he was always the one who called first but it felt good that his Yeo Bo was taking the initiative for once. His expression immediately brightened up.

“Yeo Bo~ Hearing your voice just brightens up my day. How are you feeling today? I would go visit you later ok? I would end my schedules today by 5pm so we can have dinner together.” Thinking about seeing Ga In made Kwonnie feel immense joy. He was a little resentful towards Hyo Rin yesterday for making him travel out of Seoul to meet her and caused him not to be able to see his Yeo Bo last night.

“Oh! I’m getting discharged from the hospital today. I’m moving back to stay with my mum while I recuperate.” One small lie begets another.

“Then can I go visit you at your mum’s place then? I really really really miss you and I really want to see you.” Kwonnie became a little panicky since he knew it would not be as easy for him to see Ga In if she were to move back home.

“Kwonah, I don’t think it’s wise for you to come over to my mum’s place to visit me. She would start wondering and I really don’t want her to…”

“Don’t want her to what? Don’t want her to know about me? Don’t want her to know about us? Yeo Bo~ What’s wrong with letting her know?”

Kwonnie interrupted, the thought that she did not want him to meet her mother irritated him but also made him realized that beyond the hospital ward where they have found happiness in each other’s arm, there were realities in the world they had to deal with as a couple.

Because she doesn’t exist, not in my life anymore, that’s why. Ga In thought quietly to herself.

“Look, it is still too early in our relationship to let anyone else know except people who works closely with us. I don’t want your appearance at my mum’s place to arouse the curiosity of the people living near. We really cannot afford to let our relationship be exposed at this moment, what with you and the other 2AM members doing so well. A scandal would be disastrous! Think about it. When the time is right, I would let you meet my mum, alright?

Reluctant as he was, Ga In did make a good point about how the exposure of their relationship might have greater repercussions. He was uncomfortable with the use of the word “scandal” to describe their relationship. How can something so beautiful be smeared with that horrible label?

“Alright… I understand… But you must promise to keep in touch ok?

On some level, Ga In wished that Kwonnie would put up a fight but she knew she had given him the best reason not to. After all, he was doing all this to make sure that he gained recognition and fame. He would definitely not want to get involved in a scandal at the moment.

“I will, I promise. I love you.”

“I love you too, Yeo Bo! Take care of yourself.”

With that, they ended the phone call. Ga In was discharged that afternoon and with Seul Ong’s help, moved back into the house she grew up in. Her neighbour was shocked to see her but she was relieved to know she was alright. Seul Ong asked the neighbour to help look out for Ga In during this period of time and left his number in case she needed to contact him. After helping Ga In clean the house and settle in, Seul Ong left. Ga In told him not to come visit her as well but promised to stay in touch with him. After all, she still needed to plan their upcoming trip. Seul Ong reminded Ga In again to remember to tell Kwonnie about the trip. Ga In gave him a reassuring smile and sent him on his way.

Writer’s note: A short chapter to bridge from the hospital to the next part of the story.

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8 Responses to Fan Fiction 1: I LIKE YOU, KWON! – Chapter 13

  1. wency says:

    hmmm… i get a suspicious feeling on how you might end this story… should I share my suspicion? 🙂

    • you could and risk me not going that way or you could wait and see. As to the end of the story.. I don’t even see it yet! I can tell you I know how the next part will go but I don’t really see the END of the story yet. It’s like writing for a drama series. You know the beginning and you know how it will eventually end but what goes in between leaves much to the imagination.

      • wency says:

        just curious if you are going to explain why Ga In wanted to be left alone in her old house.

  2. yobishi says:

    OMO, just realized Kwon know nothing about Gain past at all. Hope that all the conflict makes them to know more about each other. Since this is short, i hope the next chapter will be loooonnnnngg ehehehehe..

  3. claraity says:

    What the heck is she planning? Ugh~ I don’t like this one bit. AND, why does she want to stay alone in her old house? Doesn’t that place hold sadness and painful memories? AND, what kind of trip is she planning? Don’t like this one bit…not one bit. Curse you OBS! *Shakes fist*

  4. Angela says:

    OMG!! you story is soo good.
    although the plot is not all SWEET
    but i just love how the plot comes about!!!
    your story actually made my heart twitch and i can feel the hurt that Ga In unnie is feeling..
    your story is soo Jjanggg!!!!

    keep up the good work!!!

  5. haein08 says:

    now i’m not sure if what GaIn really feel or will do… she hurt? she planning something that will hurt Jo Kwon for a revenge?…AHHHH>>>>>>>My head aches!!!,,kk

    i’m getting curios more and more….

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