Fan Fiction 1: I LIKE YOU, KWON! – Chapter 12

Title: I Like You, Kwon!


The Next Day, Gaya Hospital, Ga In’s ward.

“So what time would you be here today?” Ga In was on the phone with Kwonnie first thing in the morning.

Kwonnie was about to say 4pm when he remembered that he was supposed to meet Hyo Rin for tea after his last activity that day. He could not postpone it as she had somehow managed to find out that he did not have any more activities after 4pm when she called to confirm the timing for the meeting the day before.

“Probably around 7pm? There was a change in my schedule since one of the activities was cancelled yesterday.” Kwonnie didn’t want to lie to Ga In but he also did not want her mind to wander into unwanted territory.

“Alright then. You work hard today too ok? Remember to eat! You can’t be skinnier than me!” She paused then added, “Jo Kwon, I love you. You have made me a very happy woman.”

Kwonnie smiled on the other end but could not help the pinch of guilt for lying to Ga In. “I love you too, Yeo Bo!! You’d better go rest. See you later!”

Ga In hung up and stared at her phone, remembering Kwonnie’s voice and their conversation. Even though his phone call woke her up, she really liked the feeling of waking up to his voice. She reflected on everything that had happened in the last 3 days. From being depressed about the discovery of Kwonnie’s “girlfriend” and her stomach tumour to this light-headed feeling of joy inside her, she cannot help but feel the universe works in a very strange way. With that, she went back to bed with a smile on her face.

That was how Seul Ong found her, with that slight smile and the feeling that all is right in her world, when he came 3 hours later. It was nearly lunchtime and he knew he had to wake her so she can have her lunch and have her medicine.

“Miss Son Ga In, please wake up now.” Seul Ong said as he nudged her to wake up. “Miss Son Ga In, you have to wake up now please.” He was actually holding in his laughter since this was the first time he addressed her so formally.

Ga In, having heard her Ong oppa’s voice, slowly woke up from dreamland.

“Miss Son Ga In, wake up please.” Seul Ong could not resist saying it one last time seeing that she was slowly waking up.

Upon hearing the formal greeting from her Ong oppa, she opened her eyes and did a double take to make sure that it was her always-rude-and-teasing Ong oppa who was addressing her in an extremely polite way.

“Ya! Im Seul Ong!! What are you doing, being polite and all? It gives me the chills! Stop it!” Ga In was equal parts annoyed and puzzled as to why he was behaving in such a manner.

“Miss Ga In, you are awake. Would you like me to get you something to drink? Are you hungry? The food will be served soon.”

Seul Ong continued his teasing and he knew that Ga In was about to burst into her tirade. He was just waiting for it to happen.

“IM SEUL ONG! I said stop it! This… This polite you is just so…” She couldn’t finish her sentence but instead held herself together and shivered.

He broke out laughing. Ga In started hitting his arm and he returned in kind. Ga In kept asking why he did that as she hit him.

“Because it’s different now.”

That stopped the both of them, their hands frozen in mid-air. The teasing mood a few seconds ago evaporated the moment the words were spoken. It was like a spell had been broken and they both looked away.

“What do you mean?” Ga In whispered meekly, even though she knew.

“Well, it’s different now because you have Kwonnie and I can’t be as close to you as I once was. That boy is still very inexperienced with this whole relationship deal and I do not want to give him too much grief. You do know that he feels insecure about the closeness we share right?”

Every word that came out from Seul Ong’s mouth was like a stab to his heart. Ga In was quiet for a while. She knew what her Ong oppa said was true but while she didn’t want to lose him, she knew she had to be considerate towards Kwonnie’s feelings too. Tears threatened to flow again but this time, she knew that she could not cry. She knew she needed to reassure Seul Ong that she would be fine.

“Oppa, I am very happy right now. I believe that Kwonnie will continue to make me very happy. So don’t worry about me ok? In fact,” Ga In added jokingly, “why don’t you get together with Narsha unnie since the two of you seemed so compatible?”

Remembering Seul Ong’s “proposal” to Narsha the day before caused Ga In to start laughing. Looking at the girl who’s laughing in front of him, eyes bright with unshed tears of hilarity, he smiled. Yes, Ga In, I can see you are very happy. Please continue to laugh this way. Always. I would watch from afar and make sure you will never stop laughing. He thought to himself and raised it as a prayer to the powers above to look after her.

“So, Miss Ga In, are you hungry right now? What would you like to eat? I heard that on the menu today, there’s either fish or chicken. So which would it be?” Seul Ong asked in the tone of a butler.

“Oppa, I appreciate the effort but honestly this really doesn’t suit you. Drop it!” She paused then went on, holding her laughter and putting on her most arrogant-chic look, “Fine, Butler Ong, I would like to have the chicken. Go and get it now!”

Both of them looked at each other and laughed. Seul Ong executed a fanciful bow and walked out in search of Ga In’s lunch.

After lunch, Seul Ong had to leave to run some errands and he also want to take the chance to visit his mother.

“So what time is Kwonnie going to be here later?”

“He said around 7pm.” Ga In answered non-chalantly, reading one of the fashion magazines she “ordered” Seul Ong to buy for her yesterday.

Strange, I thought his schedule ends at 4pm? Maybe there’s some last minute change. He shrugged and said his goodbyes to Ga In, telling her that he would be back around 4pm and if she wants him to bring anything, she would have to call her before that.

Looking up from her magazines, she said her goodbye to Seul Ong. After a while, she was a little tired and decided to rest a while. She sent a message to Kwonnie, asking if he had eaten and that she was waiting for him to visit. His reply was immediate.

“I want to see you NOW. :(“

“Me too… But you have to finish your schedules otherwise I would feel like a burden. So I’ll see you later alright? ^^”

“Ok, you better go rest. Love you! ^^”

Ga In smiled at the last message. It felt good to know that there’s someone who loves her so much and she can say she felt the same way. She was about to put her phone away and lie down to rest when there was a knock on the door. Thinking that it was strange since all the people who knew she was in this hospital were all at work and she was already done with the check-ups for the day.

“Come in please.” Ga In started to make herself comfortable on the bed since she’s got visitors. As her back was turned to the wall, she didn’t see the person who walked in.

“Ga In unnie, hello. Are you feeling better?”

Ga In froze. She turned her body slowly towards the door. It was really her. She thought her imagination was working overtime when she heard her voice. But it wasn’t her imagination. There she was, in the flesh, the person who caused her to almost lose Kwonnie – Raina.

“How did you know I was here?” It sounded rude but that was the first thing that came to Ga In’s mind.

“Oh, Kwonnie oppa told me.” Raina replied very innocently. I have my ways of finding out, there was a glint of delight in her eyes seeing Ga In’s confusion.

“Kwonnie told you I’m here?” Ga In was really puzzled at the moment.

Raina decided to go straight for the kill. “Unnie, you are really something aren’t you?”


“You are using your illness to win sympathy and to get Kwonnie oppa to care for you. What about the promise you made to me that you would not see Kwonnie oppa beyond the show?” Raina stepped forward, her tone took on a chill that caused Ga In to shiver.

“Kwonnie already told me everything. He told me he doesn’t have a girlfriend. Why did you lie to me?” Ga In decided that she would not be the weakling she was the previous time and confronted Raina.

So, Kwonnie oppa told her that he doesn’t have a girlfriend and she believed him. This makes it even more interesting. I would have to change strategy then. She thought to herself, her face not showing a single emotion. She knew something wasn’t quite right when she called Kwonnie oppa yesterday and he sounded… happy. It irked her that he could be this happy without her.

“I know. He told me.” Raina knew that this would arouse Ga In’s curiosity and her next question proved her right.

“He told you? Why would he tell you?”

“It’s all part of the plan.”

“What plan?”

“He realized that after I went to see you, you started to avoid him. He decided that he had to pretend to confess to you because if you continued acting the way you did, you will lose your popularity on WGM.”

“Then why did he allow you to come and see me?”

“Oh that…” She looked at Ga In in the eyes and gave a smile to signal that Ga In was so gullible. “He wanted to know if you have feelings for him. Your reaction when I told you I was his girlfriend said it all. When we knew that you have feeling for him, it made this part of the plan much easier to execute.”

Raina looked at Ga In and smiled triumphantly. Take that, how will you recover from that?

“You know Kwonnie oppa… after 8 years as a trainee and even after his debut with 2AM, he didn’t get the fame that he thought he would get. Being on WGM with you and becoming so popular and well known, not only in Korea but also internationally, wasn’t something he planned. But he’s an ambitious man. He cannot afford to let this trump card go to waste. You avoiding him were the last thing he would allow to happen. So he did the whole confession act and it worked. We knew it would work because you love him too.”

Ga In’s face paled several shades of white. She could not feel anything. Throughout Raina’s tirade about the grand plan, different emotions started to assault and mock her – Shock, Betrayal, Pain all fought for a piece of her mind and her heart. Love and Faith were trying their best to fight back but it was a losing battle.

It worked, Raina thought to herself. She couldn’t resist adding in the next bit of information.

“Alright, I got to go. I’m meeting Kwonnie oppa for tea. Get well soon.” She smiled, like a cat who have finally gotten the mice and was playing with it.

That caused Ga In to look up. “What are you talking about? Kwonnie said…”

“Ga In unnie, let me give you a piece of advice. Men, ambitious men, would say ANYTHING to get what they want. So, do take everything Kwonnie oppa says with a pinch of salt.” Without waiting for a response, Raina said her goodbye and left the ward.

The universe really worked in amazing ways, Ga In thought to herself. 15 minutes ago, she was just being grateful for finding the man that she loves and being loved in return. 15 minutes later, she realized that it was all an elaborate plan to use her. She really didn’t know how to react and allowed the numbness to take over her body.

“Remember that I love you and believe in me…”

Was it just two days ago that he said those words to me? Kwonah, I really want to believe… But…

With that thought, one single tear fell from her eyes. And none came after. Ga In continued staring into space, her mind wanting to blank out the last 15 minutes but it kept coming back to her.

As soon as Raina left the ward, she picked up her phone to call her Kwonnie oppa. She knew that his last schedule was about to end and she needed to catch him at the right time. She decided that she would change the venue of their meeting to some place further from the hospital. Let’s see how you are going to explain yourself. The call connected just as she ended her thought.

“Oh Kwonnie oppa!! I can’t wait to meet you! But I have to change the venue… This is where…” Her voice trailed off as she walked down the corridor.

Just as she was about to step out of the entrance of the hospital, Seul Ong arrived. He thought she looked familiar but until she heard him say “Kwonnie oppa”, he didn’t pay much attention. He took a closer look and finally realized who it was – Raina of After School. Or better known to him as Kwonnie’s secret girlfriend. What is she doing here? His answer caused him to walk a little faster towards Ga In’s ward. He wanted to run after Raina and demand an answer but he feared something has happened in Ga In’s ward and she was his first priority. Please, God, don’t let her laughter be taken away, he whispered a rushed prayer and hoped that it would come true.

Seul Ong knocked on the door and walked in. He looked at Ga In who was sitting on her bed with a smile. He looked a little closer. No tear tracks, in fact, no evidence of her even having shed a single tear.

Ga In looked at Seul Ong weirdly. “Ya! Is there something on my face? Why are you looking at me like that?”

Her voice revealed no sign of trauma, but she has always been good at hiding her feelings. He couldn’t ask about Raina directly, if not, she would know why he was looking at her in that manner. Then he noticed the fruit basket and flowers that was not there when he went off just now. This has got to be from Raina. I would use this to ask.

“Oh! Who gave you this fruit basket and flowers? They are so pretty! You got a visitor while I was gone?” Seul Ong tried to hide his anxiousness by fiddling with the ribbon on the basket.

Aigoo, Ong oppa is so funny when he’s trying not to be obvious about things. It’s killing him to ask me who visited me just now but he’s trying to be nonchalant about it.

“A friend.” Ga In replied simply.

“Do I know this friend? Is it some secret admirer that I should warn Kwonnie about?”

Ga In could hear the hidden message in there. So he already knew who came and expected me to be all crazed about it. Ga In smiled to herself.

“A very good friend. The visit was a very enlightening one. A little frustrating but definitely an enlightening visit.” Ong oppa, two can play the game.

“Anyway, Ong oppa, you promised to bring to a place, ANY PLACE, that I want to go when I’m feeling better right? I have decided on where I want to go.” Ga In said light-heartedly.

Seul Ong didn’t quite trust the front that Ga In was putting on. But he could see how the visit from Raina might not be a BAD thing since the misunderstanding between Kwonnie and Ga In had already been cleared up. It’s probably just his over-protectiveness acting up.

“Where do you want to go? I have to check my bank account to make sure I can afford it.” Seul Ong said jokingly, his mood slightly lifted although there’s still a nagging feeling something’s not quite right.

“When’s your next free day? We will need 2 days 1 night so make sure that you can clear your schedule.”

“2 days 1 night?!! Ok.. WHERE are we going? We are going to stay out for a night ALONE?” Seul Ong’s senses went into high alert. He looked at Ga In suspiciously. “Son Ga In! What are you up to?”

Ga In shrugged in her usual chic manner. “Don’t be such a girl. It’s not like we have not gone on such trip together. Just tell me when you are free and I will make the arrangement. I will give you the bill at the end of the day.”

It was true that it wasn’t the first time they went on a trip together but that was before they became artistes and well, before Kwonnie was in the picture.

“Are you serious about this? What about Kwonnie? Have you told him about it?”

“He doesn’t have to know everything in my life, just like I’m sure there are things in his life that I do not know of and probably never would. It’s something he needs to learn. Besides, he would have to get used to the fact that we would always be together because we are like siblings. Though not by blood but close enough, at least to me.” She looked at him as if asking for a consensus. And you would be by my side even if things does not work out with Kwonnie. She thought, a little melancholy sneaking its way in but she shook it aside.

“Ga In, this is serious. Our status as artistes and all that might be at stake if something leaks out. That’s ok with you?” Seul Ong was getting a little flustered by Ga In’s actions. She has never acted this way before. He would rather deal with tears and outright rage any day.

“Oppa! You promised!! Are you trying to back out now because I want a 2 days 1 night trip? Are you afraid of spending too much money? I thought I was more important to you than that. I knew it! I knew it! It was all just a lie!”

Ga In was going into her tantrum mode and Seul Ong knew not to let it get any further than this.

“ALRIGHT! We’ll go! But you will go tell Kwonnie that you are the one who wanted to go on the trip. I don’t want any misunderstanding to happen.”

“He will know.” Eventually, Ga In thought sliently to herself. “So, oppa, when can we go? Next week?”

“You sure you will be up to a trip next week? We can go early next week? Monday-Tuesday?” Since Seul Ong had cleared his schedule to look after Ga In, it would not be a problem finding time to go on the trip. Though it gave him an uneasy feeling, he knew that this might be one of the last trip he would go with her.

“Alright then!! I will make the arrangements and let you know where to meet me! I’m totally excited about the trip! Oppa!! Thank you!!!”

Ga In was truly excited about the trip. It is a place that she has always wanted to go. And she decided that she would go with her Ong oppa because she knew that the one person in the whole world who would never hurt her is her Ong oppa.

Writer’s note: I don’t know if you guys have ever experienced it before.. Your BFF getting attached and you don’t know what to do with yourself. Personally, I have experienced it once too many. I won’t apologise for giving Seul Ong – Ga In line of the story much more airtime. 😀

EDIT: Sorry for the re-edit. When I finished the initial Chapter 12, I did ask myself how I was going to resolve the conflict. But now I know. 🙂

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16 Responses to Fan Fiction 1: I LIKE YOU, KWON! – Chapter 12

  1. Mss89 says:

    I want to know how Kwon ‘ll resolve this ! (actually, how the original writter and you resolve this situation ) .
    keep up your hard work !

    • Won’t know about the original writer since this conflict was written in a different way in her story and Kwon and Ga In didn’t have what happened in chp 10 and 11. The ball is actually in Ga In’s court, the way I look at it. But that’s how I feel at the moment. Who knows how i feel in say 15 minutes time.. heehee ^^

  2. yobishi says:

    Kwonnie didn’t want to lie to Ga In but he also did not want her mind to wander into unwanted territory. OOOOhhh i hate him for having his own mind. For me a lie is a lie, unless you have really really good reason for it, otherwise it called betrayal. If Kwon told that he’ll meet Raina, then whatever Raina said won’t be matter coz Gain already knew all of it. He is diggin his own grave huhu.
    Trust is the most important thing in relationship, and it’s built by being honest. Kwonnah hope you’ll be able to fix this. Ooops getting emotional due to personal exp haha
    But then again it must be our evil writer that did this to play with our emotion hahaha 😀 .. I better rush and read chp 10 and 11 to bring back my happiness. Continue writinggg please hurry hurry ^^

    • I offered a reason: he’s new in this relationship deal.. hahahah ^^ But yes, I have to write it that way. Otherwise, nothing OBS do will be effective.
      I’m more interested in the reaction towards OBS. strangely… no one seemed to mind what she did… 😐

      • yobishi says:

        It’s not that i don’t mind, i hate her from the beginning. But can’t do anything about it. Bad girl will always be bad girl. The strong relation and trust between the couple is important so no one can come between them huhuhuhuu.. i get so involved in this fan fic. Pleasee don’t break my heart to long -.-

  3. yobishi says:

    you know, even Gain heart haven’t break yet since we don’t know what OBS planned to do next, and Kwonnie reaction. But i can already smell the evil and get sad. Strange haha…


    ahhh!why do u have to do this!i though it was just a slight evilish but this is too much evil!even me!it ruins my mood to!i was happy watching hk part 2 now ahhh!but dnt take this n a bad jst means ur awesome!:) but seriously!plsplsplspls!i want this to resolve already!i dnt wnat seeing them hate again..dat’ll break my heart!and GET OBS OUTTA HERE!i so wanna arggg her!ok prolly i’ll stop ranting now!:)…ty for the update!been waiting and why!?now i wanna know wat happened next but i think i’m not gonna read the next one until the whole chapter will be finished cuz i’m scared on the next one :(….

  5. REFRESH people! I have re-edited the Chapter 12!

  6. Kate says:


    That little (insert word here)!!! She gives me the creeps every time you put her in the story! She seems more of an evil stalker than of another idol! I can wring her neck just by reading more of her parts! It disappoints me also that Kwonnie told a little lie but I understand completely what his character is in your fics and I know things will get better about him. BTW I agree that you seem to be enjoying the rants we share here, in a twisted way I might say.. kekeke!

    Thanks again and cant wait for the next chapter!


    ahhh now u made me really read it!AGAIN!i’m like having a brainblast right now on what ur up to?pretty smart!no UR SO CLEVER EVIL!hahaha!i’m kind a caught up on what ur trying to do to resolve this problem but…ok i’ll jst wait again..but pls happy smile :)u know ur awesome!so dont make me say it!:)waiting……

  8. wency says:

    Hi there… finished reading this as I woke up early today (4:30 AM in Bangkok)… and I must say, very good writing, although I really don’t see Ga In being the untrusting and scheming type… She didn’t show this side of her during WGM… I am still curious how this twist will get resolved though… gosh, it’s like waiting for the next Harry Potter book… hehehe…

  9. yobishi says:

    Haha your additional story, I don’t know why but I kinda happy that she planning to spend time with ong (girls revenge) hihi. But I still can’t imagine how you solve this love quadruple. Hmm chapter 13 must be daebak. Pleaseee write it loooooooonnnnnnnger ^^. I’ll be waiting patiently

  10. claraity says:

    Everything was peachy-keen until OBS shows up and I had to go “Ugh!” Why is Ga In so gullible?! Can’t she tell OBS is lying? UGH! If what she said was true, she would have been smart enough to not tell Ga In their secret master-plan, so as to keep Ga In tricked and in love for the show. Ugh! Ga In! I really hope she doesn’t do something really rash on that trip with Seulong.

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