Fan Fiction 1: I LIKE YOU, KWON! – Chapter 14

Title: I Like You, Kwon!


3 Days Later, Ga In’s Former Residence

“JeA unnie, I’m going to visit one of my cousins today so I won’t be in touch for the next two days. Don’t worry about me, my cousin will take good care of me. Send my love and regards to Narsha unnie and MiRyo unnie! Love you!”

Ga In sent the first of the messages to inform the relevant parties in her life of her trip. Although she felt a little apologetic towards her BEG members for lying, she knew she had to do that.

“Kwonah, I’m going to visit some relatives with my mother for the next two days. I might not get any reception where I’m going so do not panic if you cannot contact me. Concentrate on your schedules but remember to think of me ok? ^^ Love you!”

She knew she would not get an immediate reply since he was recording SeBaKwi. In fact she purposely chose this time to message him so that he would not be able to reply. By the time he got the message, she would probably be on the way to her destination.

Just then, her phone rang. She saw who was calling and quickly picked up the call.

“Ong oppa!! Are you here?! Wait for me outside, I’d be out in a jifty!” The excitement in her voice was unmistakable. She was like a little child who had gotten exactly what she wanted for Christmas. She quickly went to her room to pick up her bag and put on a pair of sunglasses that was big enough to cover half her face. She probably didn’t need it but it always better to be on the side of caution. She picked up another smaller bag and walked outside to meet her Ong oppa.

“In ah, where are we going? Why do we need to bring our passports?” Ga In had been very elusive about where their trip was going to be. She just told him two days before to meet her at her place and bring along his passport.

“Oppa, don’t ask so much. As long as you have brought it along, that’s good enough. Come on, let’s go!!” She was about to walk out to the main road with him when she remembered something. “Wait! This is for you.” She handed the smaller bag to him.

Seul Ong took a look inside the bag and found a ski cap, a similar pair of sunglasses and some stick-on moustache. “What are these for?”

“Your disguise. Since you are so concerned about our status as artistes, I prepared these for you. Put them on.” The image of her Ong oppa after he put on the disguise floated into her head and she had to bite her lips so she would not laugh.

“Are you serious?” Ga In nodded her head. “What about you? Why don’t you have any disguise on?”

“Oh, I have the best disguise on.” Ga In looked extremely triumphant.

“I don’t see anything different about you except that I can’t really see your face behind those sunglasses. Is that all? If your disguise is not good enough, I’m not going to put these on” Seul Ong said, holding one of the stick-on moustache in his hand.

Ga In took out her sunglasses and looked up at Seul Ong. Seul Ong took a look and his jaw dropped.

“Isn’t this the best disguise?”

The mischievous glint was there, the innocent smile and the slight blush made Seul Ong’s heart skip a beat. It’s been a long time since he last saw this look. The last time he saw it was probably 5 years ago. He had almost forgotten how pretty she looked without all the make-up that she wore on stage. She was right. This was the best disguise. No one would recognize her.

“Put it on. I can see that I have won.”

Ga In took the moustache from Seul Ong’s hand, asked him to squat down so that she could help him with it. After that, she put on the ski cap for him and as a final touch, the gigantic sunglasses. The effect was exactly how she pictured it. She could not help the burst of laughter that broke out.

“Ya! Stop laughing! You are the one who thought of this disguise. Guess what, you would have to walk around with this funny looking person for the next two days!” Although Seul Ong felt extremely silly, but he knew that he would do anything to make sure that this girl beside him will always have laughter in her life. “Alright, can we go now?”

“Wait! I have to take a picture of this!” With that, Ga In took out the Polaroid camera that she had prepared for this trip and took a picture of her Ong oppa. “Alright! Let’s go!”

With that, they made their way to the main road, hailed a cab and told the cab driver to bring them to Gimpo Airport.

“In ah, are we going where I think we are going?”

Ga In looked at her Ong oppa and simply nodded. He remembered, something I told him as long as 8 years ago. She wiped the tears that welled up in her eyes and silently thanked God that she has her Ong oppa. She linked her arm with Seul Ong and snuggled a little closer. “Oppa, you are really the best!”

Seul Ong looked down at the girl who was leaning against him. Kwonah, sorry, but let me be selfish one more time and have these two days with her.

“Oppa, where did you tell your members you were going?” Ga In asked quietly.

“I told them I was going on a short trip with my long-time buddy from school.” Theoretically, it was not a lie. Ga In is his long-time buddy from school and he did not know their destination until now.

“Oppa, can I ask a favour? Would you mind being uncontactable for the next two days? Can you send your members a message and tell them that? I really want us to be able to spend these two days in peace. We don’t know when would be the next time we could do this. Please?”

Seul Ong could not see the sadness that creeped into Ga In’s eyes but her voice gave him a hint. He took out his phone and sent a message to Chang Min, asking him to tell the others that he’s going to be uncontactable for the next two days. After getting a reply from Chang Min asking him to have a nice trip, he switched off his phone. Ga In also took out her phone and switched it off.


On the other side, Kwonnie was having a break from his recording. He checked his phone and saw that he got a message from his Yeo Bo. He broke out in a smile but it was immediately wiped off when he saw what the message said. He could not explain the sense of foreboding that came over him. He quickly dialed Ga In’s number only to get the voice message that tells him that the number he just called is not in use. His mind started wandering until he told himself to focus on what he had to do. He picked up his phone and called Narsha.

“Narsha noona, do you know where did Ga In go?” Kwonnie asked immediately once the call was connected.

“She messaged JeA about visiting a cousin and that she was going to be uncontactable for the next two days. Didn’t she tell you?” Narsha was a little puzzled. She thought Ga In would have informed Kwonnie about her whereabouts, especially if she were going to be uncontactable.

“She did. I was just wondering if she told you exactly where she would be going.”

“She didn’t mention it but from the looks of it, it would seem like it’s the countryside. Don’t worry too much. If she’s with her cousin, they would make sure that she is alright.” Narsha tried to reassure Kwonnie.

“Alright. Thank you.” Kwonnie got off the phone with Narsha and was about to dial the next number when the stage manager from SeBaKwi peered into the dressing room and asked him to get ready. He looked at his phone one last time, took a deep breath to calm his mind and walked out to the studio.


“Korean Air Flight number KE1201 Domestic flight to Jeju Island. Passengers, please board the plane at Gate no.3”

“That’s our flight oppa, let’s go!” Ga In jumped up excitedly from their seat at the restaurant they were having lunch in and started walking off.

“Ya! Slow down! I’m the one carrying all the bags. Aren’t you a little too much to make me pay for the trip AND I also have to carry your bags for you?” Shaking his head, her child-like behaviour brought a smile to his face.

Ga In stopped and waited for Seul Ong to catch up with her. Once he reached her side, she linked her arms with his again, “But oppa, you said you would bring me ANYWHERE I wanted to go. Too bad, you can’t go back on your word now. It’s too late!” She did her eye-smile and stuck out her tongue.

“You don’t fight fair. Alright let’s go. Thank goodness I only have one “sister”. Otherwise, no matter how hard I worked, I would still not have enough money!”

Ga In just grinned and walked towards the gate to board their flight.


“Kwonah, who are you trying to call for the past 5 minutes?” Chang Min asked after he saw Kwonnie getting more frustrated with each failed phone call.

“Seul Ong hyung.”

“Oh, Seul Ong went on a trip with his buddy from school and said that he would be uncontactable for the next two days.” Chang Min replied.

“He would be uncontactable for the next two days? Going on a short trip? Did he say where he’s going?” Is this merely a coincidence, both of them being uncontactable for the same amount of time? Kwonnie could not help feeling uneasy about this whole situation.

“He didn’t say where he’s going, just that he was going to be with his buddy from school and uncontactable for the next two days. What’s wrong?” It was unlike Kwonnie to be this unsettled and these days when it involved Seul Ong, there was this unspoken connection to Ga In as well.

“Nothing. I wanted to ask him something but since he cannot be contacted, there’s nothing I can do.”

Kwonnie tried to push the uneasiness away and remembered his own words to Ga In.

“Remember that I love you and believe in me…”

“Yeo Bo, I’m going to trust that you feel the same way.” Please let her feel the same way, otherwise… He had to stop himself from completing the thought. She feels the same. He reassured himself one last time and went to bed.

Writer’s note: The next few chapters won’t be long but hopefully they would be fast in coming to me. 🙂

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4 Responses to Fan Fiction 1: I LIKE YOU, KWON! – Chapter 14


    ahh ty ur so fast!i’m hating gain n this part!kwonie is getting hurt!gosh!GaIn u broke ur promise about believing in him!and ONG!!!i love u and all but argg!gosh!ty this is making me crazy!sigh!i read it again 🙂

  2. yobishi says:

    Gain i hope what you did is for a good reason. If that so, have a nice trip with ong oppa. ^^

  3. wency says:

    scheming Ga In… hmmm… the feeling is the same as when they went to dub WFIL… hehehe… is Ga In trying to teach him a lesson… and Kwonnie’s reaction is spot on… he can’t lose his composure just yet… 🙂 but now I want to read the next one already 🙂

  4. claraity says:

    Hmm~ If her plan is to see how he reacts…to see if he truly does care for her…*sigh* I don’t know. We’ll see what happens. My heart can’t take too much abuse!

    BTW: Seulong with a fake mustache reminds me of his real mustache. He can just grow one in half a day. Heh heh!

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