Fan Fiction 3: Memory [One Shot]

Author: _mino

Title: Memory

Gain smiled back as she see the person standing outside of the recording studio. She put down her headset and walked out to be greeted by his care. She gulped down some water, towel to wipe the sweat on her forehead and handed it back to JoKwon. Both walked out of the studio with hats & glasses on then drove away. They reach to the top of a moutain and Gain wonder why out of all place it must be the mountain he takes her to everytime they met privately. Then it hit her when he asked her to open a well wrapped gold box.

That thing. That weird looking thing was hers.
It was what she gave to the little boy she found crying on the street who no one cares for,
the little boy that she became friends with,
the little boy whom she’d shared her secrets with,
the little boy that protects her when she’s being bullied,
the little boy whom have a scar on his stomach because he wanted to protect her.
the little boy …
that stole her first kiss and her heart.

“Ho-how-where did you get this?” she stares at it unbelieving that it’s now here in front of her.

“I have come back, my precious” he whispered and it was all it took for her to break down

Jokwon gathered her in his arms and whispered nothing but sincerely apology.

3 hours.
that’s how long it took him to comfort her and now she’s resting on his chest, holding onto the stuff animal.
She was still the little girl he came to know and be friends with – strong on the outside but vulnerable inside.

Fate must have been good to him to have let them met, and become husband and wife on reality show.
And that’s how he was able to confirm that she was that little girl that took his breath away,
the little girl that have his heart racing,
the little girl that he’s willing to give everything for,  just to be with her.
The little girl that he unwillingly left to keep his promise. But from now on, he would bring her nothing but happiness.
He smiled at the thoughts of making it offically between both families since her mother seems fond of him.

JoKwon dipped down to kiss her hair. “I’ll never leave you again. I promise you that”

He press her thumb with his and entwine their pinkies together

Then he signed – “Jokwon ❤ GaIn” on her palm then bring it up and kiss it.

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6 Responses to Fan Fiction 3: Memory [One Shot]

  1. yobishi says:

    He press her thumb with his and entwine their pinkies together

    Then he signed – “Jokwon” on her palm and he picked up her finger to sign – “Son GaIn” on his.

    Hehehee I like this, this is our Adams trade mark, cuteeee ^^
    But, what’s is it inside the box?

    Write more ^^

  2. angelineluv says:

    that’s how long it took him to comfort her and now she’s resting on his chest, holding onto the stuff animal.
    So cuteee ^^

  3. adamcouple says:

    this is really cute. but i’m a little confused. who’s the little boy.. kwon ? did kwon steal her first kiss and get a scar on his stomach o-o .. and what does the stuffed animal mean to them ? they’re reuniting right…><

    sorry im a little slow on these things. ^^

    • `Niiie says:

      from what I read.
      Kwon is the little boy. and lols iono the significant meaning of the stuffed animal. My guess is that he gave it to her before he left lols

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