Fan Fiction 2: WE GOT SEPARATED – Chapter 3

Title: We Got Separated

By: Anderei @ Soompi




“Eeew f*cking hypocrite acting all conservative!”

“But that man’s gay right?”

“Is that all? Did they f*ck? Show us the next clip!”

“Of course they did! Gain’s a bomb! Hot fudge!”

“Yeah baby! F*ck me! S*ck me next!”

After reading all the netizens’ angry responses against her at another portal site, Gain gulped down the last drops of the tonic drink that helped her feel a bit better. Stoic, the fallacy of her emotions got tougher by reading various prickling articles, bashing commentaries, and immense condemnation of her.

She smiled despite the worried stares of Gain’s unnies. She just couldn’t let them feel this way. The pain was all hers for the taking. Like a true masochist, she endured the pain all this while solely, putting on a facade for everyone to see.

It’s been weeks after the clip circulated the net. Her phone got bombarded by messages from her parents, the manager, the president; friends came over but she entertained neither one of them; the media her stalked 24/7 and so did the deranged anti-fans who terrifyingly pledged to rip out her hair, kill her even, if given the chance whatsoever.

She hid from everybody else, if she could disappear she gladly would.

But hiding days needed to stop.

Flashes. All the camera flashes were blinding and hurtful for the first time. The attention she’s receiving was nothing she had ever prepared herself for, now that she’s finally out of her sanctuary. Looking down the moving floor, she felt filthier, more hideous. Recklessly pushing through the swarming media along with their security officers, BEG unnies and their manager surrounded Gain in a bitter attempt to protect her. Outside, sardonically, the cloudy, murky skies seemed to share the same agony Gain’s into at this point in time.

Depression dawned upon her more as she saw fuming picketing fans who has gone all the way to their dorm just to call her slut, liar, hypocrite, f*cking machine etc. Gain was weakened bit by bit, by the drama of it all; the angry deafening noise, flood of crazy banners and placards, the endless clicks and flashes of cameras; all of it a complete chaos. At this, her already weak and shaky knees eventually failed to keep her up. She went down in dire weakness, dizzy from the entire catastrophe.

Next thing she knew, they were already in the van, moving away, the hell how she got there was of no clue.

Gain looked back; the blur of people fading fast seemed all like a distant dream to her.

Tears she fiercely held back for too long fell finally.


The last day of recording for We Got Married was slowly approaching. They could have stayed longer, but the scandal rushed everything to its end. Gazing longingly at the setting sun brought sadness to Kwon’s heart, for he believed that this marked the end of everything between him and Gain; that the whole husband and wife act would be all done with once the cameras stopped rolling.

Work is work; every entertainer earning their keep from the world of showbiz knows that. He’s greatly astounded to see Gain film to the last part. Walking towards the dressing room, her head up high, she looked everyone in the eye in heightened confidence. Kwon’s heart constricted as his gaze instinctively followed after her. Somehow, he could see through Gain, how awful everything must have been for her ever since that night when…

What he did then was stupid.

As a way of retribution for all the deception Gain and Seulong has put him through, he deliberately did what he had to do at the fire exit not long ago. His last words to her awarded him a painful slap on the face and that woke him from his feverish anger. Like being splashed with cold water, he suddenly realized how they are a fake couple after all, that this is all about Gain’s pride he supposed. He, as her fake husband, should act like one till the end. Thus, Kwon flirting with another girl must have been seriously demeaning to Gain, leading her to act that way back at the fire exit.

He wasn’t betrayed. He didn’t own her in the first place. They have an image to protect, their married image. That’s all he bitterly thought to himself that night.

But time cleared his mind. He realized how Gain must have been in-love with him too. She couldn’t have trusted him with her kisses; it’s simply just not her. He went to Seulong not long after the party ended, and God, how it crushed his heart to learn that there’s nothing going on between his wife and his friend.

But things have already happened. He has hurt her.

The pain he caused her never ceased to an end. The scandal came. The torture Gain’s in made Kwon writhe in pain inside too. He tried to speak out, but the management silenced him. All this while they both shared the pain in secret and what’s heartbreaking was that nothing could be done to heal each others’ wound.

Impeding his line of thoughts, someone from behind teasingly clasped his or her hands above his eyes. Uninterested, Kwon just stood there motionless, resembling a statue. He hadn’t intended to look funny but it turned out that way with total effortlessness. This sent sweet giggles from a familiar voice. Hae-rin who playfully slapped Kwon’s arm, smiled at him and presented him with a nicely wrapped gift that she had taken out from her pocket. Shortly after, Kwon was seen happily gobbling the chocolate in joyful wonder. Just what I needed right now, he thought to himself.


Thanks to Hae-rin.

“Oppa, do you like it?”

“Very much.” His smile brought a bigger smile to OBS’s lips. Slyly, she grabbed hold of Kwon’s hand, brought the last of the chocolate quickly to her mouth. Hae-rin was rapturous, like she was able to taste Kwon’s lips by eating what was left. She even stuck out her tongue, half-jokingly pretended to lick the chocolate drippings in Kwon’s fingertips which made the latter jerk his hands away. They both laughed lightheartedly, unmindful of everyone around them.

However, a bit later, Hae-rin broke into cold sweat, looking sickly all of a sudden. She suddenly became aware of the surrounding and one woman’s gaze caused her heart to stop beat for a beat. She realised that she was in the dressing room for We Got Married. Seulong had told her where Kwon was and all she did was to happily went along with her inner desires to be with him. But never did it cross her mind that what Kwon’s filming at the moment was actually…

“You’re here filming for WGM? But oppa… you c-can’t be here. Unnie shouldn’t be here either…”

“Why shouldn’t I be here?” sarcasm mixed with amusement reverberated from Gain’s voice. She had gotten up from her seat and was standing so close to Hae-rin that her breath touched the latter’s nape; making the hair at the back of her head stand.

Distraught, Hae-rin’s eyes darted worriedly across the room, as if in search of refuge, like a mouse caught under a cat’s paw.

“Unnie, I… I thought you’d be…” she was immediately cut off by Gain who had a disturbing smile on her face.

“Dead by now if not bed-ridden and hospitalized? Don’t be silly. I don’t happen to be THAT weak, you know.”

“I guess so, unnie…” OBS almost choked on her words, disbelief tearing its way through to her failing demeanor.

“What’s with the passionate kissing crap and stuff anyway? What’s it to everybody else if we made out that night? People are just making a fuss out of nothing, really, right Kwon?”

No one dared say a word. Hearing those words come from Gain was just unbelievable.

“Kwon got applauded for being ferocious that night. That ought to say he’s man enough right? Plus our first time got itself recorded; everything’s been great for the two of us, really.”

“Noona… I…” speechless and thoroughly embarrassed, Kwon averted his eyes from Gain’s; his heart beating erratically as flashes of him possessively kissing his wife went flying in his head.

But you never had sex!” Hae-rin defiantly cried out, her innocent eyes went from nervous to vicious.

“We did.”

“No way! I saw you both through the security camera! You even slapped…” stopping short, blood drained from Hae-rin’s face. Her ferocious eyes went scared stiff, what’s been said she can’t take back.

“Now how in the heavens did you know about that?” Gain asked surreptitiously, her glare went more terrifying. Her instincts never fail to impress herself.

“W-what do you mean? I just said that I saw the clip and…”

“Why did you do that to me?” almost sounding like a purr, Gain’s whispered query was frightening.

“I-I don’t know w-what you’re talking about.”

“You know that I’ve slapped Kwon. That was never included in the clip.”


At last, the separation.

The last scene started filming. They were at Gain’s paradise, a garden granting haven to various creations of God that she love so much; the plants, the blooms of different colors each diverse in their own beauty, the falling leaves who got to dance from the gust of air. Butterflies gracefully flew past above their heads and so does the birds who cheerfully sang to them; but all are oblivious to how empty Gain and Kwon feels.

They’re supposed to tell their last goodbyes on that lovely place. Kwon randomly talked about things not relating to letting go, tried to live up the mood with his quirky personality that Gain loved so much.

Kwon desperately held back words pertaining to separation; he couldn’t bring himself to say thank you for everything they’ve shared all throughout the filming of WGM. He couldn’t say live well, he couldn’t even speak the words see you around. He just can’t say goodbye to her no matter how hard he try.

But realization just can’t impede itself from sinking in. Even if he try to correct things between them, all would be the same. Each one’s career will be at risk no matter how you look at it. People would always disapprove, even the ones they believed would understand despite what. They can never be an ordinary couple for fans and anti-fans would go stalking them. It’s sad, but that’s the life of a celebrity life.

Gain broke the silence. Walking hand in hand, Kwon’s grip to her hand’s gone tighter as he listened to her parting words.

“Thank you for everything Kwon-ah. I had a wonderful time being with you,” with that Gain hugged Kwon in an attempt to make him realize how she wanted to stay with him despite what he did to her when they first kissed; despite keeping silent amidst the turmoil he’d cause in her life. She could do so much for him, if only he’d tell her not to leave.

He could doubt her, mistrust her and hurt her for all crazy notions that he has but all of them would mean insignificant to her as long as she’s with him.

Kwon hugged her even tighter when she first tried to break free from the embrace. Gain waited for Kwon to say what she wanted to hear yet no word escaped his mouth.

In the end, Gain eventually freed herself from Kwon despite her inner self’s struggle to stay, to remain exactly where she was, in his arms. She turned her back at him, made her steps unhurried but sadly, as she reached the doorway, no Kwon went coming after her.


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12 Responses to Fan Fiction 2: WE GOT SEPARATED – Chapter 3

  1. yobishi says:

    Aaarrrggghh, I’m so angry now, that that that hae rin girl should really becarefull, I’ll kill her. Don’t worry gain, this nunna will always by your side, we’ll protyect you. Gosh, Korean fans are really cruel, is it happend in real too? But no, our Adam won’t get such antifans, we all love them if they show us their skinship hehehehe.

    Really can’t wait what happened next, I hope she get hit by a car (you know who) .\/.

    And tomorrow is our Adan day Hongkong part 2 yayyyy ^^

    • wency says:

      wow… you seem to have felt that it was all real… hehehe… just goes to show how good the writers and editors are… i felt the same way you felt… if i were Seul Ong or any of the 2AM hyungs, i would’ve slapped at Kwonnie’s head and told him to do something… he has always defied convention anyway, why stop now?

      • Actually I would have liked to know what Kwon’s reaction is to finding out that it was Hae-rin who circulated the clip. SOMEONE should come to the rescue! like over-heard and then create a scandal about Hae-rin.. hahahahhaha!! ok. that’s just me!

  2. secret says:

    yosibi , your comment’s so funny.
    Thanks Anderei.
    difficulties, barriers will make their love stronger, deeper !


    argg!i’m pissed!i shouldnt feel this way cuz wgm is airing tom!gosh!arggg!is there a happy ending or is this the end!pls don’t say it’s the end i want happy ending!

  4. Kate says:


    i was shocked at first few phrases! i was wondering if i was reading the couple fan fic!!! i almost fell to the floor seeing those words!

    that little (insert word here) needs to have a little beatdown!! uhh! so pissed right now! please make sure something happens to her (hit by falling props on the set, hit by a car…) i know this is a fan fic but i just cant get the rage out of my mind because of the (insert word here)..

    kwonnie is disappointing here, he never held back before so why now!!! even if his management said something he always did otherwise! i could have smacked his head too for being like that! aish! babo!

  5. S says:

    I loved the hot action in Chapter 2! Was really looking forward to this next chapter. 🙂

    Glad that the misunderstanding between Gain and Seulong was cleared up. Phew. And I hope Kwon does something about the evil Hae Rin soon! 😀

  6. hoami189 says:

    Agrrrrrr… Angry and upset is all i feel now after reading this chapter… Evil Hae-rin!!!! I hate her… Why Kwonnie could have any feeling with this evil girl??? Just drag her to hell!! >.< I hope the next chapter will be a little more brighter…

  7. Anderei says:

    i’m so happy reading all of your posts..thank you for loving and hating my fan-fic to the point of killing one of my characters… 🙂 i do hope i’ll be able to cook up something brighter next time 🙂

    thank you so much to all of you!!!

  8. adamholic says:

    haha…I actually read this backwards from chapter 3 to chapter 1. the only thing I read in the correct order was the prologue. I’m enjoying this story. I guess I should feel angry about hae rin, too, but unless this story is actually moving toward an unhappy ending, there’s no point.

    I love how you portrayed Ga-In. I got a little confused near the end of chapter 3, though because you didn’t show kwonnie having any reaction towards what hae rin really did…wasn’t he there during the conversation when ga-in got hae rin into revealing the truth? or are you going to reveal it in the next chapter?

  9. claraity says:

    Oo~ How come Kwon nor anyone else in the room say or do anything about OBS’ slip-up? I wonder what happens now that the show has ended? *off to do more work before coming back for chapter 3*

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