Fan Fiction 1: I LIKE YOU, KWON! – Chapter 11

Title: I Like You, Kwon!



Kwonnie woke up in the morning, with a smile on his face as he recalled every single detail of what happened last night in Ga In’s ward. He picked up his phone to send a message to Ga In.

“Yeo bo~~ Good morning! ^^ I woke up with a smile, remembering everything that happened last night. Thank you. I will go and visit you later in the afternoon after my activities. Call you later. Love you!”

The reply was almost instantaneous. Kwonnie smiled, thanking the heavens that everything was back to normal. While he was a little disturbed by the fact that someone tried to sabotage his relationship with Ga In, he did not give much thought to it.

“Yeo bo~ Work hard today! I’d wait for your phone call later ^^”

“Did you forget something?” Kwonnie sent a reply.

“What do you mean? Oh yes, can you ask Ong oppa to buy me some magazines when he comes by later? He would know which ones I like. Thanks!”

Kwonnie could not take it anymore. He dialed her number and was going to give her a scolding but the moment the call was connected, Ga In was the first to speak.

“I love you.”

Kwonnie broke out in a smile that battled the bright sunlight streaming in from his windows. “Yeo bo~”

“I wanted to hear your voice. Promise me, always call me when you wake up. I don’t want a message because I can’t hear your voice. Messages are fine for the rest of the day but I want to start and end my day with your voice alright?”

Ga In’s voice reflected the joy and love she felt for Kwonnie. Anyone who hears this voice would never believe it came from Ga In’s mouth but they would know for sure that she’s definitely in love with the person on the other end of the line.

“Alright, I promise. If you need anything, just give me a call later ok?” Kwonnie paused, “Son Ga In, I love you!” He smiled, because he knew Ga In was also smiling on the other end. “Alright, I got to go and prepare to go out for work. See you later, Yeo bo~”

With that, both of them hung up. Kwonnie walked into the living room with a bounce in his step and a big broad smile as he thought of how Ga In manipulated him to call her. “Master of push-pull, she definitely deserves the title.” He thought to himself.

He saw Seul Ong in the living room and went up to him. The hostility that had been shrouding their interaction seemed to have been lifted. “Seul Ong hyung, Ga In asked you to buy her some magazines when you go and visit her later. She said you would know which are the ones she likes.” Kwonnie said in his usual chirpy voice.

Seul Ong looked at Kwonnie strangely. Love really shows, he thought to himself. He could literally see the aura of love radiating from the whole of Kwonnie’s being.

“Ya! I’m still recovering from the pain so don’t be such a show-off! It’s DISGUSTING!! Why can’t she ask YOU to buy her the magazines?” Though this was what he said, he cannot help but be happy for Kwonnie. Belatedly he realized that when he goes to the hospital later, he’s going to have to deal with another lovebird.

“Because you are going to be there first. You did ask to be freed from your schedules to go look after her. Remember to get the magazines, otherwise she’s going to nag at both you and me!” Kwonnie said gleefully then walked off to the kitchen to eat the breakfast that Chang Min had prepared for them.

Looking at Kwonnie’s back, Seul Ong wondered if he would ever find that kind of joy that Kwonnie is feeling right now. He has always looked upon Ga In as his happiness. He was being truthful when he said he would be happy as long as she gets the happiness she deserves even if he was not the one providing it. But what’s going to happen to him now? With a sigh, he walked towards his room to change to go to the hospital.


Ga In’s Ward

Narsha was on duty to look after Ga In that morning as all her activities were in the afternoon. She had overheard Ga In’s phone conversation with Kwonnie. She was happy for Ga In because she knew that Ga In was really happy. How could anyone doubt that? But she also knew, in this 3-party waltz, someone was hurt while the other two danced the night away. She was a little worried about how Seul Ong was coping.

“Ya! Can you be kinder to your unnie here? I’m much older than you and I don’t have a boyfriend so please don’t do the whole lovey dovey phone conversation in front of me! It’s nauseating!” Even though her words were harsh but she said it in a teasing manner.

Ga In looked at Narsha and gave her a big grin, “Unnie!! Is this how people in love feels? Like there’s this big balloon inside of me and I’m just floating”

Narsha shot her a warning look and then broke into laughter with her. This smiling and laughing Ga In was definitely a better sight than the zombie who possessed Ga In the last two weeks. She knew her next question was going to puncture the balloon inside Ga In but she knew she had to ask.

“Ga In ah, what are you going to do about Raina?”

The reaction was instantaneous. Ga In’s joy simply left her. She looked at Narsha and wanted to feign ignorance. But she knew it was of no use since Narsha had always been the sharp one among her unnies.

“I’m not going to do anything except trust what Kwonnie said to me, that he does not have a girlfriend. Maybe Raina was just mistaken about how Kwonnie felt for her.” Ga In shrugged the nagging feeling away. “Unnie, don’t worry. I believe in Kwonnie. It would be alright.”

Narsha nodded, though she had a bad feeling this was not the last they would hear of Raina but she was not about to cause Ga In any more worry since she was still recovering from her operation.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Seul Ong opened the door and entered. “Ya! Son Ga In! How dare you order me around, asking me to buy you magazines and all?!” He said the moment he entered.

He had been standing outside the door for the last 10 minutes, trying to compose himself. He had to remind himself that now, his role was only that of Ga In’s brother. But unknowingly, he also overheard the conversation about Raina and deduced that Raina was the girl who had confronted Ga In and pretended to be Kwonnie’s girlfriend. His first reaction was to go and wring the neck of that pesky girl for daring to cause his Ga In so much pain. But he calmed himself down and decided his priority was Ga In.

“Oppa! Thank you!” Ga In took the magazines that Seul Ong was passing to her and gave him his eye-smile. She knew that he would not continue to be annoyed the moment he saw that smile.

Darn! She knew exactly what to do to diffuse my annoyance. Seul Ong thought to himself. He noticed Narsha was looking at him strangely. He turned and gave her a smile. He knew what Narsha was trying to say without words so he reassured her the only way he could.

“Has this girl been as irritating as Jo Kwon, strutting around like the whole world now belongs to them because they are so in love?” Seul Ong asked, his attempt to show that everything was ok by teasing Ga In.

“Oh yes! It’s totally irritating and frustrating!” Narsha said indignantly.

“Noona, let’s run away and start a relationship too and let these two have a taste of their own medicine!” Seul Ong said jokingly, laughing at the thought of being Narsha’s boyfriend and how they would irritate the two lovebirds.

“Ya! You don’t tempt noona! I might just accept it!”

Seul Ong opened his arms in invitation. “Come on, noona! You know you want to!” The sight was so funny that Narsha laughed so hard that she had to hold on to the chair lest she fall to the ground.

“Noona! Is that a rejection? You have hurt me so bad!!” Seul Ong continued his dorky play-acting.

The two of them were having so much fun that they didn’t really notice that Ga In’s expression had dimmed a little. She remembered what she said to Seul Ong the day before about him finding someone someday. Even though she knew that they were playing around, she knew that one day, her Ong oppa’s arms would not be just hers anymore.

Realising that Ga In was not responding to the funny scene in front of her, Seul Ong turned to look at her. He could not quite understand the look on her face. “In ah, you feeling alright? Is your wound causing you pain?” He asked, immediately stopping his dorky acting and moved forward to make sure she was alright.

Ga In looked at Seul Ong, tears were swimming in her eyes. That shocked Seul Ong and he moved to sit next to her on the bed. “What’s wrong? Are you in pain? What can I get you?”

Ga In moved forward and put her arms around Seul Ong’s neck. “Oppa…” Ga In just started crying without warning. That caught both Seul Ong and Narsha by surprise and they really did not know how to react.

“In ah, what’s wrong?” Then Seul Ong realized that the scene he just acted out with Narsha was something that had caused Ga In to be nervous the day before because she didn’t want to be thrown away when he found someone.

“Silly girl, if this is about me leaving you, I already said that I’m sticking by your side until you found someone. Even if you have Kwonnie right now, I’m not going to leave. He’s still under probation! Is that why you are crying?”

Ga In didn’t let go of Seul Ong. She just nodded. She knew she was selfish for holding on to her Ong oppa when she already found her happiness with Kwonnie. But she was not ready to let her Ong oppa go just as yet.

“Oppa… I know I’m being selfish but I cannot let you go just as yet. Ok?” Ga In whispered when she finally stopped crying.

“Silly girl, I will be here for as long as you need me. Don’t worry about it ok?” Seul Ong leaned back and released her. He had to wipe off the tears from Ga In’s face before he got carried away and forgot his resolve to let go of her. He patted Ga In’s head and gave her a smile. “Aigoo, you are really such a crybaby. Does Kwonnie know that?”

“What am I supposed to know?” Kwonnie stepped through the door. There was a last minute cancellation of his activities so he thought he would surprise Ga In by coming to the hospital before his next activity. He arrived just as Seul Ong was doing his play-acting with Narsha. He had wanted to go in and join in the good fun when he realized that Ga In wasn’t laughing along. He witnessed the whole scene, of how Ga In held onto Seul Ong and started crying. He would be lying if he said he didn’t feel insecure. But he knew that just as it was difficult for Seul Ong to let go of Ga In immediately, the same goes for Ga In. It did hurt a little that she didn’t think that he was enough but he consoled himself by telling himself that he had not really shown Ga In that he could be trusted and depended on. He resolved to change that before he stepped into the ward.

Kwonnie’s voice and appearance caught everyone in the ward by surprise. Narsha was the first one to recover. “Oh! Kwonah! You are here!”

Seul Ong got up from his position on the bed, gave Ga In’s head one last pat and gave her a smile of reassurance.

“Narsha noona, let’s go dating! These two probably want the whole ward to themselves to whisper all the sweet nothings! Let’s not stay and suffer. Come, let me buy you lunch! What would you like?”  Seul Ong moved towards Narsha and stretched out his hand for Narsha to accept his invitation.

“Ya! Don’t go too far! Let’s just go! Lunch is on you!” With that, Narsha slapped Seul Ong’s hand away and pushed him out of the room. She was rather shaken at the scene she just witnessed between Ga In and Seul Ong. She knew that Seul Ong was very serious about his role as Ga In’s guardian but she didn’t realize that the extent of the reliance that Ga in has on Seul Ong.

The ward was silent after Seul Ong and Narsha left. Kwonnie moved forward to take up the space that Seul Ong vacated just a moment ago. He pushed the feeling of being Seul Ong’s substitute away from his mind and gave Ga In a bright smile.

“So you are a crybaby? I really didn’t know that. Is there a remedy for that? Do I give you your favourite lollipop whenever you start to cry?” Kwonnie said teasingly.

“I will not cry in front of you.” Ga In said with such finality, it made Kwonnie a little uneasy and angry.

“Do you mean to say that you think it’s ok for you to cry and show your weakness to Seul Ong hyung but it’s not alright for you to do that with me? Why? Is it because I’m younger than you?” Kwonnie couldn’t stand the thought that Ga In still did not see him as someone she could rely on.

Ga In smiled. This boy is so easy to manipulate.

“Why are you smiling? Is it really that funny?”

“Aigoo, you silly boy!! I will not cry in front of you because I know you won’t make me sad. Remember, you promised to be my happiness. I take that to mean you would never allow me to cry tears of sadness. And if you are really my happiness, then I would not have a reason to go cry in Ong oppa’s arms anymore.” Ga In reached out and held Kwonnie’s hand.

Upon hearing Ga In’s explanation, the fist that was squeezing Kwonnie’s heart since the moment he saw Ga In falling into Seul Ong’s arms and started crying loosened its hold. “Son Ga In! That was really mean! I really thought…”

Ga In put her finger on Kwonnie’s lips to stop his tirade. She leaned in, and kissed him lightly on the lips. She was about to lean back when Kwonnie held her head capture and he moved in to capture her lips. Her initial shock that had caused her to stiffen was dispelled by his kiss. The two exchanged a passionate kiss and only stopped when they had to come up for breath.

“Are you sure you have never kissed anyone before?” Ga In teased Kwonnie when she saw that he was blushing.

“Are you saying that I am very skilled at it?” Kwonnie, despite being embarrassed by what they have just shared, was not going to lose in this round of verbal exchange.

“You did alright I guess…”

Kwonnie was about to protest when Ga In kissed him again on his lips and leaned away quickly.

“I think I have just found a way to stop you from nagging at me!”

“If this is your way, then I must find more chances to nag at you.”

The two of them exchanged a look and then smiled at each other.

“Yeo bo~ I’m feeling a little tired, rushing from my activities to give you this surprise. Can I lie down for a while?”

Without waiting for Ga In to agree, Kwonnie quickly lay down beside her. Ga In was going to shout at him to get up when he patted the arm that he had put out onto the pillow. When she hesitated, he used his other hand to pull her down.

“Ya-!” Ga In was about to shout at Kwonnie when he put his arm around her waist. They were lying face-to-face, each could feel the other’s breath on their face. Kwonnie laid a chaste kiss on her forehead.

“Yeo bo~ I’m really tired. Would you just keep still so I don’t have to exert any more energy? You need to rest too. Come, let’s just stay like this and nap.” With that, he closed his eyes and went all quiet. Within minutes, he was out cold.

Ga In looked at the boy sleeping beside her and couldn’t help the smile that broke out on her face. She closed her eyes and settled in. She also drifted off to dreamland within minutes.

This was how Seul Ong and Narsha found the couple when they came back from lunch. It pained Seul Ong but they do look so good together being in each other’s arms. He recovered when he felt Narsha’s hand on his shoulder.

“Noona, I think you really have to agree to my preposition. How about it?” With that, the two of them left the ward, laughing. Seul Ong threw one last longing glance at the door of Ga In’s ward. He smiled to himself, “Kwonah, please continue to make Ga In happy.”

That night, all the members of 2AM came to visit Ga In and they spent a wonderful evening with the other BEG members as well. Everyone was very happy about the new couple-hood between Ga In and Kwonnie. The two stars were very happy that they found understanding within their own group because they knew that it was not going to be easy to maintain their relationship if there was opposition from within their groups. Whatever obstacles that lie ahead of them, they would just have to take it one at a time.

Writer’s note: Ok, I decided that I would be nice and postpone OBS’ visit for awhile! Now to go and dig up my evil step-mother writer get-up. I must confess.. I cried at the part when Ga In fell into Seul Ong’s arms and cried. I didn’t expect myself to write that part but I thought, why not, it’s my story. hahahah!! This is the reason why I can’t tell people for sure how many chapters my story is going to be. Because I don’t know too.. hahahah!! 🙂

Clarification: I know I said that I was actually translating the story from Chinese but while I still take the basic outline from the original story, I must say that the last 5 chapters or so, I have really changed a lot of the content, adding stuff of my own. I’m really enjoying the process of writing this story. It makes me happy~ 🙂 Hope it does the same for all of you who are reading it! 🙂

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20 Responses to Fan Fiction 1: I LIKE YOU, KWON! – Chapter 11

  1. Liemkopi says:

    I’m impressed by your good writing! I commented earlier (@soompi thread) that the chinese version was very confusing and the writer got out of hand after a few chapters but somehow you managed to bring the story well back together:-) Keep it up!! BTW, I also don’t quite like the way the couple’s intimate relationship was being described/ elaborated in the chinese version but I’m sure you’ll be able to write it better. {Hope you get what I mean:-)}

    • That part of the story is actually giving me a headache.. but since i’m editing and chopping as I go, I’m sure when I get there, I would (hopefully) be able to do a good job with it. They just don’t strike me as a wild wild couple.. so we’ll see… shhhhhh… hahahaha~

      Thank you for the vote of confidence! I was really afraid I would ruin the story if I deviate too much. But what’s done can’t be undone now~ 🙂

  2. wency says:

    all I can say is, thank you for this… makes my heart jump as well 🙂

  3. kpoplovaz says:

    i love it!!!!
    so far, i def love chapter 10 and this one…
    i know this not your original FF but you put some your thought here..
    can i suggest a lil.. could you write kwon chareacter more manly, more beastly…
    when i read this FF i kinda envy gain, coz kwonnie character def sweet…
    he take everything smoothly…

    anyway keep writing, hwaiting!!!
    (how many chapter the original FF have??)

    • at the moment, i can’t picture Kwonnie as beastly yet. Manly have to come slowly.. i don’t want him to be just a man in action. He needs to grow up mentally and emotionally as well. This is my take as the writer. While I’m equally appreciative of wild, passionate action, at this point in time in THIS story, i really can’t see him as beastly yet. Plus, he’s really new at this whole relationship thing. so yea~ patience is a virtue.

      Original story has about 64 parts (I won’t call them chapters). As for how many chapters mine will go for, i won’t know since i have deviated from the original story quite a bit. So now I’m just taking bits and pieces from the original story as anchor points and then write from point a to point b.

      • kpoplovaz says:

        well i agreed wit uit needs time, but will consider of it, right???
        HWAITING for the rest chingu…

    • S says:

      Yeah! I agree with @kpoplovaz! I find myself hoping for Kwon to grow more mature and beastly too, please! He’s really so sweet here. That’s a nice thing but it would be cool if his character had more depth than simply being the nice accepting guy here.

      Regardless, I love reading this! YAY! 🙂

      • So is this direct reference to how he treated the whole Seul Ong issue? hmmmmm.. But Seul Ong didn’t do anything here. It was Ga In who initiated it. I don’t know if it’s because you guys get the feeling that whatever’s happening has taken a long time.. but from chapter 6 to here, it’s actually only like 3 days? chapter 7,8 and 9, it’s prob draggy for you guys but those were bits that I needed to have. but yeah.. it’s only been 3 days.. you can’t expect him to suddenly be all beastly and all. And no, he would never be too nasty towards Seul Ong. He’s his group mate. And I thought Seul Ong had done the very gracious thing of stepping back. *shrug* maybe my message wasn’t clear..

      • haein08 says:

        I think i agreed to what the writer said….the process of being manly takes time…and as of now i really can’t see Jo Kwon as manly and beastly….i want to see Jo kwon as he is the WGM..the kkap….kk…..

  4. S says:

    You’ve definitely improved the original story! I like how Seulong and Kwon (in the previous and this chapter) still care for each other despite being love rivals. That’s how good people deal with life’s complications, I guess. 🙂

    And I LOVED that scene of Kwon taking a nap of Ga In’s hospital bed. It’s so incredibly sweet! Thanks for putting that image in my head! Wee!

  5. hoami189 says:

    i just cant stop smiling at the way GaIn stops Kwon from nagging… ^^ It’s classic, but it works! ^^ But i still have the thought that SeulOng is the main character of this FF… Kwon is just like a child in frond of SeulOng… >.< I'm afraid that the next chapter would be the appearance of OBS and her sabotage…

    • every main character needs a wingman. Sometimes the second male lead does get more airtime. but the girl always go to the main lead. 🙂 But Kwonnie IS a child. Compared to Seul Ong here, he is a child. If he’s not a child here, how to grow him into a man?

  6. JoInLove says:

    Thanks for the new chapter! I like Seulong in this FF. He’s very gracious for giving up on Gain. His wistfulness at the tenderness between Gain and Kwon is heartwrenching.

    I do agree with some of the other readers that Kwon doesn’t seem like the main protaganist. He’s like an eager puppy here (which now that I think about it, is his image on WGM too). Looking forward to how you’ll grow his character! Enjoying this FF so much! =)

  7. yobishi says:

    Wuaah reading all the comment, I think everyone gets really emotionally involved. Well mee tooo, this fan fic is awesome. But I do feel Seul Long is a very nice and kind person, he hold back his feeling for the happiness of both Gain and Kwon. And yes, kwonnie definetly need time to grow. I think through all ups and down, this child will definitely grows into a man. I’ll be waiting for more conflict from you, you evil writer hahaha. Got to prepare myself first hehe. And yaayyy 2 more daaaysss for Sattang kiss ^^

  8. `Niiie says:

    Thank you for taking your time to translate and elaborate it. I tried reading the original work but it’s too confusing due to my lack of understanding in chinese. Im grateful for your effort. And also you have brought back my addiction for fanfictions.. ^^ I love it and can’t wait for the next chapter.
    Honestly I love seulong character in here and reality he does give off some vibe of the character in here. ..he’s a good person, Im not sure if the original author pair him with anyone but please do pair him with someone. (preferably miryo..^^)

  9. claraity says:

    “Aigoo, you silly boy!! I will not cry in front of you because I know you won’t make me sad. Remember, you promised to be my happiness.”

    Totally made me go aww there. Sweetness overload, this chapter. Except for poor Seulong though. He’s such a great guy…His love for her is strong enough for him to give her up to another man.

    Totally got surprised by Kwon kissing her back. Baby beast~

    Wonder what Narsha and Seulong were discussing over during lunch? I hope it’s something to do with getting this OBS biz out and done with.

  10. LovinIt says:

    Aaaaaaah!! I’m in LOVE with this !! 🙂 it’s just…so…PERFECT!!!!!!!!! I feel sorry 4 seul ong tho…so sweeeeeet~~

  11. haein08 says:

    the scenes is really amazing…and how you elaborate the the story….woah!!daebak!!! i can really picture it out…..kk…

    the sweetness thing is not yucky unlike other fics i read… nice…kk……

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