Fan Fiction 1: I LIKE YOU, KWON! – Chapter 10

Title: I Like You, Kwon!



“Min hyung, I’m going off now. If anything crops up, give me a call.” Seul Ong was on his way out of the waiting room after 2AM’s morning activity that day. He was rushing to Gaya Hospital where Ga In was going to be admitted.

“Seul Ong hyung…” Kwonnie ran after him, “are you going to go to Ga In now? Which hospital is she in?” His worry for Ga In made him put down his pride and ask Seul Ong.

“She’s going to be at Gaya Hospital. Kwonah, to be honest, she did ask me to stop you from going to visit her because she really does not want to see you. But I know you are genuinely concerned about her so I told her I can’t possibly stop you from visiting her. She only agreed because I said I won’t leave her alone with you. All I ask of you is that when you are there not to get her agitated. At times, she might even pretend you don’t exist. That’s her way of dealing with things. Don’t pester her when that happens, alright? I will text you her ward number later.” With that, Seul Ong turned and ran down the hallway.

Kwonnie really didn’t understand what has caused the change in Ga In. He knew that he would probably only finish his activities by 6pm today. He wondered if he would be able to see her before she goes in for her operation. He really wanted to talk to her, to find out what has really happened. At the same time, he knew he wouldn’t have a moment alone with her since Seul Ong already made it clear that she didn’t want to be alone with him. This sense of helplessness, of not knowing the reason why she’s treating him this way, was eating him up inside.

“Kwonah, let’s go.” Manager Min, together with Jin Woon and Chang Min were all set to go to their next individual activities. He told himself he needed to concentrate on his activities first.

Just then, his phone rang, he looked at the screen, it was a name that he has not seen for sometime. He quickly picked up the call…


“In ah, are you alright?” Seul Ong asked the moment he reached the ward and saw that Ga In’s face was very pale.

“Oppa, the doctors say that I would be going in for the operation today. I’m… I’m scared…” Ga In knew the operation was going to take place, but she didn’t expect it to be this soon.

“Don’t be scared. The earlier you get it out, the better you will feel and you can also just concentrate on healing instead of worrying about it. What’s more, I’m here, your unnies would be here later so don’t worry, you are not alone.” Seul Ong patted Ga In on her head. He could understand her fear. After all this was not a minor procedure and it seemed like everything just came at her all at one go.

“Look what I have gotten for you! It’s your favourite! Vitagen!” He took out the Vitagen that he had hidden in his pocket and gave it to her. Since she had to stop her meals before the operation, this was the only thing he could get her.

She laughed at how her Ong oppa was being a dork in order to take her mind off the operation. Once again, she realized that she’s a very lucky girl to have him and her BEG unnies. She took the Vitagen from his hand and drank it in one big gulp.

“Oppa, someday you are going to make some girl very happy. Whoever gets married to you would be so well taken care of. I’m so envious! Wonder what would happen to me then? Would I be thrown aside?” Although Ga In meant to tease Seul Ong, she also realized that this was something that might eventually happen. She went quiet, as if the real impact of what she had said just hit her.

Seul Ong’s smile was wiped off his face when he heard what Ga In said. But he recovered fast enough with a retort of his own, “Of course I shall throw you away! You are just an annoying little girl who cries when she needs me and then shout and bicker with me when she has other people. Yes, I shall have to throw you away!”

“No…” Ga In looked up, with tears in her eyes, “no… I didn’t mean that. Of course you should have your happiness, but oppa, don’t throw me away.” The panic in her voice was real. She reached out a hand to hold on to Seul Ong’s arm.

Seul Ong took up her hand and held it tightly. “Oppa won’t throw you away. Until you get tired of me being in your life, I would not leave, I promise. So, don’t worry, you will have to deal with this elder brother who’s going to hang around and make sure you get married to the right guy.”

Ga In smiled at him, “you just can’t wait to marry me off right so you can start on your playboy life! Oppa, I’m tired. I better rest now.”

“Alright, you better lie down and rest. Don’t worry, I won’t leave your side.” With that, Seul Ong helped Ga In lie down on the bed and tucked her in.

After she drifted off to dreamland, Seul Ong took out his phone and sent a message to Kwonnie, telling him the ward number and that Ga In would be having her operation today. Seul Ong looked down at the girl lying on the bed and whispered quietly, “In ah, you must get well and be happy alright?”


“Oh, Hyo Rin ah, hello! It’s been a long time. How have you been?” Kwonnie answered the call from his high school friend, or better known as Raina of After School. “Are your activities going on smoothly?”

“Kwonnie oppa! It’s been a really long time hasn’t it? Since my activities are beginning to slow down, let’s meet up soon? How does this evening sound?” Raina sounded excited on the phone but her motive for calling was not as innocent. She wanted to prevent Kwonnie from visiting Ga In. From the press conference, she knew about Ga In’s condition and she knew that her Kwonnie oppa would be at the hospital every chance he’s got.

“This evening?” Kwonnie hesitated for a few seconds then continued, “Hyo Rin ah, I cannot make it this evening. My schedule would run till very late” Kwonnie didn’t know why he felt that he needed to lie but he knew that having a schedule would be the only way to get out of meeting her. It’s not that he didn’t want to meet this friend, but being with Ga In is more important to him.

“Oh… then what about the day after? That day is my free day, so just let me know what time is convenient for you.” Raina covered her anger with disappointment. Her Kwonnie oppa has never been very good at telling lies. When he hesitated, she knew that he was trying to find a good reason to not meet her.

“Oh alright then, I will call you again tomorrow to confirm the timing. Ok I need to hang up now. See you soon!” With that, Kwonnie hung up the phone.

After hanging up, a malicious smile appeared on her face. “Looks like I would have to go and visit Ga In unnie again.”

Kwonnie and the other 2 members arrived at their next schedule and he had to put away his phone. He only managed to see Seul Ong’s message after he was done. He quickly called Seul Ong. Seul Ong picked up his phone immediately, seeing that it was Kwonnie.

“Hyung, is Ga In inside the operating theater already? If she’s beside you, can you please let her answer the phone?” Kwonnie said hurriedly.

“Hold on…” Seul Ong turned to look at Ga In and told her that Kwonnie wanted to speak to her. She shook her head and looked away. “Kwonah, she doesn’t want to speak to you.”
Kwonnie was very disappointed, “alright, hyung, can you just let her know that I would be there when she comes out from the operation? I’ll see you later then.” Kwonnie hung up the phone and looked at Min hyung. “Can you bring me to Gaya Hospital now?”

“Is that where Ga In noona is? Can we go too, Min hyung?” Jin Woon spoke up. He got to know of Ga In’s condition via the press conference as well and was equally anxious.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea. She’s going in for her operation today and I doubt she would be able to have any visitors. Why don’t you guys visit another day?” Kwonnie quickly put in. It’s not that he didn’t want to let his members go, it’s just that he didn’t want Ga In to be tired out from having to deal with too many visitors after the operation. Also, he wanted to spend some time with her.

“Jin Woonah, don’t you have to go back and study for your exams? Whether you can graduate and enter a university is dependent on this. Go and do what you need to do, otherwise you might cause Ga In noona to worry more.” Chang Min put in when he saw Jin Woon about to protest. “Min hyung, why don’t we send Kwonnie to the hospital first?”

Kwonnie looked at Chang Min and gave him a grateful smile. Chang Min nodded and gave Kwonnie a pat on the back, signaling that he understood what he was going through. “Be strong, you would need it.” Chang Min whispered to him. He was not oblivious to the tension between Seul Ong and Kwonnie. But he knew it was not his place to come between the two of them. They would have to settle the problem between themselves.


The moment the nanny van reached the hospital, Kwonnie got out quickly. After thanking Manager Min, he took off to look for Seul Ong. He had called beforehand and found out that Ga In was already in the operating theater.

“Hyung! How long has Ga In been in there?” The moment he spotted Seul Ong outside the operating theater, he asked.

“It’s only been about 15 minutes. It’s going to take at least 2 hours. Have you eaten your dinner?” Seul Ong knew Kwonnie came directly from his last schedule and couldn’t have eaten anything. When Kwonnie shook his head, he asked with concern, “Let’s go and eat something?”

“No. I want to stay here. If you are hungry, why don’t you go get something to eat? You probably haven’t eaten the whole day too.” Kwonnie responded in kind. Though they have their differences when it came to Ga In, it didn’t erase the fact that they have been good friends and brothers to each other from the time Seul Ong entered JYPE five years ago.

“Alright, I would go down to the cafeteria to get us some food.” Seul Ong saw that Kwonnie was going to refuse. He used the only reason that would convince him. “You must eat too, otherwise you won’t have the strength to shuffle between your schedules and coming here to visit Ga In.”

Seeing that there’s truth in what Seul Ong said, Kwonnie nodded. Seul Ong made his way to the cafeteria and bought back some sandwiches and drinks for the both of them. Both sat outside the operating theater, each eating their own sandwiches, occupied by their own thoughts.

This was the sight that greeted the BEG members when they arrived after their own activities. “Oh! Kwonah! Seul Ong! Both of you are here!” JeA said, not entirely surprised but she was heartened by the devotion that these two boys have for Ga In. Ga In sure is a lucky girl, JeA thought to herself.

“Oh, noonas, all of you are here. Have you eaten?” Both men got up to greet the BEG members.

“No, we haven’t eaten. We rushed here the moment we finished our activities.” MiRyo replied.

“Why don’t I go get dinner for all of you? Do you have anything specific that you want to eat?” Seul Ong knew that Kwonnie would not want to leave his present post so it’s up to him to make sure that the noonas are looked after.

“Aigoo, Seul Ong is really the ladies’ man. No wonder you are so well-liked by all the girls!” JeA exclaimed, pleased to be looked after by a young chap.

“I’d go with him.” Narsha was the only one who was not as thrilled as the other two to find BOTH men outside the operating theater. She had expected Seul Ong to be there, but she didn’t expect to see Kwonnie, seeing that there seemed to be some kind of misunderstanding between him and Ga In.

“Are the two of you alright?” Narsha asked the moment they were out of earshot of the rest.

“We will not create a scene. We know our limits, noona, don’t worry.” Seul Ong knew what Narsha was really asking. “We will not let Ga In worry more. We have our differences but Ga In is our priority. We will not do anything to upset her.”

Although Narsha couldn’t help worrying but hearing what Seul Ong said did set her mind a little more at ease.


The operation ended an hour ago. Everything went smoothly, the tumour was removed and the doctor did not find any sign of other growths. The anesthetic should be wearing off soon. Everyone was waiting for Ga In to wake up.

“Oppa…” The first word Ga In uttered when she came out of her unconsciousness was in search for her Ong oppa.

“Seul Ong ah! I think you better come, Ga In seems to be looking for you! She’s waking up.” JeA, who was sitting beside the bed, heard what Ga In said and quickly alerted Seul Ong.

Seul Ong rushed forward and held Ga In’s hand, “In ah, oppa’s here.”

Ga In, upon hearing Seul Ong’s voice, slowly opened up her eyes. She saw her Ong oppa and her other unnies. She managed a weak smile for their benefit.

“Ga In ah, how are you feeling? Is your wound painful?” MiRyo asked with concern.

As talking was still too much of an effort, Ga In just shook her head slightly to signal that she wasn’t feeling any discomfort.

Kwonnie was feeling left out in the ward. He was upset with the fact that the first person Ga In looked for was Seul Ong but he could understand why. He took a step forward and said simply, “Ga In noona…”

Ga In closed her eyes against the voice she least wanted to hear at the moment. But she knew she had to face it anyway. She opened her eyes, looked at Seul Ong first and he gave her a slight nod, signaling that he would be there. He stood up so that Kwonnie could move forward. Then her eyes seeked out his.

The moment their eyes locked with each other, Ga In wanted to look away. She could not bear to see the worry and concern that was in his eyes, just like how it was like, a lifetime ago in another hospital ward. She did not want to name the last emotion she saw in his eyes because that would hurt too much.

JeA, sensing that they wanted to be left alone, “Oh I’m hungry again! Shall we all go down for a quick bite?” And leaving no room for refusal, she started to gather the whole group like how a mother hen would gather her chicks and hasten their departure from the ward.

Ga In was shocked by JeA’s actions and her first reaction was to look at Seul Ong for help. Seul Ong had no chance to react as he was just pulled out of the room by JeA. But he tried to reassure Ga In that it would be ok by nodding in her direction.

Suddenly, the room was totally quiet. Kwonnie moved another step forward and sat on her bed. If she could move a bit faster, she would have. But in her current condition, she was too weak to move away. She could feel the warmth of Kwonnie’s thigh against her own. She tried to ignore it and focus on the task ahead – having a conversation with him.

“Yeo Bo…” The moment he called her that, she froze, then turned and looked at him.

“Don’t call me that… We are not filming right now, there’s no need for you to do that.” Her voice was cold and weak.

“Yeo-“ He was about to try again, when he saw that Ga In’s eyes were warning him not to. “Why? I don’t understand. Ga In ah, what happened? What are you treating me this way?”

“it’s Ga In noona to you. As to why I’m treating you this way, you should know best.” Ga In tried to turn away but her movement was halted by Kwonnie.

“Noona, if that’s what you want me to call you, I would do that for now because you are sick and I don’t want to agitate you but don’t avoid me. I really don’t know why you are behaving this way. And it’s been driving me crazy. So I want to know, please tell me.” Kwonnie’s tone told her that he’s really puzzled about her behaviour. This made her a little angry.

“YOU ALREADY HAVE A GIRLFRIEND SO WHY ARE YOU STILL DOING THIS? Don’t come close to me. I made a promise to your girlfriend that I would not be close to you… Don’t make it difficult…” Ga In said, putting in as much strength as she could muster. After saying it, she tried again to turn away.

Kwonnie recovered from his shock, and was just in time to stop her from turning away for the second time. “Ga In, what are you saying? I have a girlfriend? My girlfriend went and talked to you about not being close to me?” The last part of Ga In’s outburst finally got through to him, “I make it difficult for you by coming close? What does that mean? Ga In, look at me.”

When Ga In finally raised her eyes to his, he could see the tears that had welled up in her eyes. “Son Ga In, look in my eyes and listen well. First, I don’t have a girlfriend. I don’t know who’s the girl who went to look for you and told you the lie that she is my girlfriend and I don’t really care because it’s a lie, you understand? As to why I keep pushing myself at you, it’s because I love you. Son Ga In, I love you. Did you hear that? I shall repeat it one more time, Son Ga In, I love you. Now your turn, why do you find it difficult to distance yourself? Don’t look away and avoid the question.”

Moved by the sincerity that she found in Kwonnie’s eyes, she said the next words without her realizing it.

“Because I love you too.”

Although Kwonnie did think of the possibility that she might be in love with him, he had never expected her to say it out loud. He broke into a wide smile, the joy he felt caused tears of joy to flow. He gently gathered his woman, his Ga In, into his arms.

“Son Ga In, thank you for loving me back. I love you so much and I cannot live without you. So, please, in future, if that girl or anyone else for that matter, were to come to you again and try to spread lies that cause you to doubt me, remember that I love you and believe in me and what you feel. Because this is not fake, not anymore, do you understand?”

Ga In could feel his tears falling on her shoulders. She knew that what Kwonnie had just say was the truth. She reached out and held on to him. “Sorry, I’m sorry for not trusting you. It will never happen again.” With that, the tears that she had been holding back also started to fall.

“No more saying sorry between us, from today onwards, I want to be your happiness. Ga In, please allow me to be your happiness.” Kwonnie held her a little tighter when he felt her tears. Ga In nodded her agreement. It felt so good to be held by him this way.

They stayed this way for a good 5 minutes when Ga In started to feel the discomfort. She leaned back and looked at Kwonnie. No words need to be exchanged. He knew that she let go because she was feeling the pain from her wound. He gently laid her down on the bed, was going to wipe away her tears with his thumb but decided against it. He leaned forward and kissed the tears on her cheeks away. He ended with a lingering kiss on her forehead.

Ga In was shocked by his gesture but she could not help smiling. She was happy, no, happy could not begin to describe how she felt at the moment. She was ecstatic! It felt like she had just been through the worst winter and now spring has finally arrived.

Kwonnie finally stood up. He looked down at the woman in front of him, still a little overwhelmed by the fact that she’s finally his. He reached for her hands and held it tightly. “Do you need anything? Water?”

She turned and looked at him. “Yes, there’s something I want… Jo Kwon, would you give me permission to be your happiness as well?”

Kwonnie was going to answer when the door suddenly opened and the BEG noonas fell onto the floor. The beaming smiles on JeA and MiRyo’s faces gave them away – they have been eavesdropping the whole time! Kwonnie looked at Ga In and squeezed her hand tightly. “Yes. Of course.”

As JeA and MiRyo came forward, beaming from ear to ear like they have just found the greatest treasure in the world to congratulate the new couple, Narsha went to Seul Ong and put her hand on his arm. Seul Ong looked at Narsha and gave her a smile. It was a smile that was trying to hide the pain that he was feeling. While he was happy that the misunderstanding between the two had been resolved, he knew that also mean that he would have to release Ga In into Kwonnie’s hands.

“I’m ok, noona, really.” He couldn’t really keep the pain out of his voice. Narsha gave him a pat on the back, not unlike the one that Chang Min gave to Kwonnie in the nanny van. She went into the ward and joined the others in congratulating Ga In.

Kwonnie walked out of the ward to where Seul Ong was standing.

“Hyung, thank you for taking care of Ga In for the past 8 years. From now on, her happiness is in my hands. I promise I would take good care of her.”

“Jo Kwon, I’m handing her over to you. But I will still be around for a while more. She’s all I have over the last 8 years, it will take some getting used to. So please allow me to hover for a while more but I will not come between you, I promise you.”

Kwonnie knew that Seul Ong was speaking the truth about giving them his blessing. He nodded and gave Seul Ong a smile, one that was truly from the heart.


Chapter 11: OBS’s visit

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13 Responses to Fan Fiction 1: I LIKE YOU, KWON! – Chapter 10

  1. S says:

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! So happy! 😀 Go Kwon! Go Ga In!

  2. wency says:

    i can’t wait for Chapter 11! For this story, how I wish Kwonnie would just confront OBS for being so bad.

  3. angelineluv says:

    i have a teary eyes, but “the BEG noonas fell onto the floor” then outburst with laughter hahaha. Very nice job, really mixed up emotion reading this fan fic. I can feel how care Ong with Ga In, but also very considerate to Kwon , that he would sacrifice his feeling. Feel sorry for him, but as he say “I’m ok, noona, really.” I’m sure he’ll find a girl that can make him happy ^^

    • I couldn’t resist!! Can you just imagine JeA standing at the door in her outfit and her ditzyness for the Adam couple special and then falling over because they were too happy with the news.. I think it’s absolutely hilarious! But it’s actually to highlight that there are people who are thrilled and then there are others who are hurt (my poor Seul Ong 😦 ).


    omg i know this is just a fanfic but i’m screaming right now until my voice doesn’t come out anymore!!!:))!ahhh!so amazing!the best daebak!so excited for the next chapter..this is just like their motto…hardship then happiness EEEEE!!!

  5. hoami189 says:

    this is my fav chapter til now… ^^ The moment Kwon called GaIn “Yeobo” i felt like my heartbeat just stopped… You really know how to make me insane… But i love it!! Waiting for the next chapter… Wonder how could OBS do to separate the Adams…

  6. Kate Madrigal says:

    Great Chapter! Everything just flows easily…

    Cant wait for the next and as always I’m thankful, keep it up!
    AJA! AJA! AJA! Fighting!

  7. aochaki says:

    thanks for translating and sharing 🙂

  8. claraity says:

    Totally aww-ed when Kwonnie did his heart-felt confession. Totally beamed and aww-ed again when Ga In said, “Because I love you too.” Cracked up imagining BEG falling through the door after eavesdropping.

    OBS better get revealed soon! Show everyone her true colors.

  9. Adrianne De Veyra says:

    i really like this chapter

  10. haein08 says:

    OMG!!!!!!if there is people here with me right now,,,i really can say that they will say that i am CRAZY right now!!!!…..i jump and screaming…it seems that I WON A LOTTERY!!!kk….

    THIS Chapter is very magnanimously DAEBAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…..

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