Fan Fiction 1: I LIKE YOU, KWON! – Chapter 9

Title: I Like You, Kwon!



On his way back, Seul Ong made a call to his manager and told him that for the next 2 weeks, other than group activities, he wanted to free up his time as much as possible. When asked for a reason, Seul Ong simply said that his grandmother was sick and his mother needed help to look after her. Since it’s got to do with family, Manager Min also could not refuse.

The moment he stepped into the dorm, he could see Kwonnie was waiting for him in the living room. This was getting really tiring, being at odds with Kwonnie. He sighed and knew he would have to face him anyway.

“Im Seul Ong, where did you go? Did you go and see Ga In? Don’t bother to lie because we both know she’s the only person who can make you act that way.”

This was the first time Kwonnie actually called Seul Ong by his full name. Seul Ong knew that Kwonnie had reached the limits of his tolerance with him. That was fine with him. Like Chang Min said, it’s better for them to have a go at each other rather than have this underlying tension that does no good for the group.

“Yes, I went to see Ga In. She needed me to be there so I went. I told you yesterday that if she ever needed me, I would be there.”

“What happened to her? Why did she go to you first? What about the other BEG noonas?” What about me? Kwonnie thought to himself silently. His anger was overshadowed by his worry for Ga In.

“You will find out soon enough what happened to her. Just to make things clear, Jo Kwon, the promise I gave to you 3 weeks ago about not coming between the two of you is not longer valid. And I’m serious about you staying away from her. Seeing you will just hurt her more. So, this is a request: don’t come near her if you don’t want to hurt her.” Seul Ong did get a little agitated towards the end when he remembered how hurt Ga In was last night.

“Im Seul Ong!!! What do you mean by seeing me will hurt her more? I really don’t know what I have done wrong to make you feel that way. But whatever it is, let me also make myself clear: I’m not backing out. I can’t do without Ga In anymore. I do not need your permission to be with Ga In! I love her, do you get it?”

“You…” Seul Ong was about to shout at Jo Kwon for saying that when he’s already attached when his handphone rang. He took it out immediately and saw that Ga In has sent him a message.

“Oppa, I’m going into the press conference now.”

With that, Seul Ong quickly turned towards the TV and switched it on. He looked at Jo Kwon and said, “you want to know what happened to Ga In, you had better watch this then.”

Kwonnie walked to the sofa and sat, puzzled at why Seul Ong would stop in the middle of their confrontation and switched on the TV. The next image on TV gave him a shock. It was the BEG on TV at a press conference.

“First and foremost, we would like to thank the press for showing up at this press conference at such short notice but because of the urgency of the matter, we had to do this fast.” It was JeA who gave the opening speech. “From today onwards, BEG will stop all group activities for a year. Ga In needs to receive immediate medical attention for her stomach tumour. We thank everyone for your support during this time, and hope that you will continue to support each and every BEG member as we continued with our individual activities. As for Ga In, she would be admitted to the hospital soon after. We hope to get your understanding in not disturbing her during this period of time as she goes through her operation and recuperation. Thank you.”

As it was a direct announcement, there wasn’t much question and answer. The press conference ended almost as soon as it started. The BEG stood up, took a bow and left the press conference. Kwonnie turned to look at Seul Ong, “This was why she wanted you to go over?”

Seul Ong nodded, “Kwonah, can you take it as hyung is begging you? Don’t go and disturb Ga In during this period of time?”

“No. I’m sorry, I can’t accede to your request. I want to be there for her too. Hyung, you have always been there for her all this time, and I can understand you are protective over her. But I really love her and I want to take care of her too. Whether you agree to let me be there or not, that’s not my concern anymore. Being with her is more important to me.” Kwonnie looked Seul Ong in the eye and said with all sincerity. There was no anger, just worry, concern and love.

That caused Seul Ong to pause. What is really going on? Is it all a misunderstanding? Narsha did say that this thing that happened between Ga In and Jo Kwon is suspicious. Maybe it’s really a big misunderstanding. He thought to himself.

“Well then, fine, you can be there. But I will not leave you alone with her. That’s my final compromise. Take it or leave it. And Jo Kwon, please go and settle your own affairs first before you come and say that you love Ga In.” With that, Seul Ong walked off and went into his room.

Kwonnie was more confused than ever. Why did Seul Ong keep insisting that he had done something wrong towards Ga In? Was there a misunderstanding somewhere that he doesn’t know of? It would seem that way because he knew Seul Ong, as much he was protective over Ga In, isn’t an unreasonable person. He knew that when he made the promise 3 weeks ago, he was serious about it and he would have let go of Ga In. So something must have happened last night. Kwonnie picked up his phone and called Ga In, wanting to get an answer from her.

“The number you have just called is currently engaged. Please try again later.”

Kwonnie hung up the phone. “’Currently engaged?’ That means she’s on the phone with someone and not that she had switched off her phone.” It didn’t take much genius to figure out who she would be on the phone with. He debated with himself if he should just go into Seul Ong’s room and snatched his phone from him so he could talk to Ga In. He decided against it since he also had to make a few phone calls himself. He went into his room and called the first person. “Hello. Min hyung…”

On the other side, Seul Ong was indeed on the phone with Ga In. “In ah, you did well at the press conference. Now don’t worry about work anymore and just concentrate on getting well alright?”

“Oppa, I’m going to be admitted to the hospital tomorrow. Would you be there? I don’t want to be there alone since all of my unnies would have activities tomorrow.”

“Of course I would be there. Why do you need to ask? Which hospital are you going to be admitted to?”

“Gaya Hospital. It’s a private hospital since my company doesn’t want the media to be hanging around and disturb my peace. I should be there around noon.”

“Alright, I will be there after our morning activity.”

“Oppa… can you… can you tell Jo Kwon not to come?”

“In ah, I can’t stop him from wanting to go. But don’t worry, I won’t leave him alone with you ok?”

“Oppa… I don’t want to see him… really…”

“In ah, could you have been mistaken about him having a girlfriend? Because he really does not seem to be lying when he said that he didn’t do anything to hurt you.”

“Oppa, his girlfriend came to see me and begged me not to fall in love with him, not to have anything to do with him so he would not have a change of heart. Am I supposed to say that this girl is lying now?” Ga In was getting agitated by the memory of Raina’s visit.

“Who is the girl then?”

“Oppa, can we stop talking about Jo Kwon and his secret girlfriend? I really don’t want to think about it. If I have to bear with him visiting me in the hospital, the last thing I want is to be reminded of his lie. So please, don’t make me more upset than I already am, ok?” Seul Ong could hear that beneath that agitated voice, the hurt was still very fresh.

“Alright, alright! Let’s talk about happy things then. After you recover, oppa promise to bring you somewhere you want to go, anywhere and I would pay for everything ok? So you must get well ok?!

“Really?! Wow!! Oppa!! You really are the best!! I shall go and look for the most expensive place and make sure you spend a lot of money!” Ga In laughed at the thought of Miser Seul Ong nagging at her for spending so much. But she also knew her Ong oppa was trying to cheer her up.

“Oppa, I don’t say this enough but really, I am really thankful for everything you have ever done for me. For the past 8 years, I really won’t know what I would have done without you. Thank you for being my strength and support whenever I need it.”

Seul Ong was very touched by what Ga In said. He knew that it takes a lot for Ga In to say such words of thanks. He smiled to himself and felt real joy. He has always only known real joy when he’s with Ga In. But he knows he would have to let go of her soon since he knew that both Kwonnie and Ga In liked each other and if there was no secret girlfriend, both would be together before long. Thinking about that, his expression and joy dimmed a little.

“I know. And I will continue to be there, always.” At least until you find the happiness you deserve. He could not help feeling a little panicky because he does not know if he would ever find someone else who he loves as much as Ga In or what would he do when Ga In doesn’t need him anymore. “Ok, you better go and rest. Remember to eat. Anything, call me alright?”


They ended their phone conversations. Both of them are a little worried about what was going to happen the next day but they know that whatever happens, they would just have to take it one step at a time.


“No, you can’t cancel your individual activities. Most of them have been confirmed a long time ago and last minute cancellations would cause a lot of inconveniences.” Manager Min had heard about Ga In’s condition and knew that Kwonnie would call with such a request. But he could not allow him to cancel his activities because if he does, he would lose credibility with the producers of the variety shows he’s involved in. It was with great difficulty that 2AM got to where they are now and he doesn’t want to see them lose what they have just gained because of their personal feelings.

“But…” Kwonnie was about to retort but was interrupted by Manager Min.

“Look, Kwonah, I know you are doing this because of Ga In. I can understand you wanting to be there with her and all that but at this moment, you cannot forget your responsibility as an artiste. And I’m sure that Ga In won’t want you to stop all activities for her. She knows how much effort you put in to get to where you are today. She’s going to feel burdened if you do that. I promise you, other than the time that you need to be at your activities, I would allow you to go and visit her, alright? As for those schedules that are not fixed, I can try to arrange for either Jin Woon or Chang Min to go.” Manager Min made the biggest compromise he has ever had to. He does feel sorry for these young boys, because of their status as idols, are deprived of the chance of living a normal life.

“Jin Woon and Chang Min? What about Seul Ong?” Kwonnie couldn’t help but pick up on the fact that Seul Ong was not mentioned as possible substitutes for him.

“Oh, Seul Ong called earlier to say that he needed time off to help his mother take care of his sick grandmother.” Manager Min replied, unaware of the tension going on between the two of them because of Ga In.

“Oh ok… Alright then, Min hyung, I would hold you to your promise of allowing me to go visit Ga In whenever possible.” With that, he hung up the phone. “Darn! He’s one step ahead of me again.” He knew this could not go on. If this carries on, he will definitely lose Ga In, whether to Seul Ong or not was secondary.

He picked up his phone to call Ga In again. No one answered. Since there was a ring tone, it meant that she was off the phone with Seul Ong already. Is she purposefully not picking up his calls? He continued calling. After the 10th call, he stopped. He decided to send her a message instead.

“Son Ga In! Pick up my call! NOW!”

There was no reply and when he tried calling again, the phone was already switched off.


Chapter 10 Preview: OBS strikes again! 😉

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9 Responses to Fan Fiction 1: I LIKE YOU, KWON! – Chapter 9

  1. PaNdA says:

    Huaa…really makes me crazy..>,<…
    OBS so bad…now I'm in Ga In's side…to kill OBS..hahaha..^o^

  2. felina says:

    arrghhhh!!! this is so depressing. poor kwon. T____T

  3. S says:

    Poor Kwon. He’s totally sidelined. 😦

  4. hoami189 says:

    I really feel desperate for Kwonnie… Cant see there is any hope for him to take GaIn back…

    • Why not? fundamentally, even though there’s a lot of conflicts and all that, it doesn’t change the fact that Ga In like Kwonnie. That’s the only thing he needs to know and have no? Ga In is only avoiding Kwonnie because she didn’t want to go deeper knowing that he has a gf.

      Edit after reading your comment on Soompi: I don’t know about you but the people who will always have a permanent place in my heart are those who helped me in the darkest hour. And in this case, Seul Ong was the light during Ga In’s darkest hour when she was 15. And from a 15 year-old boy to 8 years later, he continues to be steadfast in that commitment that he made, i think it’s very admirable. And to Ga In, he’s like a brother who was given to her at the time when she had no kin. That kind of bond is unbreakable. What she feels for Kwonnie, is the love that a girl feels for a boy. It would be like how the bond between you and your parents will never be broken but it doesn’t stop you from falling in love. And even after one gets attached, sometimes, we still can’t tell our other half everything. don’t look at Seul Ong as an absolute threat because he did try to tell Ga In that it might be a misunderstanding.

  5. wency says:

    Been a reader-lurker here… but just wanted to say my two cents on the subject… from a guy’s perspective, Seul Ong is the type of guy in the story that will always be there for Ga In, but will only be just that… a brother-type (especially for girls who didn’t grow up with brothers)… i’ve been in that situation before… which is what every guy doesn’t want to hear from the woman they have feelings for… that is why it is hard to cross the line… and once you’ve crossed it (like confessed your feelings), there is no turning back… that’s why some say lovers can’t be friends (like how do you go back to being friends when you’ve already shared something more between the two of you).

    • I remembered one of my friends saying this before: “You know, those guys and girls who started calling each other sister and brother, they are couple who didn’t make it or would never make it.”

  6. claraity says:

    Ah~ Seulong is so reasonable~ Eventhough he’s angry at Kwonnie, he still has the right of mind to see that Kwon is telling the truth and that there might be a misunderstanding. Hopefully, this OBS business will come to light soon.

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