Fan Fiction 2: WE GOT SEPARATED – Chapter 2

Title: We Got Separated

Chapter 2

The night’s burning. Yeah, it’s damn scorching hot.

A showdown it appears; sweaty bodies touching here and there, with steady gazes, flirty giggles and swaying hips; the night has proven to be his favorite part of the day again. The night was given to people who wants to hide from the glaring sun every once in a while. In masking true feelings, seeking brief comfort in ways of pure revolt, he danced zealously with recklessness. The disco lights continually altered emotions of each face, helping a lot in the cover up of what’s really within.

“You’re exceptional tonight,” she giggled with what he said; no doubt he’s dazzled by her charm, it’s evident in his eyes.

“What shade are you using?” He curiously asked, staring intently at her pucker lips.

“What shade?” she teasingly asked back, as if she hasn’t had the slightest idea what he’s talking about.

“Your lipstick shade… It makes your lips fuller, look all the more like sliced fruit.”

“Sliced fruit? Oppa! Stop it!” No! Her mind goes opposite of that. Go on. Play with me oppa…

A mischievous grin escaped her lips. Like they said, alcohol at times does amazing things when you need one.

“Do you think I’ve got soondae lips too? Is mine fuller?” She widened her eyes more in an attempt to make herself look cuter; to anticipate for his answer this way would definitely get great answers she thought.

Just choose between me and unnie.


I wonder what happened to Kwonnie. He left the beach without even saying a single goodbye to anyone of us. He never did call or text once, no cy, no tweet, there’s practically nothing to say he’s still alive or something.  Out of pride, I never contacted him too even if anxiety’s killing me like torture.

“Gain-ah…” the dork called out at her sweetly, the husky voice totally nauseating.

“Yah! Stop acting chummy with me! It’s disgusting, you…” Gain can’t get any pissed than this. Here comes Seulong to wreck her day, again.

“Don’t you remember yourself resting comfortably against my enormous chest last time? He nonchalantly asked, he looked up and dreamily added, “It was only for 30 seconds or so but… I felt your willingness towards me. If I haven’t pushed you, who knows…”

“Eeeeew. Keep dreaming you filthy, opportunist! How dare you practice your acting skills on me?” she indignantly retorted.

“Hehe. You won’t get chosen as my leading lady if you’re like that. ” He jokingly remarked with pride.

“What role are you talking about? You should be careful; you shouldn’t let your head blow up like that.”

What came about between us was nothing but a big fat joke. Bong-yi-ya again. So stupid, why did I let my imagination run wild like that? He said he sensed the awkward air from me and just for kicks decided to trick me into believing that we…

Gross! Me and Seulong? Nah!

“I’m off to somewhere. Leave. Run for the sake of your sorry life before I decide to kick you out. I’ll come up with an idea that’s so drastic you won’t believe it actually came from me.”

“Whoa. Cool it. I’m here to pick you up for the farewell party tonight.”

“For whom?”

“Whose. Wondergirls U.S. Tour ready to kick off!”


“Haven’t you heard this from Kwon? It’s not like we can’t go inviting people, JYP made this clear to us.”

“Well I…”


“Yours looks yummier. I’m very much into sliced fruits nowadays.”

Gain can’t believe what she’s unexpectedly heard. The blaring sound couldn’t have distorted what was said.

Shrouded by the dancing shadows, she was the only one standing like a statue amidst the partying crowd.

Like a fool, Gain knew she should be worrying about OBS but it appeared, it was Kwon who was making the moves after all. But don’t men grab opportunity when it was wholeheartedly presented to them? The piercing techno music aggravated her twice as, making it hard to think and to feel anything is beyond her ability as of the moment.

Gain was so astounded with the whole thing that her body can’t bring itself to react. The supposed pain she should be feeling was instead replaced by fury. It never lasted for long though. Logic and sense came in handy again bringing a lethargic smile over her slowly dimming face.


We’re fake. Need I repeat that phrase again and again to get it fully digested by my pathetic brain?

Walking steadfast, leaving the Wondergirls party to make the night more wonderful, Gain grabbed her bag and headed for the door exiting to the streets. Of course, she can’t stay much longer; she just sneaked out in her aim to talk to Kwon. She shouldn’t waste more of her time, but with one last glance back, she knew the night marked for Kwon to score his first kiss. Talking about lips and such sure can get the both of them somewhere. Lucky OBS, taking over a virgin boy…

She’s texted Seulong beforehand telling she’d be going home by herself and he doesn’t have to be burdened by her. Of course that’s a big lie. She wished to hear from him sooner because he had to take her back to the dorm at the very least.

Time dragged on. Gain dialed once, twice, thrice. “Seulong? Where are you?” devastated, she left her post beside the bouncers who never paid any attention to her. Or so she thinks. They were ogling like crazy behind those overly dark-tinted glasses to the point of stripping her naked in their heads. What’s the catch in wearing tinted lenses indoors anyway?

Moving on, Gain went to the powder room first and decided to just resort to the plan that’s so absurd in its simplicity that she hadn’t ever tried to do it, really not even once before.

Finally out in the streets, she felt secured, unhurriedly bustling her way through the mob of stalking fans. Gain was wearing a hoodie jacket with no make-up. This disguise is pure daebak!

Beneath the flickering lamppost, Gain intended to call for a rent-a-cab. Rummaging through her bag, she discovered not having her handy phone with her. Jeez. She must’ve left it in the cubicle she’d been in.

Stupid! She repeatedly berated herself. If only her things were a bit tad organized then she wouldn’t have emptied out her bag in search of the darn cold cream in the first place! Cripes.

She went back inside the disco house with ease, and in no time, she found her phone lying on the cubicle’s floor.

Nothing can get more shocking than this, Gain thought so. Because at the very moment she’s out of the powder room, she stopped short in a daze, face to face with Kwon.

He’s staring unbelievingly at her no make-up face.


She’s simply beautiful.

No words can describe how beautiful Gain is. Even when her face was partly veiled with her hood, the dim lights acted as an addition shield to conceal much more, Kwon can’t mistake the owner of the beauty that’s in front of him.

He didn’t know she would be attending the party. He was lost for a moment, mesmerized at the sight before him. So this is what everybody else has been talking about. How they repeatedly bragged about seeing Gain with fresh face. So this is it…

“Gain-ah…” at total lost, Kwon didn’t know what to say. There were so many things he wanted to say to her, so many things he needed to know. But through all this yearning for her, his words got caught at his throat; his breath almost left him.

Kwon reached out for Gain’s hand. It only lasted briefly, until her hand slipped from his. In no time, Gain was frantically running away, in a total array of mixed emotions that’s too hard for her to contain.

To lose him, Gain ran with all her might. She had to squeeze past the mass of ecstatic people, almost crushing her petite body in her escape. Abruptly stopping to let in big mouthfuls of air, Gain with nowhere else to go slithered her way to the fire exit door at the rear of the bleak, dim corner.

Looking over the slightly agape door for the fifth time or so, Gain seems to have lost Kwon. Sighing with a great sense of relief, she smiled victoriously at her little escapade.

“Whew. I could’ve died from the shock Kwon-ah…” out of breath and out of wits, Gain’s words echoed with an eerie feel. Realizing how scary the place was, Gain better move out; reaching for the knob and was about to yank the door open when someone from behind grabbed hold of her mouth, spun her around and…

“I could’ve died too…”

Catching his breath, his voice hinted greater exhaustion than her. Coming from another door, it did seem that Kwon went through a great deal just to get to where she is.

Kwon seemed larger than Gain at that very moment. She felt weak with him still gripping her arms, the heat exuding from their bodies was becoming unbearable.  Staring unblinkingly at her face, Kwon showed no sign of admiration, only frustration.

“Why did run away? You actually think you can hide from me?” his upset voice astonished Gain. Even though he didn’t yell, Ga In knew that he was really upset at her for running from him.

Gain tried to reply with equal fervor, “Can’t you see? I’m totally bare…  I have no make-up and…” but looking at Kwon’s eyes, fury wrestling with desire made her lose her breath. She couldn’t continue what she wanted to say. Kwon continued staring at her, like he was trying to read what she was truly thinking.

“What brought you here? Surely this is not about Wondergirls, is it?”

“What I came here for has nothing to do with you,” bewilderment intensely eating away at Gain, she tried to break loose from Kwon. She had no least idea why the hell was he acting like this.

“Sure. I know why you came here. Noona, you really are a player eh? Tsk, I knew it. Having double eye-lids only on one eye says it all right from the beginning.” Kwon mockingly said in between hurried gasps of air.

“Who’s playing with whom? You are the player!” all the more confused, Kwon’s words sent Gain’s tolerance flying in the air.

“What about me?!”

“What were you trying to do with Hae-rin?!”

Time stood still for a moment. Kwon’s eyes showed everything she needed to know; it pained her so deep that no tear dare shamed her. Tough, Gain tried to make Kwon squirm. Eyes blazing with fury, Gain interrogated on.

“You said I got soondae lips? You think it’s thick? Tell me, whose lips is thicker?” Gain boldly asked, almost gasping in between breaths.

“Hers looks like sliced fruit? What about the taste? Did hers taste like one too?” still not answering, no single sense of guilt showed from his face.

“Who kissed who? You’re funny. I didn’t do anything, jeez.”

Deaf to his denial, Gain pushed on “What about mine? Are you interested too?” and with that she pouted her lips as far as they can go, if the gesture contained any aegyo to him she’s not too sure. Gain bravely seized Kwon’s nape, determined not to let go.

“Noona, you’re scary! What are you trying to do? Snatch away my innocence?” he menacingly snapped back. “I’m not that easy, you know. Tsk, tsk, to dare me like this…” even without stuttering, what’s been said is almost inaudible. Weak or not, he really didn’t know what’s happening to him. He tried to break loose from his wife but…

Eventually he felt power surge through his arms. He snatched Gain so tight he almost crushed her. Her eyes shot open, alarm written all over her face. But for all the right reasons she just closed her eyes making Kwon’s heart stopped a beat; the feeling of being powerful over Gain’s limp willing body is irresistible. He tried very hard to fight the urge to taste her waiting lips but his effort proved meaningless in the end.

The next thing they knew they were kissing. Kwon’s first kiss is not just a simple kiss. Who moved first and conquered the other’s lips is something they weren’t sure of.

She ignited him in a way he shouldn’t have been ignited and God knows how he’s thirsting for more with each and every second that passed. Hard pressed bodies, interlocked tongues, both lips in search of so much more, it all seemed endless at the time.

Getting wilder by the minute, Kwon lifted Gain to the stained glass window alongside the door. Keeping Gain aloft, she felt light in his arms. He felt more commanding as she readily gave in to his every move.

Her body was willing but the eyes showed different otherwise. She’s as scared as he is. Nevertheless, Kwon didn’t let the kiss cease. He explored more than her lips, hungrily tasting Gain’s neck, ears; grasping Gain’s thighs possessively, sanity left him before he even knew it.

Gasping for air after licking Gain’s ear, Kwon hoarsely whispered, “This is Abracadabra…”

Totally losing it, they almost gave in until…

“Were you this willing to Seulong too? “


I may not have won today but I will get even. Son Ga In, just wait.”

Peeking inside the security room, she first heard low guttural sounds from who knows what kind of creature it is. Realizing that the horrible sound was actually the snore of a human being, she immediately went into action, cat-walked past the sleeping security room monitoring officer.

Taking in the last drops of the tequila that was not hers, she sighed with utter relief for having been able to avoid dealing with the sleeping officer perchance he’s awake.

She scanned fast amongst the twenty screens monitoring different areas of the club until she’s found what she’s been looking for. The fire exit, ironically, set ablaze by Gain and Kwon’s passionate embrace.

This was what happened behind closed doors, right? The moment Kwon went inside that door, she knew she lost him. Feeling more pathetic crying over what she’s actually prepared herself to see, her eyes involuntarily remained glued to the pixelated screen, unblinking.

Tears blurred her eyes for a minute or so however, it never deterred her from the task she’s obsessively finished.

Much later, standing at the corner of the euphoric place, OBS is found fidgeting with her iPhone, staring fixedly at the whole clip being played on the monitor again.


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18 Responses to Fan Fiction 2: WE GOT SEPARATED – Chapter 2

  1. yobishi says:

    Grasp…the last sentence makes me stop breathing. Curious curious what happend next. But as I I scrolled down, to be continued 😥 . Why oh why. Curiousity is killing me!! The party seems so hot. I’m kinda confuse actually, the conv about the lips is it between Kwon n OBS?

  2. PaNdA says:

    I’m a little bit confused… Is this the past or present? I don’t get it..>,<
    Is there anybody can tell me the summary? thank you..^^

    • This is after their stay at the resort. Basically after Jo Kwon witnessed the hug between the two of them at the rocks near Ga In’s cabin, he left the resort and sort of went missing. In this chapter, we found out that Seul Ong was just teasing Ga In when he did the whole hug thing with her. But he invited her and brought her to the WonderGirls party where Kwon was also at. The very first part is Kwon dancing with OBS (I think). This should be before they got separated. So it’s possibly a flashback. Maybe we’ll wait for Anderei to explain in case I’m not entirely correct.

  3. Nena says:

    I cant wait the next chapter ^_^…so excited…
    I like!

  4. adamcouple says:

    omg !! i love the last bit. 😀 i’m also a little confused about the present/past tense but i dont really mind, just enjoying what im reading. xD ill wait till it gets explained later. thanks for sharing this fanfic. i love it 😀

  5. I wanted to slap Kwonnie for saying what he said “Were you this willing with Seul Ong?” !!!!! Dumb!!!!! it’s like splashing cold water on the flame… bad push-pull there~ 😛

    • wency says:

      but that is what Kwonnie would really do… remember, he’s innocent with the whole passion thing… hehehe…

  6. angelineluv says:

    Kyaaaaaaaaa………………………………………………blushing with the kissing scene. But get turn off, gezz Kwonna, why you’ve have to say such thing, no one wants to be compared and doubted about her feeling. OMO i think next chapter will be desperate and full of tears since the kissing scene will be out to media. Bad bad OBS, hate her, i wanna pull her hair and slap her .\/.

  7. iameverlastinglovesadam says:

    gosh, i love read this one…
    my mind goin wild to adams, after reading this FF
    can somebody explain to me different between past n present in this FF
    i have to read 3 times so i can really understand

    but so far, i like it thanks for write
    still waiting for the next one

    both FF1 n 2


    ok the last part kind a confused me?did the security caught their almost *thingY* in camera..and what happened after kwonie said “were you willing this with seulong too?”…what happened to both of them after kwonie said that!and wth is OBS playing a clip?why ga in was crying?can someone pls explain it to me!but i love this totally with kissing kekeke

  9. felina says:

    omo!! ommo!! the kiss scene!!! kyaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
    will I sound like a pervert if I asked for more kiss scene? hehehehehhhehehehe.

  10. Anderei says:

    i’m sorry about all the confusion.. at the last part, what i was really trying to say was “Hae-rin (OBS) was staring at the flashdisk, imagining the whole scene again”

    sorry if i came a bit off at most parts of my fan-fic but please kindly look down on me…

    thank you for liking my work!! saranghae!!

  11. Anderei says:

    “Hae-rin (OBS) was staring intently at her flashdisk, imagining seeing the whole clip again.”

    Whew. kekeke

    be sending asap (hopefully) to charmedlife66 the next installment….

  12. hoami189 says:

    Oh the kiss is freaking hot!!! ^^ Kwonnie in this FF is so manly and full of desires… ^^ Stupid Kwonnie! he just ruined the romantic moment he had already built…
    As i’ve admitted once, i still got lost sometimes when reading the FF, there are some details that i must read 2 or 3 times to catch what’s going on… >.<
    After the kiss, i bet the next chapter will be full of tears and sadness… :-s

  13. Anderei says:

    as far as i know, exclusive bars, high elite places have security cams situated almost everywhere, even the fire exits…

    and most of the time 2 security officers would be monitoring…

    in the fan-fic, the other is sleeping, (the other is getting hyped outside by the perf of Wondergirls hehe – not included in the fan-fic)

    thanks for your time reading the fan-fic and asking for an explanation as well

    i’m having my work foolproof by twilightelusion (thankful to her)

    so it has been a great struggle, really for me to write a fan-fic

  14. claraity says:

    Holy moly! Everything was going all good until Kwon had to say that last line. GAH! Ahaha! I’m really enjoying your work. Keep it up~! *Will continue to read more after I finish some work*

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