Fan Fiction 1: I LIKE YOU, KWON! – Chapter 8

Title: I Like You, Kwon!



Ga In woke up with the worst hangover she had ever experienced. No surprise there, since she had never drank so much before in her entire life. First thing she did was to check her phone. Seeing that she had 21 missed calls, she quickly opened her phone. All 21 missed calls were from Jo Kwon. She saw that she has a new message. She went to the SMS inbox to see who had sent the message. It was Seul Ong. She opened the message and read what was inside.

“In ah, did you rest well. Call me when you wake up alright? And remember, I have promised you that I would never leave you alone. So I would always be there for you unless you got tired of me! ^^”

After reading the message, the usual warmth and comfort she always get from Seul Ong made her smile widely. She was about to call her Ong oppa when she noticed there was a message from Jo Kwon. She hesitated before deciding to open the message. Good or bad, she would have to face it.

“Yeo bo~ I want to see you. I will wait for you at your dorm… No matter how late you get back. Just don’t ignore me, please…”

This was not what she expected. The comfort she felt a minute ago shattered to pieces. She threw her phone on her bed and left her room. “Why did he send me such a message? Seriously, I’m trying my best to keep my distance. What’s up with him? He’s attached for God’s sake! ARGH!!”

Ga In was deep in her thoughts and didn’t notice the gloomy atmosphere in the dorm at first. The other BEG members and their Manager Joon were all seated at the dining table and looked to be in the midst of a discussion. When they heard Ga In coming out of the room, they stopped their conversation.

“Ga In, come over here.” Manager Joon said in a solemn manner.

Ga In was puzzled because Joon oppa was not usually this serious with all of them. He is strict but they rarely hear this tone. With some measure of caution, she walked towards the group that was gathered at the dining table.

“If this is about last night…” Ga In started, wanting to apologize for her actions last night.

“This is not about last night. It’s your health check-up report. It came in yesterday. Please come over so we can decide what to do.” Manager Joon’s tone already signaled it was nothing good. Ga In’s feeling of dread went up a few notches.

“What’s the matter? Is everything alright?” Ga In can’t help but hope for the best.

“When the doctor was removing the stomach ulcers previously, they discovered that you actually have a tumour in your stomach. They took a sample to see if it was benign or malignant.” Manager Joon paused and looked at Ga In, “it’s benign at the moment, but because the tumour is rather big in size, it’s better to operate and remove it now in case it becomes worse.”

“Ga In ah, though we might have to stop all group activities, perhaps up to a year, all of us think that you should get the tumour out immediately. Health is more important.” JeA, as the leader of the group put in her opinion. It was actually a unanimous decision within the group – Ga In’s health has to come first.

Ga In was still reeling in from the shock of being told that she has a tumour in her stomach. She wanted to escape from the news but looking at the 4 concerned faces staring at her, she knew she had to make the decision. Thinking about how BEG has to stop group activities because of her, she could not help but feel apologetic towards her unnies. After all they have worked so hard for so long and finally they are being recognized for their effort and this has to happen. On the other hand, JeA unnie is right – health is really more important. “What’s more, maybe taking a break for a year can help me distance myself from my feelings for Jo Kwon as well.”

The last message from him on her phone flashed before her eyes again. “Yes, I really need to distance myself from him.”

With that thought, she looked at the concerned faces in front of her, “Alright, I believe I should remove the tumour and take a break from group activities for now. Unnies, thank you all for understanding. I know it must be difficult since we just made a name for ourselves. So, do also accept my apologies at the same time.” Ga In’s tears were on the brink of flowing down her cheeks but she held them in.

Once the decision has been made, Manager Joon started making arrangements for a public announcement. Ga In went to her room and called the one person who she knows would be there.


With the confrontation between Kwonnie and Seul Ong outside the BEG dorm the night before, both could hardly bare to be in each other’s presence. They were discussing about their next performance but the two men could not see eye to eye about ANYTHING. At the beginning, the other two members thought it was just a matter of getting up on the wrong side of the bed. But it was becoming worse by the second.

Chang Min could no longer stand it, “Either the two of you go out to the balcony and have a go at each other or start behaving like adults and focus on what needs to be done.” There wasn’t a need for Chang Min to make a wild guess about what the cause is. He knew it definitely got something to do with Ga In.

The other three were shocked with Chang Min’s words. Kwonnie and Seul Ong did not realize they were that obvious about their animosity towards each other. Both looked at each other and in that instant, they knew that they should not mix personal issue with work.

“Sorry.” Both said in one voice.

“Ok. Ready to stop being babies and discuss about our next performance?” Chang Min took the leading role for once as the eldest brother among them.

“Ye..” Seul Ong was about to answer when his phone rang. He took a glance at the caller-id and saw that it was the person he has been waiting for. “Why don’t all of you decide and just tell me what is my part?” With that, he took up his phone and left the discussion.

“What’s wrong with Seul Ong hyung? Whose phone call could be this urgent that he would walk off this way?” Jin Woon asked innocently, a little exasperated with Seul Ong’s behaviour.

Chang Min looked at Kwonnie and saw that he had looked away and his fists were clenched. Chang Min could feel the restraint that Kwonnie was exerting on himself not to shout out. Jin Woon saw Kwonnie’s expression and actions as well. “Kwonnie hyung, don’t be angry. I would go and get Seul Ong hyung back.”

Jin Woon got up and was about to walk towards Seul Ong’s room when Kwonnie said, “never mind him… Let’s continue with our discussion.” He seemed to have remembered his responsibility as the leader of the group.

“O…K…” With that, Jin Woon sat down and the three remaining members continued their discussion.

Kwonnie knew there was only one person who could have caused Seul Ong to leave the discussion – Son Ga In. He felt so torn – on the one hand, he wanted to run after Seul Ong and take his phone away from him so he could talk to Ga In, but as the leader of 2AM, he had to put the group as his first priority. With one last look towards Seul Ong’s room, he turned back and did what he had to do.

“In ah, how are you feeling? Your gastric is not acting up right? Why did you drink so much last night? I was so worried about you…” The moment Seul Ong answered the call, he started to ask.

“Oppa…” Ga In started, but the tears that she had kept inside her started to flow the moment she hear Seul Ong’s voice.

“In ah, what’s wrong? Don’t cry… tell oppa what’s wrong… don’t cry…” Seul Ong started panicking the moment he heard Ga In’s strangled breath. He knew she was crying and that something was very wrong. “In ah, are you at your dorm? Oppa will come over right now ok? Don’t cry…”

“Oppa… Would you do that? Please?”

“Oppa will be there as soon as possible ok? I’ll call you when I arrive.”


With that, they hung up. Seul Ong quickly changed and left his room. He went to the living room and announced that he needed to go out right now and apologize for not being able to do the discussion with the others. Without giving them a chance to respond, Seul Ong was out of the house.


“Ga In ah, come out and have your breakfast. You can’t go on with an empty stomach.” MiRyo was trying to coax Ga In to come out of her room. It was true that they have made breakfast but more importantly, they wanted Ga In to be out where they can see her.

“Unnie, I’m not hungry.”

At that moment, Seul Ong arrived at BEG’s dorm. He rang the doorbell and Narsha came to the door. She was very shocked to see him standing at the door.

“Why are you here?”

“Noona, please open the door for me”

Both said at the same time. Narsha knew that the only reason he would appear at their dorm was Ga In. And seeing how she had refused to come out of her room even after their coaxing, she knew Seul Ong might be their best bet. Not to mention, he could not have come without Ga In contacting him. With that thought, she opened the door for him.

“She refuses to come out of the room. We have made her some breakfast, maybe she would listen to you. Can you make sure she eats something?” Narsha said as they walked into the living room. She passed the plate that was meant for Ga In over to Seul Ong.

“Oh! Seul Ong! Why are you here?” JeA saw Seul Ong and was puzzled at his appearance.

Seul Ong just smiled at JeA and went to Ga In’s door. “In ah, oppa’s here. Open the door.”

The moment Ga In hear Seul Ong’s voice, she opened her door and let Seul Ong in. MiRyo and JeA tried to force their way in but were stopped by Narsha.

“Let them be.”

Both of them looked at Narsha and their expression was clear: What is going on between the two of them? Why is he here? How did he know?

After Seul Ong entered the room and put down the plate, he turned to look at Ga In. Her tears had started to flow again. He raised his hands, cupped her face and wiped her tears away. “It’s ok, oppa’s here. What’s wrong? Tell me?”

“Oppa…” Ga In could not continue and just went straight into Seul Ong’s arms. She let herself go, all the tears that she had kept inside her, whether it’s got to do with Kwonnie and Raina or her tumour, came out like a dam. She didn’t have to restrain herself in front of Seul Ong. She just clung onto him and cried her heart out.

Seul Ong just stood there and lent Ga In his strength and stability. His mind was full of questions: why was Ga In crying so badly. Was it just because of Kwonnie or were there other reasons? If it’s just because of Jo Kwon, he knew he’s not going to hold back his punches the next time he sees him.

Ga In gradually stopped crying. But she continued to cling onto Seul Ong. Just like 8 years ago, at her darkest moment, he was there to pull her out of it. She found comfort and stability in his presence.

“In ah… feeling better after crying and dirtying my shirt with your tears and mucus?” Seul Ong asked in an attempt to make her laugh.

“Oppa!!” His teasing had the desired effect. Though he loved holding her in his arms, he knew he had to get some food into her stomach and also to find out why she was so upset.

“Looks like you are better already. Come, sit down here and eat something.” Seul Ong saw that she was about to refuse and added, “Aigoo, our little baby girl, do you need oppa to feed you?”

“Ya! Im Seul Ong!! Who’s the little baby girl?” With that, Ga In sat down and started eating.

Seul Ong smiled and grabbed the other chair in the room and sat down beside her. When she was almost done with the food, he asked softly, “In ah, what is wrong? And don’t try to avoid it this time. Tell me everything. Is it just because of Jo Kwon? Or is there something else?”

Ga In stopped eating. She knew she owed her Ong oppa an answer. “Last night, it was mostly about Kwonnie but not today. I just found out that I have a tumour in my stomach. I’m going to get it removed immediately so don’t worry too much about it.”

“What?! Tumour in your stomach? Since when? You mean you have known all along and you didn’t tell me?” Seul Ong was a tad hurt but above and beyond that, he was worried.

“No! I just found out about the stomach tumour today and you were the first one I informed.” She replied in her feisty voice. However she looked up at Seul Ong and whispered, “but oppa, I’m scared. What if the operation is not successful? What if I don’t fully recover from it? What would I do? What would happen to BEG?”

Seul Ong could see the fear in her voice reflected in her eyes. He took up both her hands, held them in his and looked her in the eye. “In ah, don’t be afraid. Oppa would be there all the time. Right now, I believe what all your unnies want is for you to recover. Don’t worry so much about BEG and concentrate on recovering so that you can be better. Ok?”

Ga In nodded her head and smiled. The worry in her heart seemed to have lessened with each reassuring word that Seul Ong said to her. “Oppa, you are the best!”

He smiled at her and patted her head, “aigoo, our goyanggi (cat) is so cute today!”

As expected, Ga In started slapping his hand away. There was a knock on the door. It was Narsha.

“Joon oppa just called to say that the press conference is set to be held this afternoon. He said to get ready by 2PM then he would come by and pick us up.” Narsha saw that the plate was almost empty and Ga In did seem to feel a little better.

“Noona, can I follow all of you to the press conference? I will stay in the nanny van. I just want to make sure that Ga In is alright.” Seul Ong made the daring suggestion after he saw the panic sneaking into Ga In’s eyes.

“But we will be there…” Narsha didn’t want Seul Ong to follow because there’s definitely going to be lots of reporters at the venue since it’s a press conference. It’s going to be difficult to explain why he was there.

“Oppa, much as I would like you to be there, I don’t think it’s a good idea. Already, I heard that the two of us leaving the broadcasting station together yesterday had created quite a stir. If you were to be caught near the press conference venue, it’s going to get worse. My unnies would be there and they would look out for me. Don’t worry.” Ga In could see Narsha’s hesitation and she knew she had to be the one to tell her Ong oppa not to be there.

“Alright then. But promise me you would call me after the press conference?” Seul Ong also know that he could not be seen at the venue. As it is, coming here to a female idol group’s dorm was already committing a big taboo. If he were to be seen at the venue, he really don’t know what Jin Young hyung will do to him.

“I promise.”

Seul Ong smiled, ruffled Ga In’s hair one more time and got up to leave. “Since all of you need to get ready, I shall not get in the way. I’d make my way back to my dorm.”

Ga In followed him to the door, “Oppa, thank you.” The simple words were enough for Seul Ong. He turned, smiled and waved goodbye. “In ah, be strong but when you can’t do it on your own anymore, you know I will always be there, understand?”

Ga In nodded and watched Seul Ong leave. It’s such a warm feeling knowing that he would always be there. She turned around, only to find all the other unnies looking at her strangely.

“Ga In ah, what is going on between the two of you? I have never seen Seul Ong in such a panic. And how come you only allowed him into the room when we have been coaxing you to open the door? What kind of relationship does the two of you have? Both of you seems to be closer than we think.” JeA asked, with a hint of hurt and a lot of confusion.

Ga In sat all her unnies down and began telling them about her past and how Seul Ong and her became so close. After telling them the story, JeA and MiRyo were incredibly touched but at the same time felt so sorry for the Ga In 8 years ago. They got up and gave her a hug. Narsha was the only one who had her worries written all over the face. “So they go back so far and have a such a close relationship. But what of Seul Ong’s feelings now? Ga In seems unaware that her oppa who she sees as a brother has feelings for her.”

“Alright, let’s go prepare for the press conference.” Once the words have been spoken by JeA, everyone went back to their room to start preparing. Narsha was still worried but she knew she had the press conference to deal with first.


Translator/Writer’s note: This chapter was not in the original story, at least not to the extend as to how I have expanded it. The original writer mentioned the animosity but didn’t elaborate. It also didn’t have the phone call from Ga In to Seul Ong. I did because I’m a crazy writer who wants details and to show how much Ga In actually relies on Seul Ong but always as a brother to her. Needs to reinforce that relationship.

I would also admit that I’m an evil step-mother type of writer. So it would feel like there’s a lot of conflicts and such. But without conflicts, you won’t find it interesting. So yes.. conflicts. But the conflicts would be resolved. Just not too fast.

I know it seems like Kwonnie is missing and I bet some of you are asking if Ga In will end up with Seul Ong. The answer is NO! (Is this consider a spoiler?)

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15 Responses to Fan Fiction 1: I LIKE YOU, KWON! – Chapter 8


    oh thank that kwon will end ep with ga in…not really a spoiler but a relief to keep me reading this story cuz if ga in and brotherinlaw hmm that…i’ll kill both of them!:)jk!but really!can’t wait for more and yes ur evil!:)))in a good way!but i’m hoping the light will come through and kwon get to do what a man need to do!

  2. S says:

    Woo! Just read Chapter 8 Part 1. Can’t wait for more! I check this site everyday. 🙂

    I’m kinda bummed the Seulong gets so much “airtime” and Kwon seems so desperate/needy. Am glad he stuck to his duty of being 2AM’s leader here instead of running about Seulong. That was kinda cool!

    More, more, more!

    • Opps! My bad. This is the entire chapter 8. As a continuation from Chapter 7, it would have to be Seul Ong for now~

      Does Kwon come across as desperate and needy? Needy wasn’t how I want to portray him. Desperate to get Ga In back, yes, but not at the peak of that desperation yet. 😀

  3. a m iii e says:

    Reading this have me thinking back of wgm episodes where seul ong appears and it seems as he notice everything about gain first before anyone else.

    • He’s older and have known and is closer to Ga In even in real life. Just that in this story, it’s even more enlarged because of the fact they shared a history that goes all the way back to when they were in school so he tends to notice more. Not to mention, when it’s someone you like, you tend to notice EVERYTHING about them. Not unlike how we go crazy about every little detail about Adam Couple!!

  4. yobishi says:

    Gosh been reading it and wonder when will Kwon appear. U’re evil yesh, makes us desperate, but relief read the spoiler *fiuuhh… I can feel how Ong feelings of Ga in, when u love someone, u can abandoned anything for her. But noooo, Gain must always with Kwon, hehehe evil reader.

  5. adamcouple says:

    i’m sure we all get fustrated that kwon is left out atm but i guess that’s what builds the story and make us anticipate the development in their relationship more. I actually kinda like how seulongs the one running towards her bcos its through gain and kwons seperation that they realise how much they really love or need each other. i hope kwon’s character will become more manly later though & be able to get gain back rather than just texting her msgs and clenching his fist. adam couple forever ! i love this fanfic. i think u did a great job, whether it is translating or adding to it. can’t wait for the next chapter 🙂

  6. denise says:

    u noe wat…… after reading this fanfic, I kinda hope gain end up wit ong….. she is so happy when she is wit him…. her ong oppa really luv her so much….. seul ong oppa, gambateh….. even u dun get her, u really wish for her happiness in the end…. and it prove that u luv her more than kwon can ever did….. because u wan her to be wit her loved one, even though it pain u to hell….. (sorry, kwon-gain lover, I just can’t bear ong sadness here and hiss love for gain)

    • I admire your courage for daring to say it out!! I kinda hope that Ga In would end up with Ong too (No, i won’t change the ending!) I like devoted guys like that, unconditional love. quite sad really.

  7. Choi Sung Young says:

    🙂 Kind of glad it’s gonna be the adam couple (but I kind of guessed that xD) but slightly bummed that it’s not going to be seulong either xD xD uwah~~
    AGREE AGREE AGREE with the comment above ^
    heheheh xD Ong is super cool now.. may suddenly have another favourite member from 2AM 😀 hehehe.. all thanks to your awesome fic~

  8. yyyyyahs says:

    I kinda hope seulong and gain get together! Heh, im a fan of adam couple! But in this story, i like seulong more^^ He’s been there for so many years, but jokwon a few months. Dont bash me HEEEHEE.

  9. claraity says:

    Their relationship is so cute~ I like how Seulong’s method of teasing Ga In to eat. Cute~ *Sigh* Why’d you have to be such a perfect gentleman, Seulong? I so hope he finds a lovely person to be with in the end.

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