Fan Fiction 1: I LIKE YOU, KWON! – Chapter 2

Title: I Like You, Kwon!


“I will make you smile.. I can only give you happiness…” Kwonnie’s handphone started ringing. It’s 3am.

“Hello?” Kwonnie answered the phone.

“Kwonah, wake up!” The voice on the other end sounded familiar but in his state of sleepiness, he didn’t recognize it immediately.

“It’s me, Min hyung. Wake up. Quickly.” Manager Min spoke calmly.

“Hyung, what’s the matter?” Kwonnie became alarmed since Manager Min rarely calls in the middle of the night.

“Pack your things. There has been a change in your schedule. You will go and film Family Outing at 7am. So quickly wake up and prepare for the shoot.” Manager Min replied, becoming a little impatient.

“But if I leave for the filming for Family Outing today, it will end only tomorrow. What about WGM filming?” Kwonnie was puzzled by this sudden change. The next thought that came to him was he won’t be able to see Ga In this week.

“WGM will stop filming for two weeks.”

“WHAT? WHY?!” This news woke him up totally. Not just one week, but two? That’s strange. Kwonnie’s mind went into high alert mode. What’s wrong? Are we being taken out of the show? All these questions flashed by in his head.

“The producer didn’t tell me the reason. You’d better wake up now and start preparing to leave for the Family Outing filming.” With that, Manager Min hung up. He knew the reason why WGM was cancelled but he knew he couldn’t let Kwonnie know. Because if he knew, he might not be able to concentrate on his FO filming. Worse, he might refuse to go completely. Although he felt apologetic towards Kwonnie, he had to keep the truth from him for now.

After the phone call, Kwonnie got up and started preparing for his FO filming. He smiled when he saw the box of tonic that Ga In bought for him. He went to the box and took out two packs. “Yeo Bo ah… when you are not around me, I have to rely on these to keep me going.” After putting the tonic packs into his bag, he continued packing his bag for FO.


“Water…” Ga In was finally awake. Her voice was still weak but she did look slightly better than the previous night.

“Ga In ah, you are awake. You want water? Give me a minute, I’d go get it for you.” JeA who had come to take over Narsha after supper with the 2AM boys said softly. Seeing that Ga In looked slightly better, the heaviness in her heart also loosened its hold on her.

“Unnie, what is the time now?” Ga In sat up slowly and took the glass that JeA passed to her. She drank carefully as her wound was beginning to hurt a little.

“It’s about 7am, why?” JeA took the glass away from Ga In after she finished drinking. She handed Ga In’s handphone to her.

Ga In opened her handphone and was greeted by the message that Seul Ong sent last night. After reading it, she said quietly, “Indeed… I can’t hide anything from Ong oppa…”

“Oh that reminds me. Seul Ong bought you this…”

JeA handed over Seul Ong’s bag of love to Ga In. Ga In opened the bag and looked inside. The moment she saw the contents, she smiled broadly.

“It’s my favourite!! Vitagen!! This comes in handy since I’m really hungry right now.” Ga In was about to open the drink when JeA snatched it away from her.

“I heard from Narsha that Seul Ong said to only let you have the drink after you have taken your medicine. I will follow his instructions to the dot.” Seeing Ga In was in better spirit and exhibiting her childish behaviour, JeA heaved a sigh of relief.

“Unnie~~ How can you help Ong oppa bully me?” Ga In was slightly miffed that her drink was taken away from her. But looking at the drink and the bag that Seul Ong had given to her unnies to pass to her, warmth filled her weak body. “Ong oppa is really my dearest friend.”

Looking at her handphone again, there were no other messages or any missed calls.

“Chet! That Kwonnie… He still said he wants to look after me… I bet he doesn’t even know that I’m sick.” Ga In thought to herself. The disappointment she felt was something she couldn’t explain. She shook her head and said the words that she has been using to conquer such feelings,

“We are fake. We are not a real couple. Son Ga In! What are you thinking?”

With that, she switched off her phone and started eating the breakfast that the nurse had brought for her. After taking her medicines, she finally got to drink her favourite drink and her disappointment was momentarily forgotten.


The cast and crew of Family Outing were brought to the mountainous area outside of Seoul. Kwonnie was about to send Ga In a text message when he realized that there was no reception. He got a little frustrated and stamped his foot.

“Oppa, what’s wrong? Yoona who was standing behind him got concerned when she saw him stamping his foot.

“Nothing.” With that, he switched off his phone and concentrated on the filming.


The boys were enjoying their first rest day in a long time. Maknae Jin Woon was channel surfing when he saw Ga In’s news on television.

“Hyung! Seul Ong hyung!!! Come quick!!” Jin Woon shouted for Seul Ong to come to the living room.

Seul Ong, who was still sleeping, woke up, alarmed by the urgency he heard in Jin Woon’s voice. He lumbered to the living room.

“Look! It’s Ga In noona’s news”

Upon hearing Ga In’s name, Seul Ong quicken his footsteps and sat down heavily on the sofa, his whole attention was on the news broadcaster on television.

“From what we have gathered, BEG member, Son Ga In was sent to the hospital last night after their performance at S Broadcating station. According to JeA, leader of BEG, she had verified that Ga In was indeed sent to the hospital but is now feeling much better. She thanked the media and fans for their concern but would like our understanding in not disturbing Ga In during this period.”

“If Ga In noona was sent to the hospital, the rest of the noonas were lying about her having another schedule. Why did they do that for?” Jin Woon can’t help but be a little hurt by the BEG noonas’ action.

“They probably just didn’t want us to be worried since we are all very close to them. What’s more Kwonnie is in WGM with her and he would be affected if he knows…” Seul Ong tried to console Jin Woon. But his mind was a blank. He was reeling from shock about Ga In’s condition. He had thought it was just her gastric acting up.

Suddenly remembering something, he got up from the sofa and rushed to his room. He took out his handphone and realized that it was out of battery. He quickly put it to charge and switched on the phone. The moment the phone was activated, it started vibrating. Seul Ong saw that there was a new message. He opened the message.

“Ga In is in hospital. She had stomach ulcers and just came out from an operation. Don’t be alarmed. She’s ok. Don’t come to the hospital. – Narsha”

Seul Ong stared at the message. He closed his eyes and let out a sigh of relief. Getting the reassurance from Narsha instead of just hearing it from the news at least put his mind at ease. He looked at his phone again and saw the time the message was sent. It was while they were having supper.

“I didn’t even realize my phone was out of battery. Luckily she’s alright.. What if something happened to her and I was out of contact?” Just thinking about it put a tortured look on his face.

He dialed a number.

“Hello? Narsha noona? Seul Ong here”

“I knew you would call me.” Narsha had been expecting his call the whole night. It surprised her that it took him this long.

“Noona, are you at the hospital now?” His anxiety was slowly showing in his voice.

“No, I’m at our dorm now. But I’m going to the hospital later.”

“Can I go with you? If I were to go alone, it might look strange and the media might go crazy about it.” Seul Ong said hurriedly.

“I…” Narsha’s first reaction was to refuse him.

Seul Ong also sensed her reluctance. He quickly added, “I really need to see her and reassure myself that she’s alright. I’m feeling terrible that I didn’t even know that my phone was out of battery and missed your message about her condition. Please, noona, help me out.”

This was the first time Narsha heard such desperation in Seul Ong’s voice. She gave in.

“Meet me at our dorm. We go together in our nanny van.”

“Thank you noona. I call you when I’m there”

Seul Ong wiped the tears that were gathered in his eyes and started to wash up to meet Narsha.


The first day of filming finally ended. But because it was too cold in the mountains, the production team decided to leave the location and to warmer ground to continue with the second day of filming.

The moment they reached lower grounds, Yoona and the rest of the family members quickly took out their phones to check for any missed communication.

“KWONNIE OPPA!!! QUICK!! COME AND LOOK AT THIS!!” Yoona shouted for Kwonnie’s attention.

Kwonnie was upset that he didn’t get any messages from Ga In so he was not really in the mood for Yoona’s tendency to be excited about the smallest thing.

“What is it?” Kwonnie looked over reluctantly since he really wanted to call Ga In.

“Ga In unnie is in hospital!!” Yoona said, a little concerned because she knew that Kwonnie cares about Ga In a lot and wonder how the news would affect him.

“What?! Let me see it.” Kwonnie snatched Yoona’s phone from her hands. The news was a short one, outlining what happened briefly.

“So that’s why WGM’s filming was cancelled.” Kwonnie saw the date and it was the day that they last saw each other at S broadcast station. “And I didn’t even notice that she wasn’t feeling well.” Remembering Seul Ong’s message to Ga In that night, his frustrations with himself grew even more.

He picked up his phone and dialed Ga In’s number.

“The number that you have just called is not responding. Please try again later.” The voice on the other end was not the one that he wanted to hear.

The moment the bus reached the destination, Kwonnie was out of the bus. He quickly approached the producer and hurriedly said his apologies for having to leave the filming early as something had happened at home. After he got the go-ahead to leave, he was off like a bullet. He hailed a cab and headed towards Seoul General Hospital.


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2 Responses to Fan Fiction 1: I LIKE YOU, KWON! – Chapter 2

  1. claraity says:

    The part where Ga In has to remind herself that it’s a fake marriage and that they’re on a show reminds me of the time when I kept telling myself the same thing about them. Hahaha!

    Onward, ho! Kwonnie and Seulong at the hospital! How will she react when she sees the two?

  2. Wind says:

    I hope another fans make a manga for adam couple^^

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