Fan Fiction 1: I LIKE YOU, KWON! – Chapter 1

This fan fiction is the original work of yajfeng of Baidu. I really liked her story and I have decided to translate it to English. I have changed some of the wordings and taken the liberty to change some of the details in the story.

Title: I like you, KWON!



“BEG! BEG! BEG!” The fans cheered loudly. The four members of BEG looked extraordinarily glamorous under the stage lights.

After the final pose, the lights dimmed.

“Narsha unnie, can you hold on to me?” Ga In, her usual pale face looked even paler at that moment. Discomfort was written all over her face.

“Oh! Ga In ah! What’s wrong with you?” Narsha turned to Ga In who was standing next to her in the final pose and saw Ga In looking very pale and sickly. She immediately found an angle that won’t be captured by the camera. The moment she got a hold on Ga In, she could feel Ga In leaning her entire weight on her.

“I’m ok, it’s nothing serious. I’m probably just tired. Later, I would go get a vitamin shot at the hospital with Joon oppa (their manager) and go back to the dorm to rest.” Ga In’s voice could barely be heard.

“Silly girl, do you think this is something that can be cured by just having a vitamin shot? You already fainted once. Better get a more thorough check-up this time round. Don’t wait till it gets too serious…”

Without realizing, they have already reached the corridor leading to their waiting room. 2AM members were just walking towards the stage.

“Oh! Noonas! Hello!” 2AM’s maknae, Jin Woon, saw the BEG girls and greeted them happily.

“Hello! Good luck for your performance!!” JeA and MiRyo smiled and replied.

“Ya! Don’t talk so much, let them go to the stage to prepare for their performance. Let’s go and rest. It’s been a tiring day.” Narsha, sensing that the 2AM members would have stayed on to chat, said haughtily. She could also feel Ga In leaning more heavily on her by the minute.

Realising that she must have sounded rude, she quickly added, “Noona is already 30 years old, I am not as energetic as before. Come and look for us when you are done with your performance ok?”

Kwon, focused on the performance to come, didn’t notice anything else. He rushed his members forward after realizing that they might be hindering the BEG noonas from getting their rest. However, Seul Ong looked over at Ga In and frowned. But he didn’t say anything and just followed his members to the stage.


“Ga In, how are you feeling? Can you still manage?” Narsha asked, the worry in her voice was evident as she stared at Ga In who collapsed onto the sofa.

“Ga In, what’s wrong with you? Noticing Ga In’s condition for the first time, JeA and MiRyo asked with concern.

“Help me call Joon oppa and ask him to take me back first. I will have to leave the goodbye greetings to the rest of you.” Ga In slipped in unconsciousness after saying this.

JeA was shocked and immediately called up their manager. Their manager appeared instantaneously, took her things and left for the hospital.

“Hopefully she is alright. Our maknae’s health is really very bad. Later, we better buy some health food for her.” MiRyo said, her face full of worries. The few BEG unnies doted and love Ga In like their own little sister.


“Seul Ong hyung, what are you sending? Who are you sending it to? You are being very secretive…” Kwonnie asked, seeing how Seul Ong took out his phone to SMS the moment they got off the stage.

“Nothing.” Seul Ong did not explain himself. He put his phone back in his pocket immediately after sending the message.

“Hyung, let’s go back and freshen up. After that, let’s go look for the BEG noonas!” Maknae Jin Woon really likes the BEG noonas. Seeing as to how the noonas agreed to let them go over to their waiting room, he could barely contain his excitement.

“OK OK! I want to go look for my wife too!” Kwonnie agreed immediately. They haven’t met for WGM filming yet this week. This is the first time he saw her this week.

“Ok, seeing as how she must be having her gastric pains again…” Seul Ong mumbled to himself, looking distracted.

“Seul Ong hyung, what did you just say?” Kwonnie thought he heard the words “gastric pains”

“Nothing. I’m going out for a while. I’ll meet you guys at the BEG waiting room later. 10 minutes?” Seul Ong said as he walked out away from the group.

“Hyung, don’t take too long” Jin Woon shouted, as Seul Ong ran down the corridor.

“Seul Ong is behaving strangely today…” Chang Min suddenly said.

“Never mind him, let’s go” Saying that, Kwonnie led his group mates to their own waiting room.


“Noonas! We are here!” Jin Woon greeted the BEG noonas as he entered.

“Yeo Bo! I’m here!” Kwonnie walked in, intent on seeing his wife.

“Sorry to disturb.” The always-courteous eldest brother said as he walked in and closed the door behind him.

“Oh! You guys are here” MiRyo got up from her seat in front of the mirror and walked to the sofa. Jin Woon and Chang Min followed her and sat down at the sofa and started chatting.

“Noona, where’s Ga In?” After scanning the room and not finding his wife, Kwonnie asked immediately.

“Oh.. Ga In…” JeA was about to say Ga In went to the hospital when she saw Narsha glance at her and shook her head discreetly. “Ga In has another schedule so she left with Joon oppa already.”

Seeing that JeA has understood her intent, she looked over and MiRyo. MiRyo nodded her head to show she understood what was happening.

“Oh…is it? She didn’t mention that she has a schedule after this…” Kwonnie sat down on the sofa heavily. “Oh what’s this?” Kwonnie seemed to have sat on something hard. After searching the sofa for a while, he picked up Ga In’s phone.

“Aigoo.. my wife is really absent-minded. How can she just leave her handphone lying around. What if she loses it?” He started his nagging.

Just then the handphone vibrated to signal that there was a message.

“Who could it be?” Curious, Kwonnie opened up her phone to take a look. “Why does this number look so familiar?” When he entered the SMS menu, that was when he saw the name “Ong oppa” as the sender of the unread message.

“So Seul Ong hyung was sending a message to my wife just now?” Kwonnie thought to himself.

He opened the message.

“In, are you suffering from your gastric again? Did you bring your medicine? You better go to the hospital. I will visit you later. Ong”

“What is this?! Calling each other so intimately.” Kwonnie’s jealousy was bubbling on the surface and he pouted his lips unconsciously. Just then, Seul Ong opened the door and came in. He was breathing heavily, as if he had just finished a race.

“Ga In’s not here?” Those were the first words that came out of his mouth.

“No, she went off for another schedule” MiRyo added her voice to the lie.

“Oh…Ok… Narsha noona, can you come outside for a while?” Seul Ong looked at Narsha intently.

Narsha, sensing Seul Ong’s urgency, got up and went out to the corridor with him.

“Hyu…” Kwonnie was just about to ask Seul Ong about the SMS but he has already gone out of the room with Narsha. Looking at the screen again and seeing “Ong oppa”, Kwonnie got more irritated by the second.

“What is this… Calling Seul Ong  hyung “oppa”! I should be the one she’s calling oppa! I thought they quarreled every single time they meet, since when did they become so close?” Kwonnie mumbled under his breath, dissatisfaction was evident in every word. He picked up his phone and dialed their manager’s number.

“Hyung, can you help me ask when will the recording for WGM be this week? Can you try to confirm it to be within the next few days?” Kwonnie walked to the quieter side of the waiting room to make the call.

“Ya! You can’t wait to see your wife? Don’t tell me you have fallen in love with her?” Although the voice on the other end meant for it to be a joke, uncertainty laced the laughter that followed the question.

“What are you talking about? It’s work, work!” Kwonnie raised his voice just a little.

“Don’t think Jin Young hyung has given his blessing, you can act rashly and do whatever you wish.” There was a hint of warning in the voice.

“Hyung, just go ask for me please?!” Kwonnie was getting exasperated.

“No need. It has already been decided. The filming will take place two days later at the amusement park.”

“Ok. Got it. Thanks!’ Kwonnie hung up the phone, finally smiling for the first time since entering the BEG waiting room.

Walking over to the sofa where the rest of his members, minus Seul Ong, were chatting happily with the BEG members, he said, “Noonas, we have to get going. There are still schedules tomorrow.” After saying that, he bowed and signaled the two members to follow him.

“Hyung! Tomorrow’s our free day! Why couldn’t we stay?” Maknae Jin Woon was silenced by Kwonnie’s look. Kwonnie turned and saw Seul Ong whispering to Narsha. Narsha was holding the bag that Seul Ong was carrying just now. The irritation that was somewhat pacified by the news of the confirmed WGM filming came rushing back. He turned towards the direction of their waiting room.

“Chet! How could I have fallen in love with Ga In? At the most, it’s just ‘like’ …” Kwonnie was in a world of his own. He couldn’t hear Jin Woon complaining to Chang Min, neither did he see Chang Min cast a quick worried glance, first at Seul Ong, then at him.


“Narsha noona, please help me give this to Ga In.” He passed Narsha the bag he was holding in his hands.

“What is this?” Narsha looked into the bag. “Gastric medicine… Ga In’s favourite drink, hot packs…” Realising Seul Ong knew Ga In was sick, Narsha looked up. “What are all these for?” Narsha was shocked since the encounter with the 2AM members backstage lasted barely a minute.

“You can bluff the others, but I know what’s going on. I have known Ga In since middle school. I know when she’s not feeling well.”

“Could it be… you are interested in our Ga In? Narsha looked Seul Ong in the eye and asked in all seriousness. Seul Ong looked away. Seeing Seul Ong’s reaction, Narsha continued,”even though both of you quarreled every single time you meet, but on festive occasions and on her birthday, you would always give her things that she likes.”

Thinking about the childish quarrels the two of them have every time they meet, Narsha couldn’t help but smile.

“Whatever it is, can you remember to pass this to her? Don’t give her her favourite drink until you see her take her medicine. She hates taking medicine.” Thinking how Ga In always needs to drink her favourite drink after taking medicine, Seul Ong smiled unconsciously.

Seeing Seul Ong’s smile, Narsha was about to say something when Seul Ong seemed to remember where he was. At the moment, the rest of his members also came out of the BEG waiting room.

“Noona, please do me this favour. Thank you!” After saying that, he turned and followed the rest of his members back to their waiting room. Just as he caught up with the rest of his members, he turned and looked at Narsha one last time and smiled. That smile seemed to give Narsha an answer to her question.

“Looks like our Ga In is going to find herself in a lot of trouble.” Her smile seemed to hint at the good nature of the trouble. She turned and went into the waiting room, the bag of love from Seul Ong hung heavily from her hand.


The weather today was already very cold. Coupled with the rain, it was excruciatingly cold. The BEG girls dragged their tired bodies out of the broadcast station to wait for a cab to take them back to the dorm since Manager Joon was with Ga In. The 2AM boys came out of the broadcast station and saw the BEG noonas. Jin Woon went forward excitedly.

“Noonas! Why are you waiting here? Where’s your nanny van?” Jin Woon bombarded the noonas with questions in his excitement to see them.

“Oh! Our manager took the car to send Ga In to her schedule. It seems like he can’t make it back in time. So we are waiting for a cab to take us back to our dorm.” MiRyo said.

Chang Min came forward with the other two members and heard what MiRyo said.

“Kwonah, shall we ask Min hyung if we can send the BEG noonas back to their dorm?” Chang Min turned to Kwonnie and said.

“Why don’t we just go for supper together first?! Then we will send the noonas back. How about that noonas?” Jin Woon asked, excitement was literally flowing from his every word. Kwonnie already took out his phone to call the manager to ask for permission for the new arrangement.

The BEG girls looked at each other, each knowing what the others were thinking. Finally Narsha said quietly, “Why don’t the two of you go with them and I make my way back to the dorm to see how Ga In is? If you don’t go with them, they might suspect what the truth is.”

“Alright… But please let us know later how Ga In is.” JeA whispered. Having decided, the girls turned towards the 2AM boys.

“Noona has to go back first. I have an early schedule tomorrow so I can’t join you guys this time. Next time alright? My treat!” Narsha explained. She looked at Seul Ong and nodded, as if asking him for his help.

“Narsha noona, since you have an early schedule, you’d better go back and rest. We will take JeA noona and MiRyo noona back after supper. Take care of yourself.” Seul Ong looked at Narsha and mouthed softly, “Ga In. Let me know.” With that, he ushered the whole group of them away and got into their nanny van. However, Kwonnie saw that exchange of looks and Seul Ong saying something to Narsha. An emotion started to swell inside him.


“Ga In, are you asleep already? Narsha walked into the dark house. No lights were switched on. She quickly walked towards Ga In’s room.

“Ga In ah?” There was no one in the room. Just then, her phone rang.

“Oh, Joon oppa! Whe…” Narsha didn’t get to ask her question as her manager interrupted her.

“Narsha, where are you now? Manager Joon sounded a little anxious on the other end.

“I just reached the dorm. Why?”

“Ok, great. Can you pack some clothes and whatever Ga In might need and come to Seoul General Hospital now? She needs to stay at the hospital” Manager Joon said calmly to Narsha.

“Oh no, what’s wrong with our Ga In?” Narsha was alarmed.

“She had stomach ulcer and had to be operated on.” Manager Joon replied calmly so as not to cause more alarm.

“Ok ok!! I will pack her bag and come over immediately.” Narsha hung up and started gathering clothes and toiletries for Ga In. Once she was done, she went down, hailed a cab and went to the hospital.


“Joon oppa, I’m here. How is Ga In now?” The moment Narsha reached the hospital ward, she asked about Ga In’s condition.

“She just got out of the operating theater but she’s fine. She’s asleep right now. This child, doesn’t even want me to inform her family. Look after her. I have to go and cancel her schedules for the next two weeks.” Manager Joon, after telling Narsha Ga In’s condition, walked out of the room to make the calls.

Narsha turned to look at Ga In. She looked weak and so much more petite lying there on the hospital bed. After adjusting her blanket, Narsha took her handphone and walked out of the room too. She started sending her message to JeA and MiRyo to inform them of Ga In’s condition. Just as she was about to close her phone, she seemed to remember something. She hesistated. But she opened her phone again and decided to send one more message.


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11 Responses to Fan Fiction 1: I LIKE YOU, KWON! – Chapter 1

  1. Choi Sung Young says:

    (: OMO.. WOW this is really really good~~~
    Seulong and Ga In xD xD I shouldn’t like them.. but they are so cuuute too..
    Stuck between Adam Couple AND Seulong & Ga In 😛 🙂

  2. kwonnnie says:

    I’m wondering if Seulong & Ga In are really childhood friend or it’s just for fiction?

    • I won’t call it childhood friends but they do go a long way back in this story. We knew they are already friends for some time, just expanded that, that’s all.

  3. anonymous says:

    putting the plot aside, the tone and the characters are not really good…

  4. yyyyyahs says:

    I thought i was the only one, always noticing that gain will find seulong everytime beg & 2am meets. At dirtyeyedgirls, and every single wgm! :O Maybe there’s really something on ^^

  5. claraity says:

    Aww~ Family love~

    Onwards, towards jealousy, confusion, and the fight for love!

  6. jokwongain says:

    awww, i feel jokwon’s jealousy. to be honest, i’d really love it if jokwon and gain really get together. i really hope that the rumour about seulong and gain is never real. 😉

  7. haein08 says:

    OMG!!..why is it?..that i just found this story!!..

    I’m so thrilled about it…

    I really like how the plot goes…LOVE ADAM!!!!and i love Seul Ong!!!kk….

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