Fan Fiction 1: I LIKE YOU, KWON! – Chapter 3

Title: I Like You, Kwon!



Seul Ong and Narsha met up at the BEG dorm. Without saying much, both got onto the nanny van and left for the hospital.

“Noona, thanks…” Seul Ong said quietly.

“Seul Ong ah… What are you going to do?” Narsha had to ask.

Seul Ong looked at Narsha and shrugged, a bitter smile on his face. With that, he looked away. Throughout the rest of the journey, silence prevailed. Narsha, seeing that Seul Ong didn’t want to talk about the matter, also didn’t pursue it any further. But the seed of worry that was planted two nights ago started to grow.


Ga In’s Ward

When Seul Ong and Narsha walked in, they saw that Ga In was sleeping soundly after taking her medicine. Seul Ong sat down on the bed and touched Ga In’s forehead then rested his hand on her cool cheek.

“In ah, Oppa is here. What happened to you… I…” Looking at the girl who was lying placidly on the bed, Seul Ong was at a loss. The usual bickering stance that he took with her was nowhere to be found. Replacing it, was an intent look, a tortured look that only hinted at the anger, frustration with himself and worry. Narsha was not oblivious to the look on Seul Ong’s face. She frowned.

Narsha stepped forward, “Seul Ong ah, let’s go since Ga In is resting.”

“Noona, just a little while more… alright?” Seul Ong realized that he was not alone with Ga In, took his hand away from Ga In’s face. He looked at Narsha, wordlessly pleading her with his eyes.

“Ah…” Narsha halted when she saw the look in Seul Ong’s eyes. “Alright… Just a while more ok?”

Seul Ong turned back to look at Ga In’s frail body. He had to bite his lips to stop the tears from flowing. But one single tear still managed to escape and it dripped onto Ga In’s hand that he was holding.

“You have to be alright. Do you understand? Please be alright.” Seul Ong bent over as if in prayer. Seeing this, Narsha came up behind him and put her hand on his shoulder. It’s not that she didn’t understand but she knew she had to put a stop to it.

“Seul Ong ah… You’d better pull yourself together. Go and wash your face. There are reporters outside. Let’s not make Ga In worry more.” Narsha whispered but her voice was firm.

Taking a deep breath, Seul Ong let go of the hand he was holding and put it under the blanket. He adjusted the blanket with great care and looked at Ga In one last time.

“Ok… Let me go and wash up a little. Then we will leave.” He said stoically and walked towards the attached bathroom.

Narsha stared at Seul Ong’s retreating figure and shook her head. She looked down at Ga In, “Ga In ah… What are you going to do?”

Seul Ong stood in front of the basin and splashed water on his face. He clenched his fists and looked at his reflection in the mirror.

“Im Seul Ong, you cannot forget your place beside Ga In. Never ever forget it.”

With that, he seemed to have made a decision. He took a deep breath and took the towel that was beside the basin to wipe his face. He took another look at his reflection, took another deep breath and stepped out of the bathroom.

“Noona, sorry to keep you waiting. I’m ready. Let’s go.” Seul Ong said to Narsha quietly, taking care not to wake Ga In up. He couldn’t bring himself to walk back to the bed. Because he knew. He knew if he walked back, he would forget his resolve. Narsha took her bag, bent down to touch Ga In’s forehead one more time. “Ga In ah, unnie is leaving now. I will come and visit you again. Get well soon.” Narsha whispered. Ga In stirred in her bed but didn’t wake up.

With that, Narsha left the ward with Seul Ong.

“Are you alright?” Narsha asked.

Seul Ong looked at her and gave that mysterious smile. Narsha knew not to ask further. They waited silently for the elevator to arrive at their floor.

“Noona, I’m really thankful for this.” Seul Ong said in all seriousness.

Narsha could see the gratefulness in his eyes. But mixed with the gratefulness, there was also sadness in them. And love. Narsha couldn’t bear to stare at it one moment longer. She looked away and had to take a deep breath to stop her own tears from flowing.

Hospital Lobby

Kwonnie rushed into the hospital and ran to the elevator. He pressed the button impatiently, as if it would make the elevator come down faster.

“Ding” Finally the sound that signaled the arrival of the elevator. Kwonnie rushed forward, only to see that the occupants inside were Seul Ong and Narsha.

Narsha stared at the boy standing in front of her and couldn’t register that it was Kwonnie at first.

“Kwonah, you came.” Seul Ong was shocked too since he knew Kwonnie was at FO filming and should only be back tomorrow or this evening earliest. But he recovered when he realized Narsha was too shocked. He nudged Narsha out of the elevator.

Kwonnie looked at Seul Ong, the look on his face was unreadable for a moment. But Seul Ong caught it and understood. Narsha recovered from her shock but she was not quick enough to notice the hostile look that passed between the two boys.

“Oh.. Kwonah, you came… We are just leaving. Ga In is asleep… Maybe…” Narsha didn’t get to finish her sentence.

“it’s ok. I need to see her. If I don’t, my mind won’t be at ease.” Kwonnie put on his usual smile for Narsha so as to reassure her that everything was alright.

“Oh ok.. Alright then. Go up and see her for a while. But don’t stay too long and leave by the backdoor afterwards. There are reporters up front. We don’t need any more news of Ga In’s gracing the front page.” Seeing the concern on Kwonnie’s face, Narsha also couldn’t bear to turn him away.

With that, Narsha started walking away, nudging Seul Ong forward as well.

“Wait for me to get back. We need to talk.” As Seul Ong and Kwonnie passed each other, Kwonnie said quietly under his breath. Without waiting for Seul Ong’s reply, Kwonnie stepped into the elevator and went up to Ga In’s ward.

Ga In’s Ward

Kwonnie stood in front of Ga In’s ward. He took a deep breath and opened the door softly. He walked in, taking care not to make any noise. He put down his bag on the sofa and walked to Ga In’s bed.

The sight of Ga In’s pale face and frail body hit Kwonnie hard. He had to sit down quickly. Even though her face, without her make-up, seemed to have stripped her of her usual glamour and sexy charisma, it was a face that caused people to want to cherish her more. He had tried so hard to see this face without make-up on WGM but no matter what, Ga In simply refused to comply. She said she’s afraid that people would say that she’s ugly.

“So beautiful… Whoever says that you are ugly must be blind…” Kwonnie said softly, afraid that he would wake Ga In.

The look that he had been wanting to see so much was right in front of him. If they weren’t at the hospital and she wasn’t lying on the bed, it would have been perfect.

He looked down at her and he could feel his heart skip a beat. He couldn’t move. The emotions that he seemed to be feeling overwhelmed him. He didn’t move, didn’t say another word. Slowly, he moved closer and closer to Ga In’s face. He inched forward and laid a soft kiss on Ga In’s pale lips.

The sudden realization that he had allowed his heart to lead his action made him blush. Thank goodness Ga In was asleep, otherwise he really won’t know where to hide.

“Yeo Bo, that was my first kiss. You have to be responsible for me from now on.” Seeing that there was no reaction from Ga In, Kwonnie said playfully.

At the moment, Ga In started to rouse from her sleep. “Unnie?” Ga In whispered, her voice barely audible. Her eyes were still closed.

“The noonas are not here. It’s me, Kwon.” Kwonnie stepped back so he could see her face.

Ga In seemed to have heard the voice that she has been waiting to hear. She struggled to pull herself out of her stupor and slowly opened her eyes. The sight that greeted was the smiling face that she has been dreaming of.

“I must be dreaming. It seems like I am really sick. I’m actually hallucinating about Kwonnie…”

Even though Ga In said this really softly, it didn’t escape his ears. At that moment, Ga In really felt like a little girl. He didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at what she’s saying.

“Yeobo! I’m not a hallucination. I’m really here!” Exasperated, Kwonnie’s voice was also a tad higher than usual.

Hearing his voice, Ga In was totally pulled from dreamland to reality. “Ah!” Was it really Kwonnie?. She continued staring at Kwonnie, like she couldn’t recognize him.

“Ya! I know I’m very handsome, but if you continue staring at me like that, I might really think you have fallen in love with me.” Though the words were spoken jokingly, deep inside Kwonnie hoped that it was true.

“Ya! I’m the patient. My reaction is understandably slower. Who’s looking at you?” Looking at the boy who was laughing himself silly, she quickly retorted, wanting to gain the upper hand again. But in her excitement, she started to choke and coughing ensued. The cough was hurting her wound. She quickly subsided.

Kwonnie rushed forward to pat Ga In’s back. “Yeo Bo, why do you keep making yourself sick? Do you need me to always look after you then you’d be alright? Part teasing, part serious, Kwonnie started his nagging.

“Who says I need you to look after me? I’m perfectly fine taking care of myself!!” She was a little perplexed by the serious expression on Kwonnie’s face. The only reaction she knew was to pull back and was about to push the hand on her back away.

Kwonnie took the chance and swooped in with a violent hug. Ga In was both shocked and shy. She started squirming and pushing Kwonnie away. But the more she struggled to get away, the tighter Kwonnie held on to her.

“Ga In, please, just let me hold you for a while.”

Ga In has never heard that tone from Kwonnie before. Her mind went blank for a moment. The sudden hug, coupled with the voice, the voice that sounded like Love and Restrain were having a fight, caused Ga In to still her movement and just be in Kwonnie’s embrace.

“Is it really so fun to make me worry about you? Why can’t you take better care of yourself?”

The retort was at the tip of Ga In’s tongue but her voice couldn’t find its way out of her mouth.

“Luckily you are alright. You don’t know how much I hate myself when I heard that you were in hospital. How could I not have realized that you were not feeling well? How can I just let it go when you say you were fine? Stupid me!” Kwonnie’s frustration with himself got more obvious with each word he said.


Kwonnie released her from his hug but tipped her head up to look her in the eye.

“Promise me, you will not get sick again. Otherwise my heart will be sick as well.”

Looking at the face in front of her, his expression all serious, Ga In felt warmth engulfing her from within. She lost her usual brashness and replied “ok” so softly.

Seeing that she had made her promise, he gently put her down on the bed again.

“Since you seemed ok, I shall leave now. Rest well and you’d better get well fast!” Kwonnie didn’t wait for a reply, was about to turn to get his bag and leave.

“Wait…” Ga In reached out in a hurry and held on to Kwonnie’s hand.

She stared at her hand for a long time then suddenly seemed to have realized what she had just done. She quickly let go of Kwonnie’s hand. Seeing the shy expression on Ga In’s face, happiness welled up within him. He turned around.

“Can you stay with me until I’m asleep again?” Ga In mumbled, her usual tough demeanor was nowhere to be found.

“Alright.” Kwonnie agreed readily. He helped Ga In lie down on the bed again, adjusted her blanket and sat down beside the bed. Without waiting for her to regain her composure, he grabbed her hand and held on to it. Ga In looked up. All she saw was the gentleness and perhaps love in his eyes.

“Sleep my dear, I will always be by your side.” Kwonnie said softly, coaxing this woman in front of him to sleep.

At this moment, she was not the usual tough Ga In but simply a woman who was enjoying being loved and cared for by this boy. Feeling the warmth of his hand in hers, Ga In closed her eyes and went back to dreamland. At that moment between sleep and consciousness, a smile sneaked onto her face.

They stayed this way for a long time, Kwonnie holding onto Ga In’s hand, Ga In with a smile on her face. The whole world ceased to exist. Only the two of them, Happiness wrapping them in its embrace.


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8 Responses to Fan Fiction 1: I LIKE YOU, KWON! – Chapter 3

  1. Choi Sung Young says:

    😀 Hooked onto this~
    ^^ Kwonnie is cuuuute.. uwahh.. kiss lols~
    Loving this story so so so much!!!

  2. amylya says:


  3. Bao Yi says:

    woa ,this episode so sweet .thanks for trans
    love it

  4. aochaki says:

    kiss? omggggggg XDD
    love this chapter. thanks for translating ^^.

  5. Vie says:

    kwonnie kiss gain when she sleep…
    so sweeetttt ~~~~~

  6. casadia says:

    why is seul ong always portrayed as the other guy that likes ga in?

  7. claraity says:

    Poor Seulongie~ You can really feel that he cares and loves her deeply. Like Narsha said, “Ga In ah… What are you going to do?”

    Oh yeah~! Also, the first time I read this chapter, I was so shocked to see him kiss her. Still, I liked it. AHaha! So manly, Kwonnie~

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