Fan Fiction 2: WE GOT SEPARATED – Chapter 5

Title: We Got Separated


Are you deaf? I said I live in Myungdong. You’re going the wrong way.

“I don’t know how to get there.” Kwon muttered under his breath, his disdainful tone made Gain roll her eyes in distrust.

“Don’t kid me. Look, I’m sorry for what I did to you. I just had a bad day, you know. Everything’s been hard to me, really. So, can I get off and take a cab now?” Gain said with no allusion of remorseful apology in her tone. Her eyes said so much more too, as she sent daggers of piercing glares at him. Really, if only her eyes could kill, Kwon would’ve been dead long before now.

How do I plead if I just hate him deeply? He hasn’t done anything good to me; everything between us that’s been good is just an illusion on-screen; nothing but lies. A big deception I’ve painfully deluded myself into at the time. A sinkhole I won’t ever fall again into.

“No, I’m taking you home.” Decisive, he had to show Gain how strict he is at the moment. Kwon gave Gain his authoritative look too, a way of saying fight back or be sorry.

How do I get through to you noona? You’re here, I can touch you, but you still seem like an illusion from a far-away dream. Everything that’s been good between us, can’t we really have them back?

“Home? Where exactly is that? What are you, a stalker and now a kidnapper? Gain harshly enquired between clenched teeth.

Kwon bit his lower lip in an attempt to keep his sanity. To fight with Gain is not originally what he had in mind. But what plan did he really have in the first place? His mind was so clouded that all he could think of is to be with Gain; hang on to her, to the sheer luck fate has presented upon him.

“And you think I’m stupid?! You pervert! Trying to sneak your devious ways with me?!” An uncontrolled shudder run through Gain’s body as she vividly recalled each and every touch Kwon purposely made her feel during the dance. So vivid that she could almost feel his arms snake its way along her waist again; his exploring hand moving down her spine again…

“Watch your mouth.” Kwon who’s getting out of control, unconsciously stepped hard on the brakes which made the car swerve like crazy the whole length of the dangerous curb. The car screeched into a halt; if it wasn’t because of the seatbelt Kwon insists she wear, Gain would’ve been sent out flying to the streets.

“Yah!” Without reserve, Gain hit Kwon’s arms uncountable times with extreme aggression. She can’t believe this was actually happening to her after regaining the peace she once lost in her life. Being with Kwon is tremulous; being with him is unbearable, the pain it brings is beyond imaginable.

“Stop it!” Trying to ward off the beatings, the endurance bit by bit started to leave Kwon.

“Are you trying to kill me?! Have you totally lost your mind?!” Gain’s voice squeaked in fearful undertone despite the bravado she’s been trying to convey to Kwon.

“I said shut it Gain-ah!” Kwon shouted in unreserved irritation.

“You think you can shut me like this? You…” Gain uncontrollably banged her head at the windowpane as Kwon did yet again another fatal swerve. She yelped in pain while the latter remained stoic amid the ruckus of it all.

“Okay, fine! You think you can scare me? Bring it on! I’m not scared of you!”

Where the hell is he taking me?


“Is it delicious? That’s my famous medicinal tea.”

“What’s the deal with this idiot tagging everything about his self famous, tsk?” clutching stiff at the famous tea, Gain got to smirk to herself at what Kwon said. She quietly sipped it while listening to her ex-friend a.k.a. her abductor.

“I planted most of these. You said you wanted me to stay healthy, right? See, I have medicinal plants here…” pointing to his left, “and here, this section holds all the plants one could use to make kimchi. Wait till you see the rear section. I’ve got a handful of vegetables there too. Isn’t it great noona? My own greenhouse…” Like the long years of his training and the strenuous days of work, the construction of the greenhouse had been a desperate struggle in itself too. A triumphant smile played on Kwon’s lip as he stood proud at the center of his masterpiece.

“W-where are the flowers?” Gain almost choked with her words.

“I’m waiting for someone to plant those for me…” Kwon longingly gazed at Gain.

“Oh, is that so…?” Everything about Kwon became unexplainable the moment Gain laid her eyes at the majestic structure that’s standing at the rooftop of the building he had taken her to.

The greenhouse is flawlessly beautiful; modernized and seemingly well-built to withstand every chaotic event that could harm those who harmoniously live there. Harboring butterflies and so to the birds, with luscious greens filling every space possible in it; the place in itself is enchanting even without having ornamental flowers.

“But see here, this is already budding. I was told little red flowers would blossom soon even if this is a vegetable. The squash happens to have flowers too, you know and…”

“Damn! Is that a…” Enthralled, as if seeing the instrument for the first time, Gain made a quick dash to the large telescope situated at the rear end of the rooftop. Finally grabbing hold of it, she peeped ecstatically at it, awestruck by the astonishing sight of the magnified sky it held within it.

“Whoa…I’ve never seen the moon so near like this? It’s as if I can touch it…” The full moon uplifted Gain’s mood all the more. Although a bit seeming like a sight from a horror film; the moon surrounded by fluffy cumulus clouds, flock of crows and bats flying past the enormous shining orb as if guarding it; the experience is all captivating and moving.

“It’s so beautiful…” Kwon’s face next came into view when Gain withdrew her head and averted her eyes from the telescope. With both faces only inches away, Kwon tried to cut the gap between them as he reached for Gain’s lips.

Gain lost her balance as impulse made her step back in refusal. She did not fall though, Kwon caught her in time; till their eyes met and spoke again, of things only their hearts fully understand.

Kwon searched for answers in Gain’s eyes; silently asked if they could stay that way, if they could kiss. But in just a short while, the flicker of hope in Gain’s feeling gaze disappeared. Icy and intimidating, she made Kwon feel loathsome in her eyes next.

Kwon gently pushed Gain away from him; the bitter taste of failure starting to claw at him. Can there really be no hope for us?

“Where are you going?” Kwon enquired weakly.

“I’m okay now. You just wanted to show off this place, yes? Well, I see that you did very well by yourself all this time. Uhm, I’ll be heading off now so… Thank you for the famous drink and all…” Gain resumed her hurried steps away from Kwon. This time she never looked back like what she did when they separated then.

What is there to expect from him anyway?

Gain’s steps abruptly stopped and so did her aching brain as Kwon hugged her tight from behind.


Raindrops keep falling on my head.

A heavy downpour separated them from the awful feat they’re into; the one who struggles to hold on and the other one who struggles to be freed.

“Shit! How could this happen? I’m crazy! I should’ve known it! The weather always goes bad whenever I’m with you!” Kwon ignored Gain’s bellowing at him and grabbed hold of her hand; led her running back inside the greenhouse again.

“Aaachoo! This is unbelievable.” Gain stroked her arms continually for a long while now in aggression to keep from shivering. Muttering expletives helped her somehow forget how cold she was too.

“Sit here noona or you’ll get really sick. I’ll keep you warm ehrm, the fire will keep you warm.”

“Forget it.” Gain looked out the window, helplessness showing all over her face. She can’t be this close with Kwon! God forbid that he go jump on her given the chance. His obvious intention is damn scary and she’s not an idiot to succumb to what he wants.

Gain simply doesn’t know why Kwon showed interest at her right out of the blue. The stalking, the conniving ways he’d been shamelessly doing all this time. Why now? Why me?

“Come on. Don’t make me go carry you here. I bet you’re not that heavy anymore, being unhealthy and all. My famous tea can make you strong like me, you know…” Kwon patted the spot next to him right by the fireplace.

“And try to get beaten by me, huh? Achoo! Aish!” Gain blew her nose uninhibitedly. But do I have any choice?

“Yah! I said get here! You said you’re not scared of me right? What’s with you? I’m not going to do anything!”

“Geez…” Gain, greatly hesitant to sit next to Kwon eventually concedes to his command. The piercing cold enveloped Gain as her body got drenched badly with the sudden heavy rain. She hugged herself tightly and silently cursed at how Fate had been collaborating against her the whole day. But come to think of it. She’s with Kwon, right? Go figure.

Kwon who’s been watching her intently draped a jacket over her shoulder.


“Noona… it’s really nice to have you here…”

“I’m glad to be of an entertainment to you.”

“How can you say it like that? Tsk, really…”

Uninterested, Gain remained staring at the flickering mount of flame before her. If only she could shut her whole system, she would. Except that her shaky feelings just won’t go away.

“You know, you’re the first girl to come here.”


“And I hope this won’t be the last time.”




“I was wondering how you’ve been all this time…”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”


“I missed you.”

“And I don’t. Can we please talk about something else with sense? This is crazy…”

Anticipating, this is what Gain’s been cautious for, the bitter hug from Kwon. She broke lose without much of an effort with Kwon void of ardent strength.

“I know how hard it’s been for you. And I’m sorry I can’t be there for you when you needed me most…” Kwon can’t stop now. He better tell Gain how he feels. The longing proves endless; the pain just won’t stop; it has to be now especially when the salt room man emerged as the greatest threat there is to get Gain back.

“What? Let’s see, what part of my life’s been hard? What exactly are you apologizing for?” Apologizing for suspecting me and Seulong? The scandal? For abandoning me? How you pretend that I don’t co-exist with you under the same sky through all this years? Gain didn’t dare to speak out her inner thoughts.

“Can’t you see how I’m doing well all this time? “ Gain asked the speechless idiot that’s staring dumbly at her, sarcasm trembling along with her voice.

“Achoo!” Gain sneezed perhaps for the tenth time now.

“Please stop pretending to be strong Gain-ah. I know how you are.” Please don’t be like this noona…

“You do? Okay, I guess you’re right…” Gain agreed oddly with an evil grin plastered on her buried face.

Kwon clutched at his chest, feeble at the moment Gain glued her eyes on him. I’m succeeding so it seems.

“I’m not okay. All this time I waited for you. All this time I fought the urge to come running to you. Kwon-ah…” Gain gazed back at Kwon, her eyes teary and longing and…

Yay! This calls for a celebration! Kwon’s heart fluttered excitedly with unexplainable rapture. . He almost lost his breath at what Gain said next.

“Your kiss can take away all the pain Kwon-ah…” Gain’s eyes flickered with devilish means for a split second but if Kwon saw it she deemed not.

“Gain-ah… I…” Kwon who’s caught in the trap, moved closer to kiss Gain when…

“But can we really share the pain…?” she stopped short after stressing out a sniffle. “You know how I’m not okay and all…? Sniff, sniff.

“I’m sick. And I guess you better get sick too. Heard you have to perform tomorrow… Catch my cold too…” Sniff, sniff. Gain grabbed hold of Kwon’s sweating nape. She giggled inside as she saw Kwon flinch nervously at what she said.

“Uh, no… We’ll be doing an acapella and…” Gain-ah, you little…

“And so? Why? You love me, right? That’s what you’re trying to tell me, right?” Gain reached violently at Kwon’s resisting lips.

“How is this? I feel pain, you feel pain too. Don’t you know how pleasure goes hand in hand with pain? After a blissful kiss, suffering should follow, right?” Struggles never ceased to end. The girl’s holding on desperately, the boy struggling to break free.

“Stop it noona. Stop joking.” I can’t be sick!

“What about it? Let’s do the deed even.” Biting her lips, Gain would’ve looked sexy and serious if only she didn’t do a funny exaggerated sniffle next.

“What deed? You mean sex? Noona, I said stop it!” What’s this? This isn’t what I wanted!

After being aggressively separated from the game of tug-of-war, Kwon had nothing but incredulity written all over his face as he gawks speechless at Gain, her smile all proud and mocking.

I think I lost her again.

“Huh. What a sissy. Don’t come near me again.” Gain warned at her own volition.

As she reached the door exiting the rooftop, Gain in absolute shock got spun around to have a determined kiss planted on her lips.

She tried to fight Kwon back but resistance abandoned Gain moments later. She seemed to have left earth in exploration of the heavens with her love. This must be love? What else could this be?

A bang on the door was heard shortly after.

The salt room man man’s voice reverberated beyond the closed door next.

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6 Responses to Fan Fiction 2: WE GOT SEPARATED – Chapter 5

  1. yobishi says:

    Wuaahh, really feel Kwon so manly in this chapter, insisted and persistent. Feel the couple fight hehe. Like it, you put their cy message in this ff hehe, Kwon really struggle between his feeling and his rational mind about his career. Uuggghh hate the salt man, I want to salted him and make his kimchi. Hate when someone use his power to push Gain to love him. Arrggh. Updatee soon ^^. And it’s just 3 hours untill our Adams horrayy \o/

  2. Mss89 says:

    Thank you ! Always wait for your fanfic !
    I agree with yosibi abt the salt man, “The- salt- man kimchi” must be a famous dish! haha !

  3. SeoHwa says:

    I love your fanfic!! it’s so mature,,,it really suits the image of the real adam couple ^___^ i love settings wherein the main characters are in solitude…it creates sweet moments…=P PLEASE CONTINUE THIS GREAT FIC!! ENDLESS!!

    P.S. could you please write one about SeoHwa couple?? Thanks ^____^

  4. felina says:

    Nooooo!!!!! an interruption during their moment… why don’t you let them having their moment? huhuhuuhuhuhu

  5. claraity says:

    Woah! So beastly!

    But, how did he manage to get her up onto the rooftop without noise or resistance? Also, how the heck did the Salt Room man know they were there?! Curse, you Salt Room man~ *shakes fist*

    • Anderei says:

      @claraity chapter 5

      “Okay, fine! You think you can scare me? Bring it on! I’m not scared of you!”
      – Gain’s line

      Gain wasn’t resisting at all on their way to the rooftop… and deep inside her, he still trusts Kwon 🙂

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