Fan Fiction 1: I LIKE YOU, KWON! – Chapter 17

Title: I Like You, Kwon!



Ga In had moved back to the BEG dorm with the help of her BEG unnies and their Manager Joon. Since she could not deal with too hectic a schedule just as yet, she only resumed filming WGM for the moment. She knew that it was going to be difficult and different since Kwonnie and her are in a relationship but they cannot be too obvious about it. But she was also worried because there is a constant war inside her on whether to believe that Kwonnie really loves her the way he professed to or was it all a show?

“Son Ga In, you are complicating things in your own head!! It IS a show after all. Just go with that.” The rational side of Ga In pushed forward its best argument and was winning her over. She decided that she would not think too much about it and just enjoy the process. After all it was not difficult to continue acting the way she had been doing with Kwonnie on the show since she truly enjoys being around him.

Ga In was early in reaching the broadcasting station and went round to express her apologies for delaying the filming yet again because of her health. Again, she received nothing but understanding from all the staff and seniors. At least that was a worry off her mind.

She was getting ready in the dressing room when Seul Ong and Jin Woon walked in after their rehearsal as the studio MCs. Jin Woon walked forward quickly and greeted her jovially.

“Noona!!! You’re back!! How are you?!! Feeling better?!” Jin Woon asked in his usual cute maknae manner and the eye-smile that he’s famous for.

“Oh~ our maknae!! I’m great! It’s good to see all of you again although I must say our dear maknae only visited me that once at the hospital! How have you been? Are your results for your examinations out yet?” Ga In also replied in an equally excited voice.

“I-“ Jin Woon was about to reply when Seul Ong interrupted him.

“This boy here, never studies for his exams. I think he’s going to do badly. You, as his hyung su nim, should really be stricter with him!”

“Hyung~~” Jin Woon went totally red in his face. Ga In looked in Seul Ong’s direction and laughed loudly along with the two boys.

“Noona, what’s that on your right wrist? Why does it look so familiar?” Jin Woon pointed at the sibling bracelet that Ga In was wearing and asked innocently. Ga In and Seul Ong exchanged a look and smiled at each other.

“Oh I know!! Seul Ong hyung-“

Again, Jin Woon was interrupted, this time by Kwonnie who had just arrived from his previous schedule.

“Yeo bo!!” He rushed forward and put his arms around her from the back. He had heard what Jin Woon said about Ga In and Seul Ong having similar bracelets. Though it didn’t make him feel good but the joy of seeing Ga In was the only emotion he had at that moment. It had been too long.

“Ya!” Ga In was about to slap Kwonnie’s hands away when she looked at the mirror and their eyes met. She could not deny it, it felt good to see him again. It felt good to feel his warmth and the joy that she saw in his eyes, that was not fake. She smiled and said softly, “Yeo bo~ You are here. It’s really been a long time.”

Kwonnie went and bent down on one knee in front of her. He took both her hands in his and looked at her. He could not believe that she was right there and he got to hold her hands and see her again. This past week had been difficult, with only the daily phone call as his only contact with her.

“Yeo bo… I’m so happy to see you.. To be able to hold your hands…” He couldn’t continue as his voice got caught by the emotions that he was feeling.

Ga In looked down at the face that was staring at her intently and saw the tears flowing down his face. Her tears flowed even as she raised her hand to wipe away his tears. Faith managed to pry a piece of doubt away from her heart.

“Kwonah… I’m really happy to see you too.” And that, she realized was the truth.

Seul Ong patted Jin Woon’s shoulders and signaled for him to get out of the room with him. He knew that the two probably needed some time alone with each other. As he walked out of the dressing room, he smiled. He was reassured again that the two of them were well again.

“Seul Ong hyung, why do you and Ga In noona have similar bracelet?”

“Jin Woonah, are you sure? You just took a glance and you decide that we have similar bracelet. Maybe it’s just something common that caught both our eyes?” Seul Ong didn’t want Jin Woon to continue pursuing this issue. “If you want, I buy you one too.”

“But the design is special. Yours look like you have the first syllable of your name and Ga In noona’s looked similar too. It looked custom-made…” Jin Woon continued to speculate, his mind only working when it came to solving mysteries.

Seul Ong didn’t want to continue the train of thought and distracted Jin Woon the only way he knew how to. “Look! It’s Seo Hyun! Don’t you want to go and say hi?”

Girls’ Generation has indeed just walked into the broadcasting station and was heading their way. Seul Ong pulled Jin Woon forward to greet the girls. Since he was on good terms with the girls, he started chatting with them. Jin Woon looked like a cat’s got his tongue and could not really look at any of the members from Girls’ Generation in the eye. The girls were aware of his liking for Seo Hyun and teased the two of them unrelentlessly.

Thank God for the Girls’ Generation’s appearance, Seul Ong thought to himself. He walked with the girls to their dressing room and then went to the cafeteria with Jin Woon for a quick bite before they were scheduled to start the filming as MCs.

In the dressing room, Kwonnie finally got up from his position in front of Ga In and sat on a chair. He didn’t let go of her hand and started updating her about what had been happening. Ga In looked at the boy in front of her and their joined hands and found the peace that had been eluding her. She was amazed once again by how right it felt to be with him. Moved by the moment, she put a finger to his lips to stop him, then lean forward to kiss him lightly on the lips. Kwonnie was surprised by her move and was about to kiss her back when she pulled back.

“Do I always have to be the one who initiates the kiss? I’m a girl afterall!” With that, she pulled her hand out of his and started to move away.

Kwonnie reached out and pulled her onto his lap. Without giving her a chance, he pulled his arms around her waist and held her down. Ga In had to do the token struggle but stopped when she felt his breath on her neck. Kwonnie planted a soft kiss on her neck and made his way up to her chin. He left his mark there as well. Ga In turned in his arms so that she was facing him.

He smiled at her and moved forward as if to kiss her on the lips. Ga In was all prepared to feel his lips on her. But Kwonnie decided to tease her by kissing the side of her lips instead. He knew that Ga In was not expecting that and when she was opened her mouth to protest, he fitted his lips snugly against hers. They continued kissing for a while, taking tiny sips of each other’s lips and holding each other tightly.

A knock on the door a minute later alerted them and brought them back to reality. Ga In quickly got up from Kwonnie’s lap and moved back to her seat and started to fuss over her hair. She stole a glance at Kwonnie and was surprised to see that he was staring at her with a grin on his face that told him how satisfied and amused he was at her embarrassment. She quickly looked away and that made Kwonnie laugh.

“Ya~ don’t laugh! I am embarrassed.”

“Yeo bo~~ What’s there to be embarrassed about? We are a couple. And you are the one who said I should initiate the kiss. So why are you feeling all embarrassed right now?” Anyone could hear the laughter and joy that came from Kwonnie’s words.

“Yeo bo~ Stop laughing!”

Before Kwonnie could say anything, the make-up artistes and wardrobe manager came in with their wares to prepare the two of them. The two of them turned serious again, knowing that their private moment was over for now. They looked at each other and exchanged a look. It was a quick glance but in that few seconds, they knew – it’s not fake, not when they could so clearly see the love that’s in each other’s eyes.

“Do you know where we are going today?” Ga In asked since she had not been at the meetings for the filming and didn’t know where they were going that day. In fact, her manager had been rather secretive about the filming location too. Every time she asked about it, Manager Joon would have a mystical smile on his face and would go on to tell her that she would know when she got there.

Kwonnie smiled to himself and then replied simply, “JYP Bad Party Concert.”

Writer’s Note: I am very happy with how this chapter turned out! I’m surprised! 🙂 Hope you enjoyed it as well!

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18 Responses to Fan Fiction 1: I LIKE YOU, KWON! – Chapter 17

  1. alexandraisabelle says:

    OMOOO So sweet!!

  2. yobishi says:

    OMO daebak. Lots of skinship, kiss kiss heheehehehe… Finally our Adam moment ^^

    • yobishi says:

      But… why Kwonnie didn’t ask anything about the bracelets. Maybe overwhelmed with happiness of meeting his buin after a long time??

      • didn’t see the need to complicate things just as yet. this would have its own episode i guess. I like the bracelets too much to cause harm to it yet. so let it be a secret first. Plus, Jin Woon was just making an observation… he didn’t take both arms up and make a comparison.

  3. Cynthia says:

    This chapter made me squeal so badly….I’ve been reading this fanfic for awhile and would always check if you’ve updated. This is one of the sweetest fanfics i’ve ever read.
    Thanks so much for sharing

  4. mariasarahjane says:

    so sweet and cute… I’m loving this fanfic…..thank for this….^____^

  5. hoami189 says:

    Oh my… after lots of sorrows, thanks god that these sweet things have come… GaIn could see the true love in Kwon’s eyes, why did she believe in OBS’s lie like this??? She had better believe in what she felt and saw with her own eyes…
    And yes, the proposal song in the next chapter… I’m dying to wait for it… But i must admit that SeulOng is indeed a nice guy in this fanfic… He’s really an angel to GaIn…

    • My friends tell me the initial stages of a relationship is when one feel extremely insecure. And even though they might have filmed the show for some time IN THIS STORY, they only went into a relationship for a very short while and there were always destablising forces, namely OBS. I think it’s normal to feel that way. Like what Ga In said in the previous chapter, when one became too happy too quickly, they can become the most insecure.

  6. secret says:

    Adams’ moment ! sweet !
    This chapter gives me the energy to live till this Sat !
    Thank you !

  7. Nena says:

    Finally the time for kwon n gain has come…after obs ruined it for the 2nd time…sweet ^^

  8. Kate says:

    Great chapter!! Our Maknae has a very cute and interesting “progression” of character here.. wasn’t expecting that but quite good! I wonder if Changmin Hyung will have the same progression in the upcoming chapters?

    I love how you made this chapter strictly about our couple.. Was missing that sense from the past few but worth it! I like the teasing kiss part too!! Nosebleed! Kekeke!

    Anyways, thanks again and can’t wait for the next one!

    • who knows~ i didn’t even know this was how chapter 17 was going to turn out when I typed the first sentence. at least the transition from more Seul Ong-Ga In to Kwon-Ga In was smooth. Watching that kissing scene in one of the Taiwanese drama might have unconsciously guided that kissing scene.. hahaha~ 😀

  9. adamisthelove! says:

    WOW AWESOME CHAPTER!!! HAHHAHA has been checking this fanfic everyday! really well written! thanks for the hard work! 🙂 waiting for e next chapter :)))

  10. felina says:


  11. Chari says:

    i was really liking the SeulOng – GaIn moments.. at one part, i kept on thinking that they should end up together 😀 But once the Kwonnie-GaIn moments started, i was like “Kwonnie’s still better” LOL haha

  12. claraity says:

    1. I was totally surprised by all the skinship and kissing. I had to stifle a lot of squealing and spazzing, because it’s almost 4AM and I have a guest sleeping in the next room. BUT! If I was alone, I would have been spazzing quite a bit right now. Ahha!

    2. I like innocent Jinwoonie~ So cute. Like how you threw in SNSD there to save Seulong at the expense of Jinwoonie. Poor maknae~

    3. It was a quick glance but in that few seconds, they knew – it’s not fake, not when they could so clearly see the love that’s in each other’s eyes. <— Fave line. Great writing~

  13. haein08 says:

    OMG!!!! sweet is the KISS!!!!..

    I want to jump and be crazy,,but my MOM is here!!!!…(i can’t express my excitement that much today)… *sigh……

    NEXT CHAPTER!!!OMG!!!the COncert!!!the most favorite episode on ADAM’s COuple WGM….GUSH CAN”T WAIT TO READ….kk….

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