Fan Fiction 2: We Got Separated – Chapter 6

Title: We Got Separated


It’s been a month now and things were steadily getting better between Gain and Kim PD. After saving her from Kwon that night, all had been delightfully well. Kim’s taken extra care of her ever since then and right at this very moment she realized again how good it is to feel this carefree. Gain feels alive again. Thanks to Kim.

A month passed and Kwon was yet again missing in action. Gain had no idea where the man was and it was a relief for her really.  It’s burdensome to be with Kwon. After long years of frigidity, Gain thought she’s still in-love with Kwon when she responded to his kiss. But that’s just her body that reacted so it seems.

Try hard as she may to resist, she couldn’t help being hurt by thoughts of Kwon still. There were nights when she would ask herself; it wouldn’t hurt him to call me right? Even a one word text message will do. Why did he kiss me and tell me all those things if he’s abandoning me again? Why would he want to confuse me again?

I can’t be waiting all my life.

So she’s here, as precautionary measures should follow, taking off all her barrier for Kim and building a wall against Kwon. Kim became Gain’s escape, there’s no other better term for it; simply that’s how it is.

But how can she be this happy with him if he’s just a means of escape for her and all?

“Oppa, why are you like this? Stop it!”

“Why? You’ve gained a lot of weight from when we were younger.”

“Stop it! They may think we’re of the same age Ahjusshi! ”

“What? Say that again! Hah, you want to get hurt?!”

“It’s embarrassing! Put me down!”

“Just hold on tight, okay?” Kim stomped his feet on the sand, determined to use up all the strength he has to make Gain happy.

How can you carry someone on your back without feeling burdened at all? It’s a wonder really…

“Woooooh! This is fun!” Gain spread out her arms as if in flight, the sea breeze made her feel more free and cheerful.

Kim gained momentum as he struggled to keep his balance in rotating. Gain, elated, yelled out with the dizzying frenzy both she and Kim were sharing.

It feels so good to be carried this way again.

Gain lied serene next to Kim moments after their giggles and exhaustion. Even with labored breathing, a unique calmness is seen on each other’s face, both illuminating with happiness.

“Oppa, you don’t look your age.” Gain said, her eyes glued to his face in admiration.

“Yah! Your jokes are getting stale already. Stop it.”

“You still look good.” Gain studied Kim’s face; eager to see how much more did he happen to change into for all this time they’ve been apart.

He matured a lot, achieved a lot. Kim has long been a very formidable entity in the entertainment world, as Gain recently found out; he’d done praiseworthy pieces across the seas using a screen name. He is well known to other countries, making indie films and such all this while. And right now, he’s steadily gaining importance here in Korea too. Changes are drastic in its truest sense. No trace of the geeky boy he once was.

He became a man of his own words, responsible and is full of sense, a man with precise decisions and ambitions. A man she could trust her heart with.

“Why wouldn’t I? Can the years take away my charm? See, men are like wine, the older, the better…” Kim smiled vainly at Gain who in turn smiled back sweetly at him.

Gain propped herself up to get a better look at Kim who’d been staring hard at the sky above them, pensive and lost in his thoughts.

“Do I look that good to you? Stop staring.” Kim queried without looking at Gain.

“Yes.” Gain smiled at him, with intent and longing illuminating in her eyes.

“Aish! Do you have to answer me that way? Aigoo…”

“Why? It’s not as if I’m saying that I like you… Oh no, I’m not at all!” Gain teased happily.

“Yah Gain-ah…”

“Yes? Oh, will you look at that…” Gain moved closer and reached for Kim. “Your hair’s still amazing…” Gain twirled Kim’s soft, wavy brown hair in her fingers idly.

“Stop it.” Kim, as if electrified pushed Gain’s hand away from his hair. His face dimmed in reluctance then instinctively averted his eyes from Gain’s questioning stare.

“Why? Do I have to pay to get to touch your hair? Aish, you’re annoying, really. How weird…” Gain said jokingly to relieve the tension. Even if she wanted to press on she felt she couldn’t. She’s on to something she has no idea of and scared of whatsoever.

“I must be really tired…” Kim closed his eyes in a way of dismissal.

“Uh, okay. Would you like some tonic water too? Bet you’re thirsty.” Gain brushed off the sand from her thighs as she hesitantly stood up to leave Kim. Already steps away, she’s been called out back by Kim who’s already sitting, intently looking at her.



“Be careful.”

“With what…?

“It’s just that… don’t trust that easily okay?”


Kwon enduringly watched Gain and Kim from afar. It wasn’t as bad as before like in the filming of the dance scene, but this latest feat of skinship between them took the cake.

That night, Kwon felt Gain’s responses weren’t pretentions at all. He trusts her kiss to carry with it her truest feelings, that all hope he’d been longing for was already granted and was then for him to keep.

Until the salt room man came…

“Gain-ah, get your things. I’ll take you home.” Kim snatched Gain’s wrist, reprimand vibrating in his authoritative tone.

“I think that won’t be necessary, I’ll do it later hyung.” Kwon held the other hand tightly, like a child holding on to a candy.

“If you wanted to take her home, you should have done it long before.” Kim stared hard at Kwon; his eyes all knowing and viper-like.

“There’s this and that… and…” Kwon at complete lost, tried to reason out to Kim, but no words escaped his then swollen lips. The kiss still felt tingly, and when Kwon stole a glance at Gain, she seems as flustered as he is too. They may have really looked like they’ve been in a very compromising situation by the way Kim looked at them.

“Okay, we’ll be going now. Until the next time…” Kim pulled Gain only to be stopped short by Kwon again.

“Wait. Let’s ask her.” Kwon expectantly looked at Gain’s eyes, determined not to let go.

“Gain-ah, you’re staying right? You can’t be leaving…”

“She’s wet.” Kim stressed out slyly.

“Look, I got clothes for you to change into and…” Ignoring Kim, Kwon squeezed Gain’s hand in hopeful appeal to her.

Gain smiled at him feebly after a few seconds of silence, finally about to disclose the matter at hand.

“Kwon-ah, let’s keep in touch okay? Thanks for everything tonight…” Gain was unable to look at him in the eye, what’s on her mind he really doesn’t know.

“I said don’t leave.” Trying to pull it off as an imposing demand is a failure, as it sounded more of a disgraceful begging than a command.

“I’m tired. I really need to go home…”

Childish or not, his heart crushed the moment Gain let go of his hand to go with the darn salt room man. Maybe it did hurt his pride, or was it jealousy? Or Gain may have felt embarrassed that night to insist on staying, right? What’s there to be embarrassed about? All is not clear for Kwon ever since that fateful night…

And now, looking at them acting this way, on how close they are is pure torture to Kwon. How much longer will he endure the pain in silence? Things have always been this way with Gain, the end of aching still lies bleak ahead of him.

Deeply hurt, Kwon forced his self to turn his back from the two joyful people lying leisurely side by side across the seashore.


“Yah! I said that’s enough!”

“Hyung… you don’t know how h-hurt I am right now…” struggling with his slurred speech, Kwon still tried to blabber to Seulong, who’d been trying his best to calm him down.

“Try t-to l-look closely, I’m bleeding b-badly, am I not?” Incomprehensible and stupid looking; Kwon clutched hard at the bottle in his hand and swayed it around.

“Let’s stop this, okay? Aish, it’s a good thing Jinwoon’s keeping them from coming here, huh? And thank God, shooting of Yuri’s scenes are taking this long…” The latter being Seulong’s leading lady.

“I c-can’t stop the p-pain… Hyung… How do I stop the pain?” Kwon chugged the last of drops of the bitter drink then staggered his way at the edge of the rocky harbor, luckily supported by Seulong.

“You better sleep now… Come on, move it!” Seulong looked back at the people far off away from them and fortunately, everyone’s busy even the resort staff and the security. All eyes are still glued on Yuri’s godly image as she continued to shoot the remaining seaside scenes.

“No! I don’t want to… I’m really h-hurt… Why can’t this damn alcohol take away the pain? Aaaaargh! Useless thing, really…” Kwon lifted the bottle high above his head and threatened to hit Seulong with it. He laughed hysterically after he’s seen how panicked Seulong became as he shielded his head from him.

“Look, instead of drinking, you should be doing something to get back with Gain, you know? You’re really an idiot, aigoo.” Seulong held his heaving chest in relief from Kwon’s threat then bravely snatched away the next bottle Kwon’s about to open.

“She doesn’t want to get back together with me… she won’t come back to me…” Kwon sat pitifully, looking all defeated behind the gigantic rock along the edge. His head buried in his hands,  hidden in the dark, his legs idly immobile against the approaching waves.

“She eventually will if you just… aish!” Seulong sat next to Kwon, beleaguered and exhausted with putting up with him.

“She’s h-happier with h-him.” Tears streamed down Kwon’s cheeks. Seulong never felt any pity for Kwon, only that he looked cuter crying like a baby that way.

“No, she never is and never will okay? Stop crying! It’s disgusting!” Seulong’s tone rose a tad higher, tolerance about to leave him.

Kwon cried harder, and that’s when Seulong felt how hurt his friend really is. He’s never seen him cry like this, their long tough trainee years of tears can’t compare to what he was witnessing before him now. He hugged him tight, brought Kwon closer to his chest, in high hopes that he can be of some comfort, if only for a moment…

But the more Kwon cried, the more he felt obliged to tell the truth.

The truth about the PD…


Overhearing Kwon and Seulong is rewarding and timely for her. Behind the other side of the enormous rock, she smirked mockingly at the sickening sight of the two homos hugging in the dark, good fate being on her side. Awhile ago, there she is hiding, waiting for the right time to pounce when fortune came running her way. As luck’s supposed to play it out; these two came, giving her the right buttons to push. She pulled out her cp in time to record juicy parts of their conversation, by sheer luck marking the highlight where the drunken Kwon shouts out how he’ll be sure to get Gain, his exultant laughter undeniably villainous.

Rumors do spread like fire, and being the woman who’s unable to withstand ludicrous things; she’s seen again standing here even if circumstances had her out of these people’s lives long ago.

Like a viper ready to shoot out venoms, she had to do what she has to do.

She better gnaw Gain’s hand off her man.

No one can hold her in contempt, for they’re already engaged.

Put simply, he’s only hers alone and she better put her leash on him even if the marriage is still a month away.

The ruckus she’d just discovered everyone’s into has to stop.


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10 Responses to Fan Fiction 2: We Got Separated – Chapter 6

  1. yobishi says:

    oh my it hurts, it hurts to see Gain with Kim, hurt to watch Kwon deeply in pain. My heart break. But honestli i kinda lost here in the last paragraph, who’s the woman speaking? is it a reporter, is she on Kwon side, or just looking for news, and the secret behind Kim PD. Curious @_@

  2. dott3 says:

    … try reading this chapter with a sad music. it makes you want to cry…

  3. Anderei says:

    thank you for all your support thus far… we’re almost nearing the end so please bear with my story for a little bit more okay??

    special thanks to charmedlife666… and sorry about the last time…

    i’m not good at making happy scenes… i’ll try to work on that emo part of mine…

    saranghae to you all!!

  4. nursbm says:

    i feel his hurt! seeing the one you love with someone the feeling really sucks. especially when kwon knows that he’s at the losing end because gain seems to want to be with that annoying kim pd more than him. even alcohol can’t take away his’s so sad.

  5. claraity says:

    UGH! Ga In with that Salt Room guy?! Why?! He was a bad man to her before, why is she hanging around him?! Ugh~ Don’t just do it to forget Kwon~

    And yes, why didn’t Kwon call or text her afterwards? He was so determined before but then he suddenly stopped perusing her? He gave up too easily. Reminds me of the glove/hand-holding incident at the ski resort. He gave up after one “no.” Like Ga In said, he “doesn’t understand girls, at all.”

    Though it was sad to see Kwon get sad and drunk, it was still fun imagining him and Seulong during that scene. Ahah!

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